Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 215: Chatting with Han Xiaoli, Ju Douluo's late realization

"Oh, tell me in detail."

Han Li turned his head with interest, ignoring the battle not far away. It was a bit weak and nothing to see.

Yue Guan winked at Gui Mei, asking him to pay attention to the battle between the three people over there, and then looked at Han Li again: "After learning that you entered the Slaughter City, Nana was also ready to go in, but in the end she was stopped by the Pope and sent the three of them to the Death Valley for training. They just came out not long ago."

"Death Valley?"

Hearing his words, Han Li was stunned for a moment before reacting. This was a training place completely controlled by the Spirit Hall. Guang Ling had mentioned it before.

However, the strength of several people increased a little too fast, and Han Li actually went to the Slaughter City with other purposes, so Guang Ling did not mention it again.

"Oh, that's not bad."

Well, Han Li admitted that he didn't find anything to praise, so he could only respond symbolically.

Yue Guan heard his perfunctory, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. He understood, it was not pleasing to the eye.

In fact, he still had a lot of good feelings towards Han Li. Apart from other things, Han Li at least took good care of the plants he gave away. Later, he traded some high-quality medicinal materials with him and gave him some seeds of rare plants.

Although the flowers are now taken care of by Dugu Bo, which makes him a little unhappy, but overall, there is nothing to complain about.

"Don't you plan to go back to Wuhun City recently?"

Yue Guan glanced at the two little tails behind Han Li who had never seen them before. He always felt that there was something about them that attracted him, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"No, I haven't traveled much since I came out. I'd better go around more before going back, so that His Holiness the Pope won't dislike me."

Han Li joked casually. He no longer lacked the ability to protect himself, so he was naturally much braver.

But his words made Yue Guan silent. He couldn't respond to this, and he didn't dare to respond.

"By the way, have you gathered all the soul bones I want?"

Han Li didn't care about it, but suddenly thought of the soul bones he requested as the Son of God, but the Spirit Hall hadn't given him yet.

Now there are more and more people around him, and the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

"I have collected three pieces, and there are still two pieces that are not suitable."

Seeing that he finally shifted the topic to other directions, Yue Guan was relieved.

He is an old tool man, so he naturally handled this matter, but when he answered, his tone was full of envy.

"That's good, then I have to find time to go back and get it, but don't let it become a prize for the Soul Master Competition inexplicably."

"By the way, Elder Ju, Elder Gui, do you want to simply give up the position of elder and follow me to the Worship Hall to serve, and the remaining two soul bones will be given to you."

Han Li glanced at the two people and said half-jokingly and half-sincerity.

Yue Guan's body stiffened for a moment, and even the black mist outside the ghost's body beside him unconsciously rippled.

To be honest, at this moment, the two were moved.

But dear Holy Son, we can't say this in private, the Pope's disciples are still here.

"Thank you for your appreciation, Holy Son, but we are both satisfied with the current situation, so we can only say thank you."

Yue Guan responded very quickly, his eyes passing over Hu Liena's figure without leaving any trace.

God knows, when he said this, his heart was bleeding, and he wanted to slap himself.

"Okay, then I will invite the two elders again next time when I get the soul bone."

Han Li observed the movements of several people with a smile, but he was not surprised, and deliberately reserved an excuse for continued contact next time.

Yue Guan and Gui Mei exchanged glances calmly and closed their mouths. It was really better to keep their mouths shut when talking to this gentleman.

They did not deliberately lower their voices, and Hu Liena and the other two over there could naturally hear it.

Under Han Li's stimulation, she exploded.

A precise soul skill hit the ghost fox that was fighting with them. After Xie Yue broke through the defense, her soul fire accurately killed the opponent. A black soul ring slowly emerged from the corpse and floated in the air.

She exhaled deeply, adjusted her breathing, and walked towards Han Li.

"Hey, hello, long time no see."

Seeing that the three people had not even stabilized their breath and walked over, Han Li raised the corners of his mouth slightly and took the initiative to greet them.

It seemed that she did not expect him to have this attitude. The aggressive Hu Liena suddenly felt that the fist she was about to swing out was full of cotton in front of her, and she was very frustrated.

But the opponent was like this, what else could she do, would she embarrass her teacher again?

Looking at the smiling Han Li, she had to take the lead in saluting: "Meet His Highness the Son of God."

Xie Yue and Yan behind her could only bow and salute.

"Not bad, you are already a soul king, you are working hard, come on."

Han Li said in a very easy-going tone.

Hearing his words, Yan, who was the last one in the group, couldn't help but tremble.

A few years ago, the other party spoke to them in this tone, and they were ruined because of that battle.

Especially him, the senior executives who were optimistic about him, after that battle, he almost became a synonym for stupidity and weakness, which made him feel that others were laughing at him behind his back wherever he went.

Now, hearing a similar tone again, a sense of fear rose up in his heart unconsciously, and he didn't even have the courage to look up at Han Li.

Realizing that her teammates were miserable, Hu Liena became even more angry, but she could only grit her teeth and clenched her fists.

What can she say, is Yan weak?

Yan is not weak at all, he is even the best among his peers, it's just that his opponent is stronger.

Even if she faced Shang Yan head-on, she might not be able to guarantee a 100% victory, but facing Han Li, who was even younger than them but had knocked them into the abyss, even if she was a disciple of the Pope, There was nothing I could say or do.

Except that her brother Xie Yue is better, she is no better than Yan. Like Yan, Han Li has almost become her nightmare and inner demon. She wakes up from her dreams countless times, and all her dreams are caused by Han Li. Her punch.

"Your Highness the Holy Son, will you participate in the Soul Master Competition in half a year?"

After holding it in for a long time, Hu Liena asked stiffly.

"Me? I won't bully the children, but when the time comes, Bing'er and the others may compete in the name of the Tianshui Academy representative team."

Han Li looked at the stubborn Hu Liena in a funny way, shook his head and replied, pointing to a few people behind him.

"You won't participate?"

After hearing his words, not only Hu Liena and the other three, but also Yue Guan and Gui Mei couldn't help but look at him with surprise on their faces.

In the minds of several of them, including Bibi Dong, Han Li was bound to participate in this competition.

"Who stipulates that I have to compete?"

Han Li asked back with a smile.

"That's not true. I always thought you would fight on behalf of the Enshrined Hall."

Yue Guan accidentally said what was on his mind.

"Elder Ju's words are not conducive to unity. We only have one name for the Enshrinement Hall and the Pope's Hall, and that is the Spirit Hall."

Han Li slapped a big hat back with his backhand, and pointed at a few people behind him: "Besides, everyone knows the situation of Tianshui College now. It's enough for them to go out to fight. Even if there is any accident, it won't be over." We can guarantee that the champion will still be from our Wuhun Palace.”

"Of course, I don't mean not to distrust the three of you, but I like to be more cautious when doing things. Everyone should understand. After all, everything is for the Spirit Hall."

Han Li showed a hint of apology on his face, looked at the three people who were about to get angry, and suppressed their anger again.

They were children again, and they were hinting that they were not good enough. Hu Liena was almost furious, but Han Li gave all the reasons and even took the initiative to apologize. What else could anyone say? Could it be that Bibi Dong usually told them this?

You know, in recent years, Bibi Dong's life has not been as easy as before. Although he still performs the duties of the pope, the right to speak is still shared out in some matters.

The person who triggered this series of changes was Han Li in front of him.

"His Royal Highness the Son is right. Whether or not to participate is naturally up to you, Your Highness."

Yue Guan looked at the three people who were a little emotionally unstable, and quickly tried to smooth things over, while turning his attention to the people behind Han Li.

"Are these five people behind you all reserve members of Tianshui Academy?"

"There's no point in spoiling it. You'll know it when the time comes."

Han Li made a fool of himself. Although everyone was from the Spirit Hall, they were in different camps, so that was a bit presumptuous.

"Okay, then we'll look forward to their performance."

Seeing this, Yue Guan also reacted. He had no intention of helping to find out the bottom, so he took the initiative to end the topic.

"Easy to say, easy to say, but Hu Liena, why don't you adjust and absorb the soul ring?"

Han Li has taken the time to confirm the age of the soul ring. It is about 25,000 years old, which is still improved. It seems that Bibi Dong also gave her a benefit. Is it that Foxtail?

"Yes, Nana, you need to adjust your condition first. It's important to absorb the soul ring."

Yue Guan also urged.

He wasn't worried about the other two, but Hu Liena was like a time bomb here, and there was no telling when it would explode. He didn't want to suffer such an unreasonable disaster, so he might as well take advantage of the excuse of absorbing the soul ring to get her away quickly.

"Okay, Grandpa Ju."

Hu Liena bit her lip, glanced at Han Li unwillingly, then looked at the women behind him, then walked to the soul ring, sat cross-legged and adjusted her breathing.

"His Royal Highness the Holy Son, would you like me and the old ghost to help you?"

Seeing that the possible disputes had been eliminated, Yue Xian was in a good mood and looked at Han Li and the others.

"No need, the soul beasts we need to hunt are not strong, we can handle them ourselves. You two should take care of them first."

Han Li shook his head and refused.

Helping him hunt the soul beasts, joking, and being exposed were second to none. He was afraid that the scene would frighten a few people.

"Okay, two elders, it was just an accident that we met here. I won't disturb you anymore. I have something else to do, so I will leave first."

"Elder Ju, if nothing happens, you can chat more with Mr. Dugu. He has always been thinking about you."

Han Li joked with a smile, and then began to greet the people behind him.

"Brother Xie Yue, see you later."

He cupped his hands towards Xie Yue, turned around and headed in the previous direction.

As for Yan, until he left, the guy didn't dare to raise his head to look at Han Li, and there was no point in saying hello at all.

Watching Han Li and his companions disappear from their sight, Yue Guan and Gui Mei looked at each other, shook their heads, smiled bitterly, and put their energy back on the three people in front of them.

There is no harm without comparison. Compared with Han Li's calmness and the momentum of the women behind him, the three little guys on their side are completely at a disadvantage.

Especially Yan, who didn't even have the courage to face Han Li directly. What's the use of training such a person?

Fortunately, Xie Yue performed well and was not like Hu Liena who couldn't control his emotions. Perhaps, it would be good to accept Xie Yue as a disciple and focus on training.

Ju Gui and the others had this idea for the first time. Anyway, Xie Yue was not valued by Bibi Dong, and even the care was because he was Hu Liena's brother, so he could get some scraps.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to win him over and inherit their brothers' mantle.

Anyway, their treatment is very similar to Xie Yue. They are not much better at Bibi Dong's place. They are also in the same boat. After all, they are also a piece of unpolished jade and cannot be wasted like this.

At this moment, a small white flower was carried by the wind and floated into Ju Douluo's eyes. He suddenly froze in place.

He thought he seemed to know what the two strange girls behind Han Li gave him that inexplicable familiarity.

Fairy grass, definitely fairy grass!

There was one that he was not sure about, but one of them was definitely the Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone, which was as famous as his martial soul.

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