Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 273 The emergence of Haotian Sect?

After a long time, Tang Xiao made the first move.

He felt that his younger brother might have been away from the influence for too long and had a problem with his thinking. He had to scold him to wake him up. Haotian Sect could no longer bear his torment.

Although his eldest brother is like his father, to be honest, he doesn't want to follow in his father's footsteps and be angry to death.

However, just as he raised his hand, his sister Tang Yuehua grabbed it and looked at him with a pleading expression.

"Brother, would you like to hear what the second brother has to say first? I believe he must have his own considerations."

Tang Yuehua's words made Tang Xiao laugh angrily.

Well, since your second brother is your biological second brother, you haven’t even made it clear yet, so you and he are united fronts, but he, the eldest brother, can’t fight or scold you, right?

"Tang Hao, come on, tell me, you don't know what to do. Can you guarantee that you will never be discovered by others? What if you are discovered? Are you planning to continue running away and live in seclusion?"

Tang Xiao was really angry.

He was very happy to hear his nephew's talent and the secret method Tang Hao said. This meant that another outstanding person was born in his Tang family. It also showed that Tang Hao had never forgotten the sect. All he had done over the years was The pressure was worth it.

But before he could be happy, Tang Hao gave him a bolt from the blue with a backhand, and what happened more than ten years ago happened again.

What's more important is that we have learned from the past. Instead of hiding with your son and the transformed soul beast, you, Tang Hao, went to the Soul Master Competition in a showy way. Is it because you were afraid that others wouldn't find out?

In his opinion, Tang Hao wanted the Haotian Sect and his eldest brother to die!

There is no need to think about it. As long as Wuhun Palace discovers it, Wuhun Palace will not care about Haotian Sect. Whether it has completely cut off the relationship with Tang Hao or not, a new round of attacks will come soon.

In the end, it was he and the Haotian Sect who had to bear all this.

After hearing his eldest brother's words, Tang Hao clenched his fists, but did not explode. He also knew that he was the one who had dragged down the sect before, and his eldest brother had shouldered everything for him. He felt guilty.

"I won't run away this time."

He raised his head and looked at Tang Xiao seriously.

"I said, I can hide her aura so that others can't find it. This is the gift A Yin left for me."

As he spoke, a blood-red soul ring appeared above his head. At close range, the red light hit Tang Xiao's face, making him feel dazed for a moment.

"The mistress still doesn't know her true identity, and none of us know what choice he will make. This is what I have been struggling with. I don't want him to bear this fate prematurely."

Tang Hao's eyes were also a little confused. He didn't want his son to make the same mistake again, but he saw his own shadow in them.

"However, this is not important. Even if Xiaosan's choice is different from mine, at worst, he can still get a soul bone."

Tang Hao's eyes became bright again, which was an irresistible temptation for all soul masters.

Tang Xiao and Tang Yuehua did not refute, nor did they know how to refute.

"I need to confirm the effect myself."

After a long while, unable to bear the look in Tang Hao's eyes, Tang Xiao still acquiesced to his brother's approach.

"no problem."

Tang Hao showed a hint of joy on his face, and he was very confident about this. He had just secretly applied a soul skill to Xiao Wu, and it was impossible for Tang Xiao to see it.


Tang Xiao glanced at Tang Hao and put this matter aside for the time being.

Tang Hao stopped smiling and sorted out his thoughts:

"Actually, this time I asked Yuehua to inform eldest brother that you came here, not for this matter, nor did I want to return to the sect immediately, but because I wanted to discuss something with eldest brother."

Tang Xiao nodded but did not speak.

Tang Hao didn't care and continued talking to himself:

"Haotian Sect has been closed for fifteen years. I also know some of the sect's situation from Yuehua. Although there is no shortage of top-level combat power, there is already a trend of talent decline."

Hearing his words, Tang Xiao almost couldn't hold back the urge to yell, "Tang Hao, why are you so embarrassed to say that? Don't you know why this is the case?"

Fortunately, Tang Hao's next words came out in time, allowing him to hold back his anger again.

"I know that the sect is in this situation because I was involved. I feel sorry for the sect. It's all my fault."

Tang Hao's expression was quite sincere, and he really thought so, and this guilt had tortured him for fifteen years.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and just tell me what you think."

Tang Xiao looked at his younger brother and shook his head. He had changed a bit after all. The Tang Hao of the past could not mince words.

Tang Hao took a deep breath, summoned up great courage, and said bravely: "Then I'll tell you straight, brother, I want the Haotian Sect to try to be reborn."


Tang Xiao did not make a decision immediately, but murmured something, with an expression on his face that was both eager and confused.

Tang Yuehua lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

Tang Hao didn't urge him, he just watched the expression on Tang Xiao's face changing. This was not something he could agree to casually.

After a while, Tang Xiao broke away from his thoughts.

He looked at Tang Hao with a bitter smile: "Brother Hao, I know your thoughts are good, and why don't I want to be like this. However, this does not mean that you will be born in the world. We are not the opponent of Wuhun Palace."

"I know."

Tang Hao nodded calmly. He dared to bring up this matter, so he had thought it through.

No, you don't know.

Such a sentence flashed through Tang Xiao's mind, but he didn't say it out loud. He looked at Tang Hao.

"As a brother, I am willing to listen to you finish your words."

Yes, as a brother.

The fact is that he came to see Tang Hao as a brother. If he was the leader of the sect, he should have captured Tang Hao when he saw him.

Tang Hao understood what he meant, but he was not surprised. If the leader of Haotian Sect was not Tang Xiao now, he would not have such an idea.

"It has been fifteen years since the incident. Haotian Sect has not appeared on the mainland for fifteen years. But in fact, except for the first year after the incident, I have never been disturbed by the wanted order again."

Tang Hao expressed his true feelings. Although he was confused at that time, he still went out to buy wine.

"And Yuehua, in the second year, has already stepped out of her retreat, right?"

Tang Hao looked at Tang Xiao for confirmation, and Tang Xiao nodded, it was true.

At that time, the Spirit Hall's Soul Master Corps on the periphery had already evacuated after half a year, but for the sake of safety, they delayed for another half a year before sending Tang Yuehua, who could not become a Soul Master, as the sect's external procurement and intelligence personnel.

They were confident that they could not hide this from the Spirit Hall.

"The Spirit Hall should know that they can't keep the Haotian Sect trapped in the mountains forever. I think Yuehua's ability to make Yuexuan so large is a good proof."

Hearing his words, Tang Yuehua nodded. In fact, her identity was not a secret among the nobles of Tiandou City. Well, Sarath also knew it.

Except that her situation was difficult at the beginning, later, after Emperor Xue Ye tried to show her goodwill, but there was no movement from the Spirit Hall, her situation was much better afterwards.

Tang Xiao still listened quietly. So far, although what Tang Hao said made sense, it was all his guess and could not explain anything.

"So, big brother, why don't you try to let the Haotian Sect come back to life? You have seen the situation in recent years. Even the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect have clashed with the Spirit Hall in some aspects. In the end, nothing happened."

During this time here at Tang Yuehua, Tang Hao made up for the intelligence he had learned in the years since he retired. He found that compared with the previous strength, the Spirit Hall has retreated a lot in recent years, especially in the Tiandou Empire, and suffered a lot from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect.

Tang Xiao fell into deep thought, but in the end he shook his head. He didn't dare to block it.

Seeing that his elder brother still disagreed, Tang Hao became anxious: "Brother, it's just a try, not a one-step solution, why not?"

Tang Xiao glanced at him and sighed: "Brother Hao, I understand your feelings. I also want the Haotian Sect to be reborn, but this is not a decision that I can make alone. I hope you can understand."

Tang Hao was silent. The Haotian Sect seemed to be a little different from what he remembered.

Then he gritted his teeth and prepared to make a last attempt. This was the biggest concession he could make. If his elder brother still disagreed, he was ready to change his plan.

"What if the sect doesn't need to take action? I'll let Xiao San take action to test whether the sect is willing to support it?"

Tang Hao's voice was a little hoarse. His son and the sect were now his last thoughts. He could still protect them within the Tiandou Empire. If he was unwilling to try, he was ready to take Tang San away.

Hearing his words, Tang Xiao was stunned. He really couldn't understand why Tang Hao was so persistent. With his nephew's talent, wouldn't it be better to hide in the dark? More than a decade has passed. Considering the age of the title, even if we wait another decade, it is not too long.

"The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect seems to have a hidden title, and secretly cultivated a group of extremely powerful backbone forces, and is extremely hostile to our Haotian Sect."

Seemingly seeing Tang Xiao's doubts, Tang Hao explained, and recounted his previous experience in the Sunset Forest and his encounter with "Ning Que".

Of course, in his words, Soul Saint Ning Que fled from his hands in a hurry.

But even so, a Soul Saint who successfully escaped from the hands of a title is amazing enough, not to mention that in Tang Hao's words, the mutated Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Tower also showed a powerful offensive ability, and judging from the tone, there was more than one.

Tang Xiao's expression became serious.

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