Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 31 Qian Daoliu falls into the reward trap

After chatting earnestly with the two elders for a while, they finally put an end to the discomfort in their hearts, and the three of them headed towards the enshrinement hall together.

This time, Han Li was finally not being carried. At his strong request, the two of them matched Han Li's speed and entered the hall leisurely.

"Han Li has met all the uncles and uncles."

As soon as he entered the hall, Han Li smiled and saluted the other worshipers, not treating himself as an outsider at all.

"Kid Han Li, you don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything. Seeing that you are smiling like Guang Ling, you are probably not just here to see us old guys, right?"

As soon as Han Li finished speaking, the lion happily waved him over.

Xiong Shi occasionally visits Guang Ling as a guest, and he is no stranger to Han Li. He quite likes this out-of-the-box kid. Compared to Guang Ling, he is much sweeter.

Han Li smiled and ran behind the lion, put his hands on his shoulders, and while massaging him, he said: "Why don't you say that you are the uncle? You can see my purpose at a glance. I do have something to do." It’s still a big deal to tell the great uncle.”

"Okay, then get out of here and go talk over there, just in time for me to hear what the big deal is. You kid is not willing to exert any energy in this massage, why are you afraid that I won't be able to bear it?" the lion laughed and cursed. , hugged him back, and Han Li was accurately thrown in front of Qian Daoliu.

Han Li didn't care, he cupped his hands, and then looked at Qian Daoliu who had opened his eyes and looked at him. He went straight to the topic without giving any clues: "Uncle, I discovered a treasure from the Fourth Ring that can effectively enhance the physical strength of a soul master. , can easily break the original optimal soul ring configuration, and the fourth ring of Wannian can also be tried. "

After he finished speaking, the enshrinement hall instantly fell into silence, and Qian Daoliu's eyes also tightened subconsciously. The impact of this news on him was quite large. Although it was useless to him, there was no doubt that this was a message that could enhance his power. His extremely powerful method is also a discovery that can shock the soul master world.

But the one who had the biggest reaction was not Qian Daoliu, but Jin Crocodile on the side. He was stunned for a moment, then stood up quickly and jumped to Han Li's side.

"Are you telling the truth? Have you tested it?"

The golden crocodile seemed a little anxious, and there was also a bit of coercion on his body, so Han Li had to mobilize his soul power to stabilize his body.

"Uncle, of course it is true and has been tested. You can try my physical strength."

Although Han Li didn't know why Jin Crocodile reacted more strongly than Qian Daoliu, he still told the truth.


Jin Crocodile received confirmation from him again, and his breath calmed down, not as explosive as before. He put his hand on Han Li's shoulder, mobilized some soul power, and walked around him, showing a shocked look. .

"It's actually much stronger than the regular Beast Martial Soul Soul Lord. Are you preparing to hit the second ring for two thousand years?" Jin Crocodile asked thoughtfully.

"Uncle, I have just reached level 18 and I still have time left. If possible, I would like to try for three thousand years." Han Li smiled shyly and expressed his "wish".

"Are you already level 18?" Qianjun couldn't help being surprised and blurted out.

"To tell you, uncle, I just broke through more than ten days ago." Han Li replied obediently.

"It shouldn't be more than a year since you awakened your martial spirit, right? You're at the eighth level in one year, and the second ring is ready to hit three thousand years. Do you even have time to do research?" Jiang Mo said with a bit of toothache.

"There are still seven days to go, exactly one year."

Guang Ling interjected from the side and glanced at the expressions on the faces of the worshipers in the hall. Their faces were full of pride. This is his disciple of Guang Ling. Old guys, are you envious? I asked you to laugh at me when I went to recruit disciples, and you should continue to laugh at me now.

At this time, Jin Crocodile had returned to his seat silently and sat down again, as if he had been hit by something.

"Don't worry, your uncle Jin Crocodile didn't do it on purpose. It's just that the highest number of soul rings in the first four rings was a record set by him. He has always been proud of it, so he can't help but feel a little emotional."

Qian Daoliu's voice slowly sounded in Han Li's ears, and Han Li finally understood why Jin Crocodile was so upset when he heard the news.

"Okay, brother, I'm fine. Being surpassed by the younger generation is also a blessing for my Wuhun Palace. Although I like to keep my name, I don't care that much." Jin Crocodile waved his hand and seemed to have returned to normal, but his mood Still a little down.

"Then tell me, what kind of treasure has such a miraculous effect?" Qian Daoliu also asked curiously.

"Sir, uncle, it's whale glue." Han Li replied respectfully.

"Whale glue? In addition to aphrodisiac, does that thing have this effect?"

Several worshipers looked at each other, and they were a little surprised that the news was true.

"Well, it is indeed whale glue, but instead of swallowing it directly, it needs to be melted with flame at high temperature and then swallowed directly, and it must be refined quickly to be effective." Han Li answered and took out the prepared product from his wristband. A series of test results were handed to Qian Daoliu.

"Actually, the most important thing is to affect the three soul rings, the second, third and fourth. As for the first soul ring, even if there are elders to protect and help refine it, it will be difficult to reach a thousand years, unless it is a top-notch soul ring like Uncle Golden Crocodile. For owners of beast martial arts, coupled with the fact that they have laid a good foundation since childhood, the risk is also extremely high. In order to increase their longevity by several hundred years, the risk is not worth it. Of course, if they are willing to give up some early training time in exchange for being number one in a thousand years. It’s not impossible for Huan.”

"As for the fourth soul ring, how many years it can improve depends on one's physical fitness. After all, everyone's physical potential is different, and whale glue can only be auxiliary, and it cannot be strengthened out of thin air. Moreover, the strengthening of whale glue is also limited. If you want to break through ten thousand years, you have to consider the strength of your mental power. Well, for a soul master with spiritual attributes, it will be relatively easier if you have a good foundation before, but the physical strength depends on the specific situation."

"That's about it. After reaching the fourth ring, the improvement of whale glue on the physical body can be ignored. Even before that, there are restrictions on taking it. After taking a large amount of low-quality and low-year whale glue, the subsequent high-year whale glue will also reduce its effectiveness. In short, it is best to take it in stages and cooperate with exercise. The better the physical foundation, the more improvement you will get."

Han Li told all the precautions, and then looked at Qian Daoliu, who had been distracted by reading the information in his hand.

"Your research is too valuable for the Wuhun Hall. I don't know how to reward you." Qian Daoliu looked at the boy in front of him and told the truth.

It's not that he was stingy with rewards, the key is that he really didn't have anything good on hand. The soul bones with high age had been given to the worshipers in the Worship Hall before, and those titles had also been rewarded with some similar ones. He only had some low-age ones on hand, and the key was that they were not suitable for Han Li. He couldn't use the angel suit as a reward, right?

The Pope's Hall controlled by Bibi Dong still had some common soul bones, but the highest age was only 50,000 years, and it was impossible to give it to him now, so Qian Daoliu couldn't find a suitable reward for a while.

Thank you Momtv31 for the reward again, orz!

Gong Ruo Buqi, cough cough, the rewards before the release will be accumulated, and they will be released together when the release is on the shelves, thank you!

Thank you Yi Tongnan for the monthly ticket support, thank you very much! ~ Give the big brother Bingkuole!

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