Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 35: Star Forest, Han Li's unique secret technique

It has been three days since he left Wuhun City.

In the carriage, Han Li and Guang Ling were sitting on the sofa, taking a comfortable sip of tea on the small table next to them, throwing a small snack into their mouths, and looking at the storybook in their hands, very leisurely.

"Xiao Li, what should we have for lunch? Hot pot or barbecue?"

Guang Ling turned her head and asked lazily.

"That's fine, it's up to you, Master, but if it's a bit too early now, just wait."

Han Li put down the script in his hand and answered casually.

"Okay, I'll call Rosago along when the time comes." Guang Ling nodded.


Han Li had no objection. To be honest, it was the first time for him to meet the Soul Emperor who was driving. It was not until after walking for half a day that he learned the name of this person from Guang Ling, and he almost couldn't control his emotions.

Master Luo, what a name that is deeply etched in my memory. It just so happens that this person’s martial soul is also weird. It is a kind of incorporeal insect, a controlling soul emperor of the spiritual system, and a controlling soul called "Spirit Body Thread". Sexual skills, if the buff stack is full, it belongs.

However, he himself was very satisfied with Han Li's title. The five disciples called him "Master Luo". Although he did not have a surname himself, he did not mind being given a surname at all. This came from a big shot who would guarantee the title in the future. Then he From now on, his surname will be Luo, and his external title will be "Master Luo". Anyone who opposes him will be anxious.

Moreover, Han Li also thoughtfully reminded him that when fighting occurs in the future, he must be extremely careful and not rush forward alone when he is unprepared, no matter whether the enemy is much weaker than him.

How heartwarming, God knows how moved Rosago was. He wanted to go back and brag to his colleagues right away, if he hadn't had to drive.

"Master Luo, dinner is ready."

After driving for a while, Rosago heard the shouts from Han Li in the carriage. He immediately parked the car on the side of the road and cautiously entered the carriage.

There were no accidents along the way, and they passed many small cities. This novel means of transportation attracted the attention of many people. However, when they saw the sign outside the box belonging to Wuhun Temple, they discovered that the driver was driving. After being a powerful soul master, no one dared to come and talk to her.

In this way, after driving for nearly ten days, the three of them successfully arrived at the outskirts of the Star Forest at noon.

Rosago was left guarding the carriage in the town outside. The master and apprentice got off the carriage, ignoring the attention of those people and the shouts of many people asking to form a team. They went directly to the people who were already waiting aside. Deacon of Wuhun Palace.

"Has there been any change in the information about the Golden Scaled Eagle?"

Guang Ling took out the token and shook it, stopped the deacon from saluting, and asked directly.

"Your Majesty, according to our information, there has been no major change. The Golden Scaled Eagle is still on a cliff in the mixed zone. This is a specific map. Please take a look."

While the deacon quickly answered the questions, he respectfully handed over a detailed map.

"Well, not bad. Okay, you can retreat. You don't have to worry about the rest."

Guang Ling waved her hand to signal the deacon to retreat, but was stopped by Han Li on the side.

"Thank you for your hard work, deacon. This is a small kindness. I will treat you to tea. Han Li has thanked you for your information."

Han Li smiled and handed over a bag that had been prepared long ago, containing one thousand gold soul coins.

The deacon quickly refused: "Sir, this is what we should do. Money...things are not necessary. This is against the rules."

Guang Ling rolled his eyes, feeling very ashamed of his apprentice's behavior, but still said: "Okay, take it, this is his thank you gift, no one will hold you accountable."


The deacon was sweating profusely and he really didn't dare to take it.

"Okay, take it, this is just following orders."

Han Li thrust the bag into his hand and followed the impatient Guang Ling to the edge of the forest regardless of his subsequent actions.

The pace of both of them was not slow, and soon, their figures were swallowed up by the forest.

As we go deeper, the surrounding grass and trees become more and more lush, and the noise fades away, forming a sharp contrast with the shouts that just came one after another in the town.

"The air here is really good."

Han Li made a comment out of habit. From the moment he stepped out of the town, he immediately held the Ice and Fire Bow in his hands, and stretched his perception to the limit. Through the ability of the tentacles, he could sense the surrounding environment, humidity, humans and The traces of animals passing by were clearly fed back to his mind.

"Well, the vigilance is pretty good. Next, you will complete the hunting by yourself. Although I will follow you, I will restrain my breath. You should be careful, just to test your usual training results."

Seeing his action, Guang Ling nodded with satisfaction, and then reminded him loudly.

"No problem, Master, as long as you don't eat chicken legs, don't drink alcohol, don't take the initiative to provoke the hundred thousand year soul beast, just make sure I don't die." Han Li replied with a smile.

Guang Ling slapped his head angrily and kicked Han Li out. Although he couldn't understand it, he knew intuitively that what this kid was talking about was not a good thing.

He took the initiative to fall behind for a distance, but always ensured that Han Li was within his sight and attack range.

Since there was a clear mark on the map, Han Li did not run around and headed towards the destination honestly according to the route marked above.

There were quite a few soul beasts in the periphery, but most of them were ten-year-old soul beasts, and there were only a few hundred-year-old soul beasts. Han Li used his mental power to easily drive them away from his path.

After walking vigilantly for a long time, a thousand-year-level soul beast finally appeared within Han Li's mental range. He raised his guard a lot until he entered the mixed zone marked on the map, and the ice and fire bow in his hand was also He switched to a fire and ice blade to protect himself from attacks.

As the sky gradually darkened, Han Li took the initiative to stop and shouted back: "Teacher."

As soon as he finished speaking, Guang Ling appeared beside him: "What? Aren't you ready to move forward?"

Han Li replied decisively: "No, although I don't rely solely on my eyes to see things, there is no need to take risks. My state is close to the warning line I set for myself. It is not easy to move forward."

Guang Ling looked at Han Li who showed no sign of fatigue at all, and twitched the corner of his mouth. This apprentice was really cautious. He could guarantee that Han Li's mental energy consumption would not exceed 30%. He had not experienced a battle in the afternoon, so his soul He still has plenty of strength. As for this distance, there is no gravity blessing, no weight, and it is less than one-tenth of his training volume. As a result, it is close to his warning line, which is really difficult to evaluate.

"Then what are you going to do?" Guang Ling asked.

"If the teacher keeps vigil, then I will camp on the same spot. This place is suitable. If you don't agree, then we will leave immediately and rest outside. I have chosen a place on the way here. We will start again tomorrow morning , you can reach your destination around 2pm, it’s safe enough.”

Han Li replied without thinking. It was obvious that he had already made a plan.

Guang Ling looked at the disciple in front of him and sighed: "Just rest where you are, I'll keep watch."

Han Li chuckled, swung the fire blade immediately, opened up a small camp, and controlled the flames to extinguish to prevent them from spreading.

Guang Ling stood aside and watched quietly without disturbing him.

In less than half an hour, Han Li had everything ready. He sprinkled some medicinal powder on the edge of the camp, and the lit bonfire was beating in the center. There was a shelf that had been built long ago, and it was hung below. There are three pots with different foods cooked in them, emitting attractive aromas.

On the ground next to it, there are cut stones below, and two exquisite blankets are spread on it. Well, it also comes with a cover for the body. It is more like camping than hunting for souls. The light and feathers are looking at the sky speechlessly.

"Okay, it's time to eat, teacher." Han Li shouted.

"You are really well prepared. You have already thought about letting me keep vigil, right?"

Guang Ling took a sip of the hot soup and asked casually.

"That's not possible. This is the teacher's care. If you don't agree, I will definitely leave early and go to the periphery."

Han Li's smile was very bright under the firelight. If he had any difficulties, he could find a teacher. This was his unique secret skill.

Thanks to Momtv31 for another tip, orz! Just kowtow!

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