Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 367 Miss Angel's Choice


Gu Yue, who noticed his movement, also quit the cultivation state and asked curiously.

"Nothing, a love farce between two humans that lasted for 20 to 30 years, are you interested?"

Han Li smiled at her and asked casually.

"Not interested."

Gu Yue shook her head. She thought it was something related to Han Li.

To be precise, as far as humans were concerned, she had no great interest in anyone other than Han Li. To understand these insignificant things, it would be better to continue to cultivate and watch the power of creation improve little by little, which gave her great motivation.

Han Li smiled and didn't care about her reaction.

He could guess Gu Yue's answer. He said it deliberately. The long-term fusion of soul and spirit allowed him to easily guess her thinking mode.

In short, very straightforward and easy to deceive.

In any case, this is all about Qian Renxue. It's fine if he complains about it in his heart, but he's not so tasteless to tell others. Besides, with Gu Yue's little head, she hasn't had much contact with humans since she was awakened, so she may not understand.

Moreover, from Han Li's perspective, it can only be regarded as a farce for him.

So far, the oppression of Bibi Dong by the Worship Hall is a bit harsh, and her progress in the Rakshasa God Test is also faster than the original timeline. She has appeared several times recently, and it seems that her mood is more stable than before, but in Han Li's perspective, it is another look.

Her soul transformation is very different from that of the women who are undergoing the God Test. The negative aura on her soul is too strong.

Although this is one of the external manifestations of the Rakshasa God, it is still a bit too abnormal.

In Han Li's perspective, Bibi Dong is only a little better than the lost Tang Chen. It can be said that she is on the edge of the safety line and may lose control at any time.

To be more precise, she was in a hurry. The negative effects of the previous round of assessments had not been completely eliminated, but she couldn't wait to continue the next round of assessments.

The assessment of the "evil god" like Luosha originally needed time to buffer a certain amount of time. In addition, he was quite stingy and didn't give her too much feedback, which led to Bibi Dong's pressure exploding.

To a certain extent, destroying the Qian family inheritance and destroying everything was her anchor to stay awake. If she survived, she might be more extreme.

As for Yu Xiaogang, it might be her obsession.

In Han Li's mind, she was a bit like Tian Meng in the original work. Under extremely depressing circumstances, she set up a beautiful fantasy for herself, and gritted her teeth to persist, deceiving herself to the point of believing it.

Bibi Dong's situation was even more serious. After all, this was also the entry point for Luosha to test her.

Did she really like Yu Xiaogang that much? Not necessarily. If she really likes him that much, with the degree of sickness she showed and Qian Daoliu's concession before, it would not be too much to inherit the title of Chamber Douluo.

She has not done so all the time, in fact, she is subconsciously avoiding some things. Of course, the evil thoughts of the Rakshasa assessment cannot be ruled out.

Bai Yueguang, love but not get.

Although Han Li is a strong talker, he is also very clear that when she is sick to this extent, the real person standing in front of her is not as good as the glorious figure that is constantly beautified and enhanced in her memory. That is the person she really wants.

This is what Han Li wants to see, and he wants to see how far she can go for it.

Qian Renxue, he really needs her to shatter the last fantasy, and Han Li, what he wants is just the broken godhood of Rakshasa, what bad intentions can he have.

He did not destroy the inheritance land. Theoretically, the God Realm can still use bugs to create a new Rakshasa God.

What? You said that the inheritance lands of Shura and Rakshasa are mixed together, and they are still in the Killing City? What does that have to do with him? He didn't ask them to release it, did he?

And from another perspective, the loss is actually harmless. If the God Realm is friendly enough, they can exchange a Rakshasa God position for Han Li, who has more potential to create his own God position.

As for Shura, Han Li is not sure what's going on with him now. Logically, there are five people on their side who are qualified to inherit, but until now, he has not made any movement, and it seems that he is not going to run away.

Tang Chen is still being parasitized by the Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King. Han Li must kill him, and Shura can't save him.

Based on his previous behavior style, Shura can't be unaware, but he is indifferent, so he can only wait and see.

Shaking his head, suppressing these things in his heart, Han Li looked in the direction of Gu Yue.

"You recover first, I'll go out for a while and come back soon."

Gu Yue nodded, not caring.

Han Li's figure disappeared in the cultivation space.

He wanted to say hello to the Wuhun Research Institute and the grandfather and grandson of the old Qian family. He could indulge Bibi Dong to a certain extent, but he didn't want his stuff to be leaked.

Well, even if it was Yu Xiaogang, who was destined to die, it wouldn't work. Han Li had given a lot of his research to the Wuhun Research Institute.

When everything was over, he could actively spread it, because by then the rules would have changed, and many things would have lost their effectiveness, and even if they were spread out, not everyone could succeed.

But he had two different concepts of publicity and information leakage. He didn't like killing people, but he didn't mind killing people.

When Han Li returned to the courtyard of Tiandou City, he did not find the grandfather and grandson. He still waited for a while before seeing them emerge from the Angel Temple.

"I have successfully completed the sixth exam."

As soon as she saw him, Qian Renxue took the initiative to speak, and Han Li could also see that her true strength had entered the level of Super Douluo, her divine power had also begun to transform, and the power of law on her body was faintly transmitted. It was obvious from the small fluctuation that the challenge had just ended and it had not yet completely calmed down.

"A stick of incense?"

Han Li still vaguely remembered what she said about the assessment.


Qian Renxue nodded. She actually passed it very easily. Fighting against a real person was much easier than breaking through the divine blockade. The various combat skills that Han Li taught her before were more useful than soul skills during the battle. .

"That is indeed very good, but I have received news that our Pope should not be far away from passing the eighth exam. No, or in other words, it should be almost the next time she shows up."

Han Li did not directly invade the Rakshasa illusion, but it can still be easily judged from the degree of transformation of Bibi Dong's divine power and the progress of the laws displayed.

"I'll be faster than her."

Almost as soon as Han Li finished speaking, Qian Renxue replied categorically that she no longer longed for the other person's love, but she was still unwilling to lose to her.

"Ah That's good."

While Han Li was responding to her, he was still chatting privately with Qian Daoliu and revealed Yu Xiaogang's story to him, leaving it up to him to decide whether to tell his granddaughter.

"Tell me, in the next assessment, Xiaoxue will face this problem head-on no matter what."

Qian Daoliu glanced at Han Li and did not choose to communicate with his spiritual power. Instead, he looked at Qian Renxue in the field.

"What did you say? Grandpa? Okay, you still have something to hide from me."

Qian Renxue also reacted immediately. The two of them were communicating with each other mentally and glared at Han Li with some dissatisfaction.

Han Li didn't pay attention to her little move, told Yu Xiaogang about going to Wuhun City again, and looked at Qian Renxue's reaction.

Strictly speaking, at this time, Yu Xiaogang had not yet left the territory of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and was not far from Tiandou City. Qian Renxue could kill him at any time if he wanted to.

Qian Daoliu had previously handed over all the forces in the Enshrinement Hall to Han Li and Qian Renxue, and had ignored Bibi Dong. In fact, this was also because Qian Renxue was still struggling.

She had known about Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang before, but with Qian Renxue's character, she didn't take Yu Xiaogang seriously at all. She only thought it was ridiculous and didn't even want to pay attention to it. .

But now Han Li's words revealed everything that happened before the Soul Master Competition, finally making her realize that something was wrong.

She now finally understood why Han Li took Liu Erlong with him, but it didn't work because of Yu Xiaogang's escape.

"What is she trying to do?"

Qian Renxue frowned and asked a very difficult question.

"Maybe it's love."

Han Li answered her question in a rather strange tone and had no intention of continuing to explain.

Even if Qian Renxue can understand, can she untie Bibi Dong's knot? Will Bibi Dong give up her obsession?

Don't be kidding, unless she dies in front of her, it's almost the same, and Han Li obviously doesn't intend to do this. Nothing more, he protects his shortcomings.

In fact, he had not planned to contact Bibi Dong in recent years, but others did not give him a chance.

Except for the public occasions that must be attended, who can believe that the Pope and the Holy Son really have no communication at all, and Han Li is obviously not a person who can put a hot face on someone's cold butt. Besides, apart from his skin, he is really I don't like Bibi Dong a little bit.

It was true that Han Li liked beautiful women, but not to the extent of being a lustful ghost, so he chose to kill her in whatever way he could.

Now, it's time for Qian Renxue to make a decision.

"So, tell me your decision, Miss Angel."

Han Li looked at Qian Renxue with a smile. Her choice would determine the direction of subsequent plans and corresponding adjustments.

"Is there a way for me to observe them remotely without contacting them?"

Qian Renxue just took a deep breath and turned to look at Han Li. She knew that the other person had this ability.

"as you wish."

Han Li smiled and nodded. Isn't this one of the purposes of his coming? After all, angels are the easiest to get stuck in the divine test.

When Qian Renxue answered, she also made a choice in disguise. This little angel was contaminated by him - neither naive nor conceited.

"Okay, then let's wait until she comes out of seclusion."

Qian Renxue, who has not yet officially started the seventh test, has sharp eyes.

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