Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 369 Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang

In the courtyard of Tiandou City, the three of them quietly watched the content flashing on the light screen.

In Wuhun City, there are arrangements made by Han Li and Qian Daoliu.

Yu Xiaogang received the first-hand news when Bibi Dong came out of customs, and he had been waiting at the foot of Pope Mountain since early morning.

At this time, he had already submitted the greeting card.

Of course, even without this invitation, news about Yu Xiaogang would still appear in front of Bibi Dong.

For her, this has been a habit for many years. Even the two elders of Jugui are used to wasting Wuhundian's intelligence capabilities on a waste.

Bibi Dong was in a good mood, but the aura exuding from her body could not convey this joy to others.

The two elders, Ju and Gui, looked at each other, then lowered their heads and remained silent.

In the splendid Papal Palace, behind is a holy mural of angels, which is so upright and awe-inspiring.

But sitting on the seat in front of him was a pope who gave people completely opposite impressions. That kind of gloomy and evil aura that chose others to devour made them both feel uncomfortable.

In this way, is it really still a Wuhun Temple that believes in the Angel God? Put them in a trance.

Bibi Dong absentmindedly flipped through the recent files.

She has passed the eighth level of the Divine Examination and obtained the Heart of Rakshasa, but for this, she has also paid a huge price. The aura on her body that cannot be completely restrained for the time being is one of the external manifestations.

Half a year was the time she left for herself to recover before taking the ninth test.

According to the Rakshasa God's prompts, the ninth test is not too difficult for her who has obtained the Rakshasa Heart. As long as she returns to her full strength, she can directly pull out the artifact and carry out the corresponding inheritance.

At that time, she will be the real Rakshasa God.

Of course, in order to ensure absolute success, she will launch a war to unify the continent while taking the ninth test. When the war starts, the evil energy produced by those people on the continent will be the best help for her to inherit the divine throne.

"Where are the people who worship the temple? Is there any news?"

Bibi Dong asked casually, considering the background of Wuhun Palace, the absence of them would not affect the start of the war. In other words, it would be better not to have talents, which would allow her to have no scruples.

When she becomes a god, those people will be the targets of her revenge, and burying them along with the Qianjia family is her ultimate goal.

But she was always a little uneasy. Qian Renxue had only started the divine examination for a short period of time, so it did not pose much of a threat to her, no matter how talented she was.

You know, it took her more than ten years to reach the final step of the divine examination. Even if the angel divine examination is simple, she does not believe that the other party can catch up with her. Her "good sister" is not worthy of her attention.

What she wanted to know most was Han Li's whereabouts. In her eyes, and in the eyes of the Rakshasa God, he was so strange that he could not grow so fast at all.

But it happened that in the soul master competition, he blew up the Haotian Double Star in front of everyone, and from the mouth of God Rakshasa, she also knew the gold content of the opponent's soul ring. Rakshasa told her that in Korea There must be gods betting heavily on Li.

But when Bibi Dong asked her what kind of spirit she was, Rakshasa was silent for a long time and did not tell her any specific information. He just asked her to pay more attention to Han Li.

What Bibi Dong didn't know was that Rakshasa also wanted to know. The God Realm Committee had blocked relevant information, and she couldn't find out anything in the God Realm.

She guessed that it was Shura who did it, but she couldn't be sure. She didn't dare to reach out blindly now. After destroying the inheritance of God Shura, she chose the successor.

If the last time was considered reasonable, it could be regarded as part of the training for the Shura Divine Examination. However, after having already chosen the successor, she clearly knew that if she dared to make any small moves again, Shura would really kill her directly. , in the name of the God of Law Enforcement.

Besides, she didn't find any clear Shura inheritance from Han Li, so she had no reason to interfere.

"Replying to His Majesty the Pope, His Royal Highness the Holy Son once appeared in the Wuhun Research Institute after your last retreat, and then quickly lost contact with him."

Yue Guan reported truthfully.

"What is he doing at the Wuhun Research Institute?"

Bibi Dong frowned. She didn't think Han Li needed to use the Wuhun Research Institute.

"It is said that His Royal Highness the Holy Son was outside and heard something that would only appear in the research institute, so he showed up specifically to warn them."

Yue Guan thought about the subsequent news and didn't think there was any problem.

He is the elder in charge of punishment. If His Highness the Holy Son had not already dealt with it, if this matter had been left to him, those people would have shed their skins even if they did not die. Han Li was still too merciful.

Bibi Dong didn't pursue the question any further. It was better to have news than before.

She continued to flip through the file in her hand. After turning a certain page, she saw a familiar name and paused slightly.

At this moment, outside the Pope's Palace, there were guards delivering Yu Xiaogang's greeting card.

Although there is no elder token this time, the invitation card used by Yu Xiaogang this time was sent in the name of Yu Yuanzhen's son.

Although the guard despised his behavior, he still had to deliver it according to the rules, because although he did not represent the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, he did have a father named Douluo.

"Take him to the side hall."

Bibi Dong's face showed a trace of imperceptible joy, and she first gave instructions to the guard.

Then, she looked at the two Juguis again: "You guys go down first. I won't be in seclusion recently. I will gather people tomorrow and come here to discuss matters."

Yueguan and Guimei looked at each other, bowed respectfully and responded, then walked out of the hall.

In the Pope's Hall, Bibi Dong's expression kept changing, happy and angry, as if she was imagining something.

For a moment, even the gloomy atmosphere was suppressed.

Tiandou City, in the house where Han Li belonged.

Qian Renxue, who was beside Han Li, had already crushed the armrest of the stone chair.

Well, Qian Daoliu's expression was not very good either, but it was much better than his granddaughter.

"Talk about deeds, not heart, don't be too obsessed with appearance, keep watching, this doesn't mean anything."

Han Li nodded at Qian Renxue, but it was a comforting word. He didn't feel embarrassed to finish the second half of the sentence - "What will make you more uncomfortable is still behind."

He knew very well that Bibi Dong would never disappoint people in terms of disappointment.

He spoke mainly to prevent Qian Renxue from going berserk. Her soul power fluctuations were about to overturn the yard. He had spent money on this. Even if everything on Douluo Star belonged to him in name, there was no need to waste it for no reason.

It was not worth it to scrap a house because of Bibi Dong.

After a long while, Qian Renxue's breath calmed down.

In Wuhun City, Yu Xiaogang was also taken to the side hall by the guards.

As for Bibi Dong, Han Li put away her picture. She went to change clothes, probably for this meeting.

Anyway, this time, even Qian Daoliu's face turned completely black.

Yu Xiaogang sat in the same position as last time, sipping the same tea, and was ready to wait for a long time.

But, somewhat beyond his expectations, Bibi Dong came surprisingly quickly this time and changed into a white dress.

This was the first time they met. Although the color of the clothes she wore was different in style and more than 20 years had passed, it still gave him a dreamy feeling that life would only be as it was when they first met.

After noticing the reminiscence in his eyes, Bibi Dong sat down at the head seat with satisfaction.

This time, she did not remain silent, but took the initiative to speak: "Why did you come to me? The Haotian Sect has been destroyed, and your disciple who is like your own son is dead."

She confirmed Tang San's position in Yu Xiaogang's heart in a very new way. After all, last time, he risked being killed by her and asked for mercy.

Yu Xiaogang's face froze, but soon regained his composure.

"I know, I'm not for this matter."

"Xiao San's death has nothing to do with you. I know it was Han Li who did it. I'm not ready to take revenge, or how can I have the ability to take revenge."

He said with some self-mockery, but he completely ignored Bibi Dong in his words.

Bibi Dong looked at his somewhat lonely expression, and showed that she didn't blame her at all. She wanted to say, I will help you take revenge, but she still forced herself to hold it back. It's not too late to say it when she really does it. Han Li and Guang Ling, the master and apprentice, are people she must eliminate, so there is no conflict.

But before that, she must not reveal the news in advance, even if there is no one around. Luosha said that there may be gods behind Han Li, and she doesn't want to fail.

You know, even Luosha has never revealed this idea.

No matter what gods are paying attention to her, the Qian family must be destroyed in her hands. By then, even if those gods find out, so what, she is also a god.

"So, you came to me, what do you want to say."

Bibi Dong asked calmly.

What she didn't know was that all her performance had been presented to people in the picture of God's perspective.

"I found the loopholes in the Xuantian Gong released by Han Li, or what he deliberately concealed. I hope you can help me in view of our previous friendship."

Yu Xiaogang's eyes lit up, and he raised his head to look at Bibi Dong at the top, just like in the library more than 20 years ago.

Bibi Dong was a little dazed, and her whole body was a little hot under his burning gaze.

So, everything is really back, right?

She is very strong now. She only needs to wait a little longer, and no one can stand on her head. Everything she wants will become a reality.

But she is no longer the pure Saint of the Spirit Hall.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Bibi Dong, and his back was soaked with sweat.


Suddenly, he heard Bibi Dong answer like this.

Yu Xiaogang smiled. When he saw Bibi Dong's clothes, he knew that there was a change today, but he was still worried.

He was still gambling when he spoke, but it seemed that he won.

In Tiandou City, Han Li also smiled after hearing the conversation between the two.

Sure enough, Bibi Dong, it still has to be you. In this way, I don't even need to find an excuse to kill you.

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