Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 37 Reenactment of famous scenes, Guang Ling’s imagination

Speeding all the way, Han Li had to move forward cautiously. After walking nearly a day's distance, with Guang Ling's powerful strength, it took less than half an hour for them to return to the periphery.

Moreover, Guang Ling was very considerate to adjust the position, choosing an area where almost no one would approach, and dispelling the low-level soul beasts around.

During the time when Guang Ling took them to the periphery, Han Li was not idle, but closed his eyes to adjust his state. He wanted to greet the coming moment in the most perfect state.

As Guang Ling put the two down, Han Li also opened his eyes, and his state had been restored.

Guang Ling glanced at him, then looked at the golden scale eagle that showed signs of awakening, and said: "Let's start, I will protect you."

"Yes, Master."

At the same time Han Li responded, the bow was already strung, and a solid rocket instantly penetrated the golden scale eagle's head along the eyes, and released flames from the inside to instantly destroy its brain.

The golden scale eagle, which was still in a coma, lost its life in such a confused way, and did not even have time to make the last wail.

Looking at the purple soul ring rising from the body of the golden scale eagle, and looking at the worried look of his master, Han Li took a deep breath, walked a little closer without hesitation, sat down, and used the spirit breath to activate the soul ring.

In just a moment, Han Li felt the same feeling as the first time he absorbed the soul ring. The violent energy that was many times stronger than the last time poured into his body, actively promoting the soul power to operate. Fortunately, his mental power and control were also much stronger than the first time he absorbed the soul ring, and he started to actively guide it directly.

With both mental power and physical strength up to standard, Han Li's absorption was not difficult.

He began to actively observe his own situation. With the high-speed flow of soul power in his body, he noticed that the meridians in his body were also undergoing corresponding changes. As the soul power circulated in circles, the meridians were constantly widened in the process, giving him a feeling of clearing silt and opening a river channel.

No wonder everyone pursues the best soul ring combination. Some people with good talents are stuck in level because of the unsatisfactory soul ring situation in the early stage. It turned out to be this reason. Han Li suddenly realized.

He had previously simply thought that this situation was because the age of the soul ring was too low and the martial soul had not been improved. It seemed that it was also because the meridians in the body had been widened, but other people on the Douluo Continent did not have this concept.

Outside, Guang Ling looked at his apprentice who did not show any abnormality. Feeling his constantly improving aura, he relaxed a little. Although he agreed with Han Li's choice, he still had to worry.

The sun above his head had tilted from directly above to the top of the forest tree. It had been more than two hours since Han Li began to absorb the soul ring. Seeing that his soul power had stabilized and no longer overflowed, Guang Ling completely let go of his hanging heart.

Suddenly, Han Li's eyes opened sharply, and his right eye lit up, accompanied by what seemed to be an eagle's cry. Guang Ling stopped approaching and froze in place, with a mixture of joy and disbelief, and his expression was hard to describe.

This scene was too familiar to him. The last time he absorbed the first soul ring, Han Li was like this, and then he obtained an external soul bone comparable to a 100,000-year soul ring and soul bone.

And now, it seems to be coming again, and it seems to be at the right eye. Could it be another external soul bone?

Guang Ling unconsciously stretched his hand to his left eye. Fortunately, he could accept it this time.

Acceptable shit, Guang Ling wanted to swear, even if the one who got the benefit was his apprentice.

This is really a bit too outrageous. He has never seen anyone who can get a soul bone stably every time he gets a soul ring, or twice in a row, and each time it is a growth-oriented external soul bone.

If Han Li's family background was not very clean and had nothing to do with the Qian family, he would think that Han Li was the reincarnation of the Angel God, and Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue, all stood aside, and his apprentice was the true orthodox of the Wuhun Hall, the descendant of the Angel God.

You know, he also has an external soul bone, but it is a broken one with no growth potential. It is only over 10,000 years old, and he almost paid his life to absorb it. The final result is that his left eye cannot be opened casually. Compared with other people, it can only be said that he has an extra soul bone of 10,000 years, although it is very suitable for his fighting style.

But even so, other worshippers are envious, and Han Li is just like the external soul bone wholesaler, one at a time.

Oh, by the way, even the little maid beside him has one. Although the heart, which is not sure whether it can be considered a soul bone, has lost its growth potential due to the activation of blood, she has gone from being unable to cultivate to the crystal bear martial soul of the eighth level of innate soul power. This span is terrifying enough.

His breakthrough was also completed after he accepted a disciple, and he was even able to cultivate all the way to the ninety-eighth level. Could it be that Xiao Li is really the reincarnation of a god? Can he also bless people who are closely related?

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Guang Ling looked at Han Li, who was still fusing his soul bones. His eyes were a little strange. It was too strange. He couldn't explain it otherwise.

Just as Guang Ling was frantically filling his mind and brainwashing himself, Han Li finally completed the absorption of the soul bones and opened his eyes.

As soon as he looked up and was about to report the good news to his master, he saw Guang Ling staring at him with a curious look on his face.

What's wrong with the master? His face is so strange.

Han Li hurriedly got up from the ground and asked, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Then, he heard Guang Ling say seriously, "Xiao Li, how do you think your master treats you?"

"You are naturally very good to me." Han Li replied without thinking.

"Okay, Xiao Li, tell me honestly, are you the reincarnation of some god?" Guang Ling's expression was very serious.

So that's it. It seemed that he was irritating him. Han Li laughed dumbly: "Master, you think too much. I'm just lucky."

"It's just good luck? There are two soul bones attached to the outside. You told me it's just good luck."

When Guang Ling heard his answer, her handsome little face became a little distorted.

"Yes, after my martial soul awakened, I have been really lucky. Just picking up money, I went down the mountain several times and picked up nearly ten gold soul coins in Wuhun City." Han Li spread his hands, He said helplessly.

"Not only can you explode soul bones, but you can also pick up money?"

Guang Ling finally gave up on his theory of the reincarnation of gods, with a dull look on his face. Even gods don't have this ability.

"Well, I don't know what happened. As I was walking, the gold soul coins rolled to the bottom of my feet. That's why I said it was blessed by angels and gods."

Han Li talked about several experiences of picking up money, and then mentioned his previous remarks.

Seeing the sincerity on Han Li's face, which didn't look like he was lying, Guang Ling was completely numb and lost the motivation to ask any more questions.

When he went shopping, he picked up money, and when he broke through, he exploded with soul bones, and everyone around him benefited one after another. Han Li himself felt strange, so there was no point in asking.

He himself is also a beneficiary, what else can he say? He just had to be reminded not to let others notice anymore.

Thinking of this, Guang Ling's expression became much more serious, and she looked at Han Li seriously: "Remember to hide similar things in the future. Unless there is no other way, you can't let anyone know about it. The same goes for Xiu'er. Well, also Don’t tell me, remember, it’s anyone, you know?”

Han Li looked at his master's serious look, feeling warm in his heart. He nodded seriously and added "Sorry" in his heart.

He will not tell anyone the secrets about him. He can only compensate the master later, otherwise he will really be sorry for these heart-wrenching words.

Thanks to Momtv31 for another reward. I don’t know what to say. I will keep it in my heart. Boss, wait for me to put it on the shelves!

At the same time, I would also like to thank Nan Bingxue and Qingmo Ranqing for their monthly support. Thank you very much!

Please read the new book~~~~~ This is the author’s biggest motivation in the early stage.

I would like to ask readers to please use your little hands and turn to the end. It is very important to follow up during the new book period. Thank you very much!

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