Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 373 Crazy batch online

Tiandou Empire, Qibao Liuli Sect.

After sending away another noble family's offering, Ning Fengzhi sent people to seal the mountain gate, indicating that he would no longer receive anyone's visit.

"The internal struggle of Wuhun Hall has begun."

Ning Fengzhi said with a sigh.

Behind him, Jian Gu and the other two Douluo were still a little confused.

"Isn't this Bibi Dong herself..."

Chen Xin said halfway, and then he remembered that Qibao Liuli Sect was now also affiliated with Wuhun Hall, and he didn't know how to comment.

"It's just taking the opportunity to suppress His Highness the Holy Son, but they chose Yu Xiaogang, haha."

Ning Fengzhi's tone was full of sarcasm. His old opponent was really out of his mind.

After relying on Han Li and making a vow, Qibao Liuli Sect also revised the original Xuantian Gong and compared it with the public version, wanting to study what exactly is the reason that allows people without soul power to practice.

But it failed without a doubt. Improvement? After research, they found that any change could cause other problems. Yu Xiaogang, how dare he?

Also, Bibi Dong, how dare you trust him?

Although they didn't know much about the events in Wuhun City more than 20 years ago, the spies planted in the Wuhun Hall still sent back some groundless intelligence, which now seems to be not necessarily false.

After the Wuhun upgrade and the matter of the soul, Ning Fengzhi completely put himself in the position below Han Li. There was no other reason. The strength and magic displayed by the other party could really destroy the sect alone, and he was afraid.

As for Bibi Dong, he was really not afraid.

"But is it really okay for us to close the mountain now?"

Gu Rong asked uncertainly.

"It must be sealed. These nobles have come to the door at great expense. What does it mean? It means that the Ye family has ignored them at all. They are all abandoned."

"Don't forget the relationship between Qinghe and the Saint Son. One or two people is fine. If it continues, it will cause the disgust of that person, which will not be good for us."

"And until now, His Royal Highness the Saint Son has not come out to respond. Then we will not participate and do nothing. Although we will not make any merit, we will not make any mistakes. We must stand firm."

Ning Fengzhi thought of the silver-haired woman he met with Han Li at that time. Just a casual look made him unable to breathe and said loudly.

"Okay, then listen to you."

Jian Gu and the others nodded. They rarely opposed Ning Fengzhi's decision. They just had doubts in their hearts just now.

"Hey, I don't know what the old dragon will react now."

"Just watch the show. It's none of our business anyway."


In the main hall of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, laughter of gloating was heard from time to time.

On the continent, as time went by, more and more victims stood up and denounced Yu Xiaogang. Even with the suppression of the Spirit Hall, it was difficult to cover up their mouths. Moreover, most of the branch halls did not have the strength to suppress everything.

The biggest victim among them was the Soul Douluo of the Xingluo Empire.

He was originally a civilian. He took advantage of the mutation of the spirit to cultivate to the Soul Douluo with great difficulty. He did not have much foundation.

After getting the improved practice route of Yu Xiaogang and a simple test, he happily began to change his practice and also closed himself.

But it was this closed-door retreat that almost made him die in the practice room. At the beginning, everything was beautiful, but when he was about to break through to the next level, his soul power rioted.

He was originally going to break through to level 84, but after the soul power riot, he broke through to level 80 in the opposite direction. If it were not for the support of the spirit ring, he suspected that he could drop more levels.

The most fatal thing was that he found that the meridians in his body were severely damaged and there was no possibility of further progress.

He hated it so much. Originally, he had a chance to cultivate to the title, although the probability was not high, but now, it's all over.

He was furious and publicly announced that he would definitely kill Yu Xiaogang in his lifetime, and he got the support of a group of victims.

Well, it is said that they have already formed the "Gang Destroying Association".

Among them are not only those who survived by chance, but also some soul masters whose relatives and friends died.

Although there are only two soul douluos and four soul saints with high-end combat power so far, Gangzi is not even level 40. After that, he may suffer continuous attacks.

People are actually double standards. Gangzi didn't force them to cultivate, but who made him be praised so highly before, and he himself was proud of it. Now, retribution has come.

Yu Yuanzhen is still in seclusion, and before leaving, he also told the sect not to pay attention to the ridicule against him, and to be hostile as before.

Therefore, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect directly issued a statement at the first time of the incident.

Yu Xiaogang was expelled a long time ago. Everything he did had nothing to do with the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect. If you want revenge, you can go to him. They won't interfere.

The Spirit Hall is even more so. They told you at the beginning that it was not an official product and they would not be responsible for any accidents. In addition, it was not long after the Haotian Sect was destroyed. The reputation is also sufficient. Who dares to blame?

So, Gangzi was completely stinky. Many people were looking for his traces and wanted to take his head. The past things were also turned up again.

Well, it's still the teacher of the half-orc Tang San. If he doesn't kill you, who else will he kill? He also gave him a certain attribute of justice.

On the mainland, the soul masters were completely in chaos. Those who wanted revenge and those who wanted to become famous were mixed, and they set off a trend of looking for Yu Xiaogang.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang was hiding in a house in Wuhun City with a pale face, shivering.

Only in Wuhun City could he feel a little safe, because only the people of Wuhun Hall did not want him. Although they all looked down on him, no one attacked him.

"No, I have to save myself."

Yu Xiaogang walked to the door of the room, but did not dare to open it.

He had been hiding for several days. He didn't know whether those people had chased him to Wuhun City. He was afraid that he would run into someone and die in a daze as soon as he went out.

And he said he was saving himself, but in fact, the only way he could think of was to find Bibi Dong.

Every day after he woke up, the room would quietly record the information about this matter. Obviously, only Bibi Dong could do this in Wuhun City.

Just when he was still hesitating, the door was pushed open, and Bibi Dong, who had not been seen for a few days, walked in.

"You should stay here for the time being, and you can't go anywhere."

As soon as he entered the door, Bibi Dong spoke.

Yu Xiaogang's body stagnated. What he wanted was a complete solution, not to continue hiding. According to the intelligence sent recently, who knows how long he will hide.

These days, he tried to practice his improved skills intermittently, and there was no abnormality. However, because of the bone replacement, he did not dare to try to practice all the time.

Moreover, Bibi Dong also tried it in front of him at the beginning, and there was no abnormality.

This made him a little suspicious. This was not his fault.

He did not believe that the improved skills with his wisdom would cause such a serious impact.

Xuantian Gong was released by Han Li, and Han Li was only in his teens. What knowledge could he have? Could he know more than him? He just made a small change, and it could make everyone practice faster. Why are they all attacking him now?

Could it be that his Xuantian Gong itself has problems? He was just unlucky and happened to run into this problem.

Yes, yes, it must be like this. This is the result of his brainwashing himself in fear these days.

Whether others believe it or not, he believes it himself.

"You want to put me under house arrest."

Yu Xiaogang raised his head sharply, looking at Bibi Dong with red eyes. He couldn't stand any stimulation at all. Under the huge psychological pressure, he vented his emotions to Bibi Dong who came.

"No, I'm protecting you, you don't know..."

Bibi Dong's outer disguise was torn apart by his words, and she explained anxiously.

"Protection, not even letting me out of the room, is this what you call protection?"

"If you really want to protect me, you should stand up and speak for me, tell those people that the practice route I published is fine, I have tried it these few days, and there has been no accident at all."

"Who knows, is it that your Wuhun Hall has done something, or that the previous practice method has problems, and uses me as an excuse."

Yu Xiaogang shouted hysterically.

"Yes, that's right. You did it 20 years ago. After I published "The Ten Core Theories of Wuhun", you said that I plagiarized the knowledge of Wuhun Hall, ruined my literary reputation, and made me embarrassed."

"Now, you are still using the same method. I shouldn't believe you. You are all false..."

"And the matter of Erlong must be you..."

The more he talked, the crazier he became, even close to Bibi Dong's face.

As he began to bring up the past, Bibi Dong's breath became more and more unstable, and her body began to tremble.

But this scene, in Yu Xiaogang's eyes, was a manifestation of Bibi Dong's guilty conscience.

"You and Qianxunji, both master and apprentice..."

Yu Xiaogang, who had lost his mind, jumped into the minefield.

"Shut up!"

A shrill voice with murderous intent sounded, and Bibi Dong's body trembling stopped, and a materialized black breath poured out from behind her.

She raised her head with a hideous look, the spider shadow flashing a dark purple light on her face, and her expression was like a devil crawling out of hell. She grabbed Yu Xiaogang's neck and lifted him up.

"What do you know? Anyone can say such words, but you can't say them. Do you know?"

Her hand that pinched Yu Xiaogang's neck became stronger.

The feeling of suffocation and the breath of death finally made Yu Xiaogang's reason come back online. He tried to push Bibi Dong's hand away with both hands, but it was useless.

His eyes were full of fear. Looking at Bibi Dong, who seemed to have completely changed, he realized what he had just said only because of fear.


Seeing the fear in his eyes, Bibi Dong seemed to be a little more sober, and finally let go of his hand and let him fall back to the ground.

Yu Xiaogang fell to the ground, but quickly supported the ground with his hands and backed up, just wanting to get away from Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong was about to reach out and wanted to pull him up, but she just stopped in mid-air.

On her face, there were expressions of hatred, regret, and pity, each of which changed rapidly like a mask, which was quite frightening, causing Yu Xiaogang to retreat a little faster, until he hit the corner of the wall, still shaking wildly, his teeth chattering up and down, and a very crisp sound echoed in the silent room.

In Yu Xiaogang's desperate eyes, Bibi Dong's expression froze. If he was not mistaken, people generally called this expression "gentle".

However, the materialized black air behind her became even darker.

"Xiaogang, believe me, I won't let anyone hurt you. Just wait a little longer."

"I will write down all the people who slander you. When the time comes, I will kill them all. Do you think it's okay? No one can hurt you."

"When the time comes, I can always accompany you, and no one can stop us..."

In Yu Xiaogang's increasingly terrified eyes, Bibi Dong smiled and told him about a beautiful future.

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