Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 379 Shura's Poisonous Plot

There are also differences among the five great god kings.

Although he is a member of the Divine Realm Committee with Shura, Destruction, and Life, in fact, when deciding important matters, evil and good can directly determine the direction of things as long as they reach an agreement.

Evil and Good, the original deities of the God Realm, hold two votes each, while the other three gods each have only one vote.

It can be said that, in fact, the two of them have the final say in the divine world.

The decision to confer a divine status on Douluo Star was jointly decided by several gods, and they were also aware of the subsequent increase in quotas. Naturally, Shura's recent actions were also noticed by the two gods, but since he was only observing, he did not make any decisions. They didn't care about his actions.

They knew very well that Destruction and Shura were not very good at dealing with each other. If Destruction knew about this, it would start another round of meaningless arguments, and then they would still be the ones making the noise.

However, now it seems that he really has some ideas. Fortunately, he hasn't done anything yet and knows to ask for their opinions first.

"So, what do you want to say?"

Before Destruction could speak, Evil took the initiative to ask.

"I want to pass on the Shura divine status to him when he becomes a god."

Shura glanced at Destruction, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said calmly.

"Are you serious?"

Before Evil and Good could speak, they heard the sound of destruction, and something was wrong with his expression.

"Of course, I won't make fun of this matter. What's more, wasn't he originally one of my chosen successors? It's just that he has been putting it off until now because he had the idea of ​​creating his own godly throne."

Shura's expression was as indifferent as ever, and what he said was indeed a generally accepted fact.

Destruction glanced at him and opened his mouth, but did not continue. He and Shura had always been competitors, and there was a certain conflict between their responsibilities and laws.

To be precise, Shura has been looking for an heir. Different from the fact that he and life are husband and wife, they can reconcile each other's laws.

Shura is always alone, and because of laws and responsibilities, killings and trials are always with him. When he becomes stronger, the divine power will actually backfire on him. That is, he is stronger, so no problems occur, but If this continues, there will always be hidden dangers.

Finding a suitable successor is actually a good thing for him and the God Realm. However, as an old rival, Destruction still feels a little uncomfortable in his heart. He has not defeated the opponent head-on, and God Shura is about to change. People.

As for Shura, who is alone, it goes without saying that he will definitely leave the divine world. He has expressed this wish before. Moreover, this is someone else's inheritance of the divine throne, so what can he say?

"With the help of your inheritance and his own promotion opportunities, will you directly promote him to the level of God King?"

The evil and the kind looked at each other. To be honest, they seemed to find no reason to object. Shura's resignation would directly supplement the combat power of a god-king, and they would not have to worry about the damage caused by Shura's divine power for a long time. The problem of backlash is simply a double blessing.

"Well, that's what I thought, and..."

Seeing that the four gods had no objection, Shura paused for a moment before continuing: "And I have other considerations. You should still remember the few people who entered my inheritance place with him, right?"

The four gods nodded.

"Asura's divine power is not that easy to control, so I plan to let the three women around him who participated in the divine examination also become heirs."

"Listen to me first."

Looking at the gods who were about to speak and plan for him, Shura made a prediction in advance.

"It is not easy to find successors to the throne of the gods like me and others. I don't want to change candidates frequently because of the inability to control the power after selecting the successor."

"You all know Han Li's qualifications and growth, as well as his specialness. As Evil said before, if you give him enough time, there is a certain possibility that he will grow into a strong man at the level of a God King, and the probability is very high. "

Having said this, Shura glanced at Evil, who glanced at the curtain and nodded, not objecting to the meaning of his words.

Han Li is terrifyingly young, and he is still in the lower realm, which is enough to show his talent.

"Don't forget, after he passed my assessment, the originally planned God of Death domain was directly made his own. I am 100% sure that he can master the power of Shura and become a qualified Shura God."

"However, what I want to say is the most important point. Why did the Douluo plane change, and why did the consciousness of the plane suddenly awaken and be bound to Han Li? We have not yet found the reason."

As he spoke, Shura swiped his fingertips in the air. On the light screen, the picture was stretched into the universe, and the complete form of the Douluo Star fell into the eyes of the gods present.

In the center of the light curtain, the outer layer of the planet is slowly rotating. You can see that it is constantly transforming the energy in the universe and sending it to the interior of the planet.

"So far, the overall energy concentration of Douluo Star has exceeded that of the same planet by more than ten times. However, the improvement has been relatively slow, and it has not yet formed a spectacle according to the planet's landform."

"But in fact, it is much stronger than we originally expected. If Han Li can continue to evolve after officially entering the god level, its value and development potential may not even be lower than those in the god realm."

"You have all seen Han Li's methods. He is the controller of Douluo Star and is not an easy person to deal with. Therefore, if you still want the God Realm to continue to upgrade and take over the Douluo Star plane from him, you must be sincere, which is also conducive to the stability of the God Realm in the future."

"And the position of Shura God is the answer I gave. What do you think?"

Shura finished his words in one breath and looked at the four gods. This was indeed his true thought. He has not resigned yet, so he naturally puts the interests of the God Realm first.

The center of the God Realm suddenly became quiet. The four gods lowered their heads in thought and analyzed what Shura said.

"Your statement does not match your actions."

The God of Life, who has rarely spoken, was the first to speak this time.

"Well, I did it on purpose."

Shura did not think there was anything wrong with Life's doubts about him, but admitted it very straightforwardly.

"Do you think he has a relationship with the Dragon God? Or are you afraid that he will become the next Dragon God?"

The God of Kindness also spoke, and his speech was very explosive as soon as he opened his mouth.

"I'm not sure. Logically, it's impossible for Douluo to have a plane consciousness. Moreover, I have also selected an heir, but he suddenly appeared and destroyed everything. How can I explain it?"

"I admire him very much, but at the same time, I am also very vigilant. I haven't found any traces of his connection with the Dragon God, but it doesn't prevent me from making a backup plan."

"In fact, when he becomes a god, you still need to judge the specific situation. I just did some preliminary work. It's the last gift left to the God Realm."

Xura said his thoughts almost without thinking. It's certain that he had thought about all this long ago.

"So, disperse the power of the God's throne to other people?"

Evil looked at Shura's indifferent expression and felt for the first time that the other party was so far-sighted.

"Well, if he has no problem, the compensation of the position of God King is enough, and it will not affect his subsequent cultivation, and it can even reduce the pressure in the early stage."

"If he has a problem, even if he inherits the position of God, it will take some time to take back the complete authority from the other people. This is the buffer space left for you. Once fighting, he wants to exert the combat power of Shura God, and those three will be his drag."

"Besides, in fact, whether there is a problem or not, once he ascends to the God Realm, it will be easy to be discovered, and he will not have the opportunity to grow into the next Dragon God."

"If it were not for the value of Douluo Star and the difficulty in handling subsequent problems, with his personality, he might have a big grudge, and even forcibly break through his control and blockade of the planet. You can see it at a glance."

A red light flashed in Shura's eyes. If he could make the decision, he would not mind doing so, and this is also his style of doing things all the time. He has always been a radical, more extreme than destruction.

"So, this is the real reason why you speed up the God test of the people around him?"

On the evil face, it was not until this time that a look of realization appeared. No wonder

On the other side, after hearing his words, Destruction's expression changed. He instinctively wanted to rebuke this behavior, but the life beside him pulled his sleeve and shook his head to stop him from speaking.

His beloved wife's obstruction finally stabilized Destruction's emotions. He looked at Shura with a complicated expression and closed his eyes.

To be honest, if Shura hadn't given such a sufficient reason today, and no matter how you look at it, he was doing his last bit for the God Realm, he would have had a fight with the other party on weekdays. As a law enforcement god, this has violated his duties.

After noticing the little movements of the two, Evil smiled awkwardly. Fortunately, fortunately, everyone is a sensible person, otherwise, if a fight really breaks out, he will not help anyone.

"What if he is unwilling to hand over the control of the plane?"

Kindness spoke again.

"Regarding this, I will make an agreement with him before passing down the throne when I meet him. This is also a good opportunity to test him and see his reaction."

"If he is willing to hand it over, that would be the best. If not, I will give up passing down the throne. Even if he is promoted, he will only be promoted according to the most common laws and will not pose any threat to us."

"Besides, does he really think that so many thrones are so easy to get? With his connection with Douluo Star, he may be able to extend his stay in the lower world, but the people around him cannot."

"When the time comes, after those people have completed the assessment, they will be ordered to ascend within a year."

Shura's voice was very cold, and he did not say anything else, but the four gods would understand. After all, they were not gods who did not know Shura's methods at all.


After a long time, several voices sounded in the center of the God Realm.

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