Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 381 The Birth of the First God of This Era

After announcing the matter, Xue Qinghe and others did not return the same way as before. Instead, under everyone's gaze, they flew directly from high altitude to the direction of the palace, protected by the angel army.

During this period, they did not encounter any obstruction.

This scene made everyone in the venue silent.

No, they are really a family?

This was a bit difficult for them to accept, but reality showed that there was no problem at all.

It can't be that everyone in the royal family has been replaced, right? The current guards of the palace have served in the Prince's Mansion from a very early age. They were not transferred from the Prince's Mansion until after he succeeded to the throne.

That only proves one thing, it is indeed true.

Moreover, angels and swans can be said to be superior and inferior spirits, and their attributes are the same. This can also explain why the Xue family has become the controller of the Tiandou Empire.

Swan Wuhun is not strong, but with the secret help of Wuhun Palace, there will be no problem. In addition, Wuhun Palace has always been a pro-Tian Dou faction in the two empires, which seems to be explained.

Salas looked at the stunned Tiandou nobles, fearing that he could not suppress the curve of his mouth, so he quickly left the venue with the people of Wuhun Palace.

To be honest, if he was not one of the insiders, based on these words and the evidence from the Qibao Glazed Sect, he would be confused if he were a noble of Tiandou.

Well, it is said that the princess named Xue Ke was convinced after seeing the forged evidence by Her Majesty the Holy Son. Maybe there will be more people with the surname Xue in the angel lineage in the future. Her Majesty Qian Renxue is real. I like this sister.

Even if the venue is large, not everyone will go there. More people are still running for a living. They just want to make more money. Regardless of whether there is a war or not, they have to ensure their survival first.

However, even if you don't pay attention deliberately, it's hard not to see the angelic army shining with holy light in mid-air.

At the same time, the news in the venue was finally spread.

The war will not affect them. Are His Majesty Xue Qinghe and Wuhundian the same family? Your Majesty also showed off his angel martial spirit?

This... is really great!

An emperor who has paid great attention to the lower class since he was a prince, and a Wuhun Palace that would awaken the Wuhun for them, oh, no, now it is the Wuhun Empire.

There's no more fighting, we're just a family, isn't that great? Moreover, His Majesty said that there is no need to go to fight against the Star Luo Empire, as long as they can defend the opponent's attack, this is simply good for them.

So, after the news spread, the entire Tiandou City chanted Xue Qinghe's name, and it spread to other places in the territory at an extremely fast speed. The Tiandou Empire fell into a carnival.

"Hey, it's a pity that I can't get this wave of faith. However, it doesn't matter. Qian Renxue is going to wake up early. Speaking of which, she is still the first person in this era to truly become a god."

"Well, we still have to suppress the movement a little. Now is not a good time to be exposed."

In Tiandou City, in the courtyard, after Han Li felt the power of faith pouring into the Angel Temple in the interlayer of space, he moved his eyebrows slightly and sealed all the divine light leaking out. stand up.

You also have to choose the right time to show your holiness in front of others. You who don’t lack the power of faith can jump out and cause trouble.

The key is that she is now in a state of transformation, which means she is transformed directly into divine power when touched, with no retention at all. Mr. Han feels a little distressed when he sees her.

According to his calculations with the plane consciousness, he really lacks the power of faith to directly gather the god king's position. The power of the fairy spirit can be transformed into Douluo stars, but even if he supplies a few more first-level gods, he still has it. Abundance.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. This is what suits the person. After all, Han Li can't jump out and say that Xue Qinghe is also a disguise, right?

A golden stream of light flashed through the air, and Qian Daoliu's figure appeared in the courtyard. He was wearing an angel statue, and he could personally feel the fluctuations of the angel god's power.

"Is it going to be done?"

The excitement on his face was palpable.

"It's done. I suppressed her movement towards becoming a god. The power of faith I need is still a little short of that."

Han Li took the initiative to speak.

"It doesn't matter, it will work."

Qian Daoliu waved his hand carelessly. This was within the scope of their agreement. There will be many scenes where he can show his face in the future. This time, he only cares about whether his granddaughter can become the God of Angels. Everything else is irrelevant. It's a floating cloud.

"Bibi Dong is already heading towards the border where the Three Kingdoms meet. Will she notice it?"

Qian Daoliu still wasn't completely relieved until he saw his granddaughter succeed with his own eyes, and the one who didn't want to see this scene the most was naturally Bibi Dong.

"No, in Douluo Star, as long as I don't want to, she won't notice."

Han Li smiled. In this regard, he still had some confidence.

Besides, so what if she noticed it, let alone the current Bibi Dong, even if she became a god, Han Li could beat her to the point where she couldn't find Bei. All he lacked was the official certification of this universe, but he didn't lack combat power.

"That's good, that's good."

At this moment, Qian Daoliu seemed to have ignored his own fighting ability and acted like an ordinary grandpa.

"Okay, uncle, I will take you to see with your own eyes. Although Xiaoxue cannot be exposed to others for the time being, it is still fine if we just watch it by ourselves, and it will be of great benefit to you."

Han Li tilted his ears, as if he had heard some good news, a smile appeared on his face, he grabbed Qian Daoliu's shoulders and disappeared on the spot.

When they appeared again, the two had entered the closed Angel Temple.

At this time, the Angel Temple was completely occupied by light gold.

Without going deep into the front of the Angel Statue, they could directly see Qian Renxue's situation.

In the air, above the light golden clouds, Qian Renxue curled up into a small ball, hugging her knees with both hands, as if she was sleeping soundly.

However, the golden palace skirt she wore when she came in had disappeared, replaced by a golden armor that was exactly the same as the original statue, the battle skirt style, and was much more exposed than Han Li's armor.

But what attracted Han Li first was the martial spirit behind her. The original six-winged angel's blurred face had been replaced by Qian Renxue's appearance. Similarly, the statue below the temple was also updated to her appearance at the same time.

Han Li immediately mobilized his plane consciousness and explored the branch halls in Wuhun City and various places. Fortunately, this change has not yet interfered with the real external world.

If this changes at the same time, it will be exposed to Bibi Dong's eyes.

Just when he had just regained his mind, Qian Renxue in the air finally began to change.

Her curled body slowly opened up, from lying on her side to standing in the air, and her closed eyes opened in an instant, with a fascinating golden light flashing in her eyes.

"Master, it seems we need to make way."

Han Li's voice had just fallen, and his and Qian Daoliu's bodies had just left the ground. All the patterns in the entire Angel Temple lit up. Following the patterns, the golden flames were ignited at a very fast speed and rushed to the position of the holy statue below.

In the air, a golden holy sword appeared in Qian Renxue's hand, making a joyful buzzing sound, and also bursting with dazzling light, as if greeting the holy statue below.

Qian Renxue's body moved unconsciously, and when she stopped, she had already arrived in front of the statue, and the statue ignited by the golden flame seemed to come alive at this moment.

She opened her arms and hugged Qian Renxue to keep her in place.

The next moment, Qian Renxue felt as if something had merged into her body. The diamond-shaped gem on her forehead was broken at this moment, and then quickly condensed into another shape, and within her body, huge energy fluctuations were constantly erupting, as if completely transforming her body.

At this moment, for her, not only her body, but also her soul, seemed to have turned golden.

"I'm so envious, it's great to have a foundation."

Not far away, Han Li protected Qian Daoliu, who was trapped in cultivation, with his divine power, and stared at the statue holding Qian Renxue.

The statue completely took on the pain brought by the divine power transformation and the transformation of the soul for Qian Renxue. No wonder Qian Renxue could still enjoy the quality of sleep like a baby when they came in.

As Han Li watched, the golden light in the temple dimmed, and the original holy statue disappeared. Only Qian Renxue was left.

At this time, the three pairs of wings behind her had completely turned golden, and her eyes were closed again. Only on the holy sword raised high, the golden flame turned into feather patterns, spreading along her arms to her whole body.

Han Li did not look away, but observed attentively.

Qian Renxue's divine test was over, and her clothes would not explode at this time. Those patterns were the embodiment of the three laws of holiness, light, and fire, and he could not miss them.

However, it was a pity that the patterns soon disappeared in her battle skirt, and Han Li could only regretfully withdraw his gaze.

He waited quietly until the end of the pattern wrapped Qian Renxue's combat boots, and then he turned his head.

As his head turned, Qian Renxue's body suddenly burst out with a golden light that was even brighter than before, and the entire temple space was also filled with majestic voices from all directions.


This was the spontaneous response of the rules of heaven and earth after the condensation of the divine position.

However, at this time, all of them were blocked in this space by Han Li.

Han Li smiled and turned his head, looking at the position where Qian Renxue was.

And Qian Renxue naturally also noticed his presence, the burning golden holy sword in her hand disappeared instantly, and she gathered the light around her body and slowly fell to the ground.

"This time, I should have won, right?"

"Angel, you really won this time."

"Get lost."


The angel god who had just become a god, less than a minute later, uttered filthy words.

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