Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 404 Art is explosion, this is the power of physics and chemistry!

This tear-like milky white water droplet is called Guanyin Tears.

That’s right, this is exactly what Han Li got from Xiao San. Speaking of it, this is the first time he used this skill in a formal occasion.

Originally, Han Li didn’t think much of the hidden weapon technique, but the law of fate could not help but feel it, so he practiced it.

Then, he found that apart from other things, this hidden weapon technique, which is said to be ranked first among the hundred solutions of Tang Sect’s hidden weapon techniques, is really something.

Like other hidden weapon techniques, they need to be calculated before they are used. Han Li has a martial soul and a strong spiritual sense, which is useless to him. And skills like Bodhi Blood are the kind of extracting blood essence, which hurts the enemy before hurting himself, so he is unwilling to practice it.

Only this Guanyin Tears is a little too strong. Even Tang San himself knows it but not why. He only knows how to use this technique, and he doesn’t understand the principle himself.

But he doesn’t understand, Han Li does.

"Ignore defense, never miss", this is a skill related to fate, no wonder he felt it.

Han Li suspected that this was stolen or dug out by the people of Tang Sect from somewhere. In short, anything involving rules does not look like something that a killer sect can create.

The most important thing is that this thing is the same as his law of fate. In a way, it does not involve the scope of matter and energy at all. For the current Douluo World, it is a pure dimensionality reduction attack, like a product of another dimension.

But by chance, this thing is very useful to him.

It has been mentioned before that the basic rules of Douluo World are different from those of Blue Star, specifically in the form of gunpowder.

After Han Li's test, the gunpowder here will not cause elemental fluctuations after the explosion, and it is more like a pure physical attack, so he is even happier.

So, the scene in front of him appeared.

To be honest, Han Li's original backhand was to use the special ability of Guanyin Tears to threaten the Five Gods and prevent them from escaping. His target was also the defense shield of the God Realm.

But he really didn't expect that the three smart people would take the initiative to open the shield.

It was easy for them to open it, but Han Li had to consider more.

He had to think about whether the high-concentration energy package shown by the God Realm would be completely detonated if he used the law. Fortunately, he always liked to prepare more backups, Guanyin Tears and black gunpowder, wouldn't it come in handy?

So, without any hesitation, he directly activated the backup hiding plan.

He hadn't tried whether enough black gunpowder could directly blow up the God of Death, but his test results showed that this thing's ability to destroy space was no less than the law of space. The key was the physical attack, which was really great!

No matter how powerful the defensive shield was, it had to rely on space. I would directly blow up the foundation for you. If you have the ability, you can try to use the law of space.

Hey, after the shield was broken, the high-concentration energy that escaped, whoever dared to use the law of energy would die, and the God King was the same. The energy accumulated in the God Realm for who knows how many tens of thousands of years is simply not something that one person can control.

Han Li smiled with relief, and laughed very happily.

Not only because of the other party's wise operation of opening the shield, but also because of the reactions of destruction and life, it can be seen that they really love the creatures in the God Realm.

But thinking about it, Han Li's actions did not stop.

He added a little bit of material to the Guanyin Tear that condensed in front of him. He condensed it using the law of space. It can be said that all the black gunpowder was compressed in it.

The elemental power contained in it will be exhausted the moment the Guanyin Tear breaks through the space, and it will not cause an elemental riot. It will continue to fly for a distance.

The end point of the Guanyin Tear is the gap in the defense shield of the God Realm.

One thing that must be mentioned is that there is oxygen in the universe, but it is very rare. At least the combustion reaction is unlikely to proceed normally. But coincidentally, oxygen exists in interstellar gas clouds and on the surface of certain planets of a certain mass.

Although the God Realm was opened up later, it undoubtedly meets this condition. Many creatures in the God Realm also need breathing reactions. Not all creatures are energy creatures, and only the souls are left.

Therefore, the God Realm meets the combustion conditions of gunpowder, and violent friction will cause fire. The conditions are sufficient.

"The seniors who left the inheritance, remember to protect yourself and your relatives and friends."

The shield has been opened, and Han Li made his first declaration in the God Realm with the help of his divine sense.

He is not a bloodthirsty person, and strictly speaking, most of the gods in the God Realm are actually cattle and horses, and they do not have the right to know and decide.

Compared with the manipulation of the law to attack, the pre-preparation of Guanyin Tears is really long, with a full three seconds, and without the restrained destruction and life, it has already rushed into the God Realm.

Shura was still trying to recover his body, while evil and good were trying to keep the shield from breaking completely, so that the subsequent repair could take less time.

Some gods whose bodies reacted faster than their brains had already rushed to the gap, while more gods chose to stay where they were and were still hesitating because of the threat of destruction.

So, in this situation, for the gods, Han Li's terrifying Guanyin Tears with a long pre-attack swing were actually impossible to stop by anyone.

The milky white water droplets in front of Han Li were pushed out by him in a weird posture.

A silver light flashed, and a drop of water had passed Shura's position, passed through his head, and flew towards the gap in the shield at an extremely fast speed, drawing a column-like channel in the dark universe.

There was no energy fluctuation. This was what everyone thought after seeing this scene, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

There are no fools who can become gods, otherwise, they would not be able to pass the law alone, including those gods who had already flown to the gap. When they flew, they all used the purest divine power to propel themselves, and did not dare to mobilize the law.

They were also worried that Han Li was a madman and would directly detonate the God Realm. In this way, no one would have a good end.

However, the next second, they found that at the gap, in the center of the milky white water drop, a barely perceptible spark flashed.

In their ears, Han Li's voice rang again, and there was a hint of smile in his voice.

"I don't know if you have ever heard of a saying, that is, 'art is explosion'."

Many gods trembled in their hearts, and some sharp-eyed ones saw that the tear-like water drop had turned fiery red.

"Not good! Everyone listen to the order, only use pure divine power to protect the body, and never mobilize the law, even if it means death, you are not allowed to use it."

The voice of destruction sounded a little hurriedly, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as hoarse.

He didn't know what Han Li meant specifically, but he still understood the word explosion. To be on the safe side, he, who was always known for his radicalism, chose the most conservative method at this moment.

Gods, it's not that easy to die! This is where his confidence lies.

He saved a lot of people, this is Han Li's evaluation of destruction.

The next second, in the eyes of everyone, a dazzling white light flashed, making them close their eyes, but in their divine sense exploration, the space was like a mirror, cracked.

With the water drop without any energy fluctuation as the center, the space began to collapse rapidly, followed by the high temperature that hit them in the face.

But there was clearly no fluctuation of the law. This was the last thought that flashed through the minds of the gods at the gap, and then the divine power covering their bodies was melted without any resistance.


The explosion sounded with a delay, shocking many people in the God Realm to faint. Those who did not faint were also in a daze. At this moment, they lost the ability to think.

And there was no sound in the universe outside the God Realm.

There was only a huge force different from the fluctuation of the law, which hit the super artifacts of evil and kindness that were still maintaining the defense shield, knocking them out, and spurting out blood of a color different from that of ordinary people.

And there were two more cracks on the scales of judgment and the heart of kindness. This had nothing to do with the rules. Even if the super artifact was the incarnation of the rules, the artifact always needed a carrier, and these two cracks were the forces called physics and chemistry.

Not far from them, Shura, who had just recovered a little, also spurted out a mouthful of blood, and a similar crack appeared on the Shura Demon Sword.

In the distance, Han Li's face could not help but turn pale, and his body trembled violently. This was a sign that a large amount of divine power was being drained away.

Fortunately, Gu Yue was beside him and grabbed him.

Then, his face quickly turned ruddy, and his planetary divine core exerted its power.

He was careless. He did not expect that the opponent's super divine weapon was so weak, and he underestimated the power of black gunpowder.

Sure enough, if the equivalent was enough, it was still possible to kill Douluo's gods.

He looked at the original gap, and a smile appeared on his face again.

The space was still trembling, and the space cracks were still spreading in other directions. The shield was completely shattered.

The gods at the gap disappeared along with the shield. Although judging from the position of the gods, they were all second-level gods, the empty area could already explain everything.

Under the explosion, they could not even preserve their divine nature and soul. Only the energy that escaped outward and became more concentrated could vaguely prove that they seemed to have existed.

Evil and Kindness climbed up and looked at the God Realm where the shield had completely disappeared in a daze. Their hands were still shaking. They just wanted to open a gap to get support from the gods in the God Realm.

But why did it become like this?

In the God Realm, Destruction and Life were still trying their best to maintain the divine shield and protect those priests who had no resistance.

Behind Destruction, most of his divine armor had been broken and was slowly recovering. Under the armor, there was inconspicuous, dark purple blood dripping down his body, and after falling on the ground, it corroded small holes.

From his injuries, it can be seen that he alone bore most of the power of the previous explosion.

And Life, in front of Destruction, the crown on her head that she loved most was gone, and her hair was casually scattered.

At this moment, she was carefully waving the Tree of Life, fearing that it would trigger the energy of rules. Green light spots were sprinkled from the super artifact like rain, falling on those who fainted, quickly penetrating into their bodies, healing their injuries.

She is using the most original power of the super artifact to rescue more survivors.

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