Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 42 If nothing unexpected happens, something unexpected will happen

Because the formal procedures were followed, Han Li did not encounter any obstacles when entering the school.

Listening to the constant introduction of the staff walking beside him, Han Li's understanding of Tiandou Royal College also replaced the words in his memory with the real scene in front of him.

Han Li had visited the college before. Not to mention that he often went in and out of Notting College freely before, even when he arrived in Wuhun City, he still visited Wuhun Hall College. Whether it was a junior college or a senior college, the environment alone was far inferior to the Tiandou Royal College in front of him.

Rather than saying that the college in front of him was a college, it was better to say that this was a huge garden, or the kind that was comparable to a scenic tourist area. Like the layout of Wuhun Hall College, all the facilities are designed to maximize efficiency. Compared with this place, well, there is no comparison at all.

Han Li's visit did not attract much attention. Visitors like him can be encountered one or two every month. Then one day in the future, the students of the college will find that the previous visitors have become their classmates. As students of Tiandou Royal College, they have long been accustomed to it.

Most of the students who saw this scene just sighed slightly, saying that the future of the college would have another handsome guy with good temperament, but that was all.

Of course, Han Li also thought so, although it might disappoint those young ladies.

On his first visit, he did not directly ask the staff to take him to find someone, which was too direct.

So, at the end of the visit, a small bag of gold soul coins quietly appeared in his hand, and then accidentally lost it in the hands of the staff.

In the stunned look of the staff, he said a little embarrassedly that he wanted to see the genius of the college, and asked if he could watch from a distance, guaranteeing that he would not affect others and would not say anything nonsense afterwards.

After three seconds of intense psychological struggle, the staff said that they could only watch from a distance, and Han Li nodded, so the two sides happily reached a consensus.

Under the continuous guidance of the staff, the two turned left and right, came to a building very close to the training ground, and entered a room.

"This is it. You can see the training ground from the window here, but you can only stay here for ten minutes. How about that?" The staff asked Han Li who was already standing in front of the window.

"Thank you, that's enough. I just want to see my future companions."

A hint of arrogance flashed across Han Li's face, and he answered slowly.

"Well, then you can watch. I won't bother you."

The staff didn't say anything, sat on the chair behind him, and didn't answer him.

Another arrogant guy. He has seen many such arrogant teenagers. After all, no one thinks that they are inferior to others, especially when they still have some talent. The staff thought silently in their hearts that they hope that he will not be hit after entering school.

And Han Li, who was standing in front, didn't know when his right eye had lit up, and he looked at the few people who were training or playing in the field.

That's right, in his opinion, the few people fighting against him were just playing. Compared with his actual combat training, the purity was too low, even Sister Xiu'er couldn't compare.

He had already obtained portraits of the relevant personnel from Sarath, so he naturally wouldn't be confused about who was who, and the characteristics of the few people he wanted to observe were quite obvious.

Well, it seems not too late. The purple-haired girl looked very unimpressed with the big fool. Han Li thought silently in his heart as he looked at the situation in the field.

The girl covered with black veil also had a good temperament. Well, this is the healing ability of the Nine-Hearted Begonia, which is a little stronger than his royal healing soul master. Very good, he likes it very much.

Han Li observed for a while, turned around and looked at the leisurely staff, and said: "Okay, let's go, they are qualified to be my teammates."

The staff looked at his calm expression, and for a moment they couldn't tell whether this guy was bragging or really confident.

"The time is not up yet, are you sure? Let's make it clear first, the fee will not be refunded, and you took the initiative to ask to end it." The staff emphasized the volume on "active".

"Well, let's go, that's it." Han Li nodded and confirmed.

"Okay, I hope to see you on the training ground in the future."

The staff breathed a sigh of relief and sent their blessings for the sake of the gold soul coins.

"I will."

Han Li answered seriously, and added the second half of the sentence in his heart, "No way."

The staff smiled, did not respond, walked out of the room first, and took him to the gate of the academy.

On the way to the gate, the staff returned to work and continued to talk to him about Tiandou Royal Academy. Han Li could see that when he talked about these, he was very proud to be a part of it, and this could not be faked.

Of course, he collected the money very quickly before, which could not be faked, which made Han Li want to laugh.

The return journey was much faster, after all, many things had been visited before.

Having seen the gate of the academy, just when Han Li thought that today's trip would end smoothly.

Several people appeared at the gate of the academy, led by a young man, who was holding a girl, followed by four or five guards, looking very grand.

"You are lucky to meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and the one beside the Crown Prince, the little princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. You must remember these two faces clearly and never offend them."

Perhaps for the sake of the gold soul coin, the staff took the initiative to remind him and pulled him aside, not going over immediately.

"Well, thank you for your reminder, I see."

Han Li nodded and took the initiative to observe the two leaders.

The Crown Prince of Tiandou, Xue Qinghe, was also included in the portrait given by Saras before, perhaps for safety reasons.

Han Li looked at him for a few times and found that he was indeed as ordinary as described in the portrait.

He seemed to have no special features and was neutral, but his temperament was really good. He looked very gentle and elegant, a little unlike the Crown Prince of a country, more like a scholar.

It was similar to the description in his memory. Han Li commented that Qian Renxue's disguise was actually not bad, because this was Xue Qinghe's original personality.

Then, he cast his sights on the girl. She had short brown hair, fair skin, and a light blue dress that made her look very cute. But even though she was led by Xue Qinghe, her eyes were not very peaceful. She kept quietly looking at the surrounding environment and people, as if she was making some small calculations in her heart.

Well, she looked quite cute, and had a kind of quirky feeling. Maybe Ning Fengzhi had not forced her to learn those cumbersome aristocratic etiquette because of her age, or maybe this was her home court, so she didn't make any disguise at all? Han Li guessed silently in his heart.

Just as he retracted his gaze and stood aside with the staff to wait honestly, the two of them and the guards behind them had already passed through the gate of the academy.

Then almost at the same time, the eyes of the group fell on him.

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