Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 5: Speculator Saras and Bibi Dong preparing to attack

Tiandou City, Wuhun Hall, Saras' office.

"Report, Bishop, the expedited document sent by the Kingdom of Barak uses the highest level of encryption."

After entering the room, an intelligence officer quickly reported the general situation and handed over the document in his hand. They were only qualified to receive and send, and did not have the conditions to interpret it.

"Huh? The highest level of encrypted files? Okay, you go out and wait for my summons."

Salas frowned. He hadn't handled a document of this level for almost six years, and it was sent from such a remote place. I hope the people below are not making a fuss, otherwise, he will let the sender know what a platinum bishop is.

Opening the file and scanning the "Angel Holy Book" on the side, Saras began to interpret the contents of the file.

Looking at the contents above, his expression gradually changed from casual at the beginning to serious. He was already knowledgeable, but he really had never seen the contents described above.

"Special spirit structure, no less than the innate full spirit power genius of twin spirits, well, these people are not stupid, but they are still a bit too much."

Salas continued to read while thinking, until he scanned the last sentence.

"Hmm? Is he related to His Majesty Guangling?"

He quickly flipped forward and finally saw the information about Han Li's parents in his information.

He clearly remembered that this was a few years ago, when His Majesty Guangling passed by and took over the matter out of boredom, saying that he happened to be passing by and let him handle it. Unexpectedly, they met today.

"Notting City Spirit Hall, well done, deserves a reward, and this city lord is not bad, maybe he can move to another position later."

His eyes flickered, he belonged to the Pope's Palace, but that didn't mean he didn't want to be associated with the Worship Hall. His Majesty Qian Renxue looked down on him, but that didn't mean that others looked down on him. This secret report might be his chance.

After thinking for a long time, Saras called the intelligence officer waiting outside and said seriously: "Make two copies, send the information to Wuhun City, and copy to the Pope's Palace and the Worship Palace respectively, all at the highest level."

After the intelligence officer left, Saras, who wanted to summon others, paced a few steps. Thinking that his cultivation was getting slower and slower and there was no hope of being banned, he simply went directly to the intelligence room.

He was ready to receive first-hand information. If the feedback from Wuhun City was good, he could go there in person. He felt that he was also good at taking care of children.

The news in the small town always spreads fast.

After Li Xiaozhan sent him and Xiu'er home, he said that he would come to celebrate his birthday at noon. After more than an hour, the neighbors in the surrounding area came to the door with gifts. After a round of praise and communication, Han Li's face was almost frozen with laughter, and it was over.

Let Xiu'er notify the chef to prepare the meal, Han Li returned to his room, took out the diary to deepen his memory again, and threw it into the brazier, watching it burn to ashes. Now he is no longer the little transparent person he used to be, and he must prevent any accidents.

While Brother Tao was making a martial soul certificate for him, he saw Xiao Wu's level certificate. She was from a nearby village, a martial soul rabbit, and her innate soul power was registered at level 7. In this case, as long as she concealed it a little, it was understandable that she could practice quickly, after all, there was a blue silver grass with full soul power around her for comparison.

This finally solved the doubts in his heart, why two geniuses with innate full soul power were studying at Notting College, but no one in the martial soul hall cared about them.

It was understandable that the blue silver grass was not valued, and Bibi Dong might have guessed something, and it was really wrong that the rabbit martial soul with innate full soul power was not valued.

However, he did not have the idea of ​​interfering now. Not to mention the soul ring, he also wanted this soul bone. Invincibility and teleportation, this kind of soul bone skills, he believed that except for the angel suit, other people would be willing to exchange their own soul bones.

Not to mention that it would be dangerous for him to interfere now, he would not get anything. Who knows if Tang Hao has been hiding around? This is also the reason why he saw Tang San and Xiao Wu before but did not approach.

Summoning the spirit again and controlling them to transform, Han Li no longer concealed the excitement on his face. The treatment of the Father of the Plane is always better than that of the Son of the Plane in the early stage. He was not given too much training. If he was really like Huo Gua, who was so miserable in the early stage, he doubted whether he could hold on until he rose.

He took the bow and aimed symbolically, and then quickly decomposed it into two swords, slashing forward with the wind, and Han Li put it away with satisfaction.

An archer who can't fight in close combat is not a good chef. The template of Red A is online, which is why he registered the spirit on the spirit certificate as a bow. Although it will not be unknown forever, it counts as one if it can be hidden. Thinking of someone working hard to break through his long-range attack in the future, and being switched to a double-sword hanging hammer after getting close, the corners of his mouth can't help but rise.

"Unfortunately, the attack method of the two swords has to be readjusted."

Han Li sighed. After learning about his parents' martial spirits, he has been practicing swords for two years. Although it is just a simple swing and chop, the attack mode has already taken shape. Now he can only adapt again. Fortunately, the physical training effect is still there, so it is not a waste of time.

"I just don't know if the previous attempt is useful. I hope it will succeed."

Han Li sat back in the chair, tapping the table unconsciously with his fingers, thinking about his previous actions.

He had anticipated many situations in the past two years, but he did not expect that his martial soul would mutate into a bow. He had always treated the teasing of his elders as a joke. He could not get in touch with a super Douluo like Guang Ling in the Worship Hall.

And now, perhaps there is a little chance, which is better than all the routes he had planned before.

Suddenly, his fingers stopped on the table and thought of the plane consciousness that was still sleeping.

"Perhaps, this is the treatment of the father of the plane? Even if it is a beggar version?"

"It seems that my thinking has not yet been transformed. Luck seems to be more powerful than I realized."

Han Li's smile bloomed on his face, and he laughed silently, and the expression on his handsome face gradually became abnormal. In the end, he couldn't help it, threw himself on the bed, buried his head in the quilt, and laughed out loud.

What he didn't realize was that while he was twisting on the bed, the door was opened. Xiu'er took a look at his condition, then quietly closed the door and walked out: "Sure enough, Xiao Li is still a child."

After waiting for a long time, there was no sound in the room, and Xiu'er knocked on the door again: "Young Master, the city lord and the deacon of the Spirit Hall are here, you should come out to entertain them."

There was silence in the room for a few seconds. Han Li was no different from usual. He opened the door with a smile and walked towards the restaurant with Xiu'er.


In the Spirit City, two urgent intelligence reports were sent to the Pope's Hall and the Worship Hall at the same time.

Five minutes later, the Pope Bibi Dong, who received the message, brought the two Douluo Ju and Ghost for a long time and stepped into the Worship Hall that she hated very much.

She was not for the so-called innate full soul power and the strange spirit. Anyway, except for that "sister", no one had better talent than her. What's more, that genius was still a boy, and she didn't like him very much. Even if he grew up, he would be nothing more than a stronger Xie Yue, which was insignificant.

She came to ask for punishment. For her, this was a rare opportunity to weaken the Qian family's voice in the Spirit Hall again.

New book, please read~~~~~

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