Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 58: Improvement of external soul bones and overall strength

Seeing Dugu Bo shut his mouth honestly, a smile appeared on Guang Ling's face again.

This face-changing stunt made Dugu Bo curse in his heart, and thought to himself: Let you be happy first. When Yanyan and this kid get married, even if you are stronger than me and older than me, in terms of seniority, I will also be your uncle. generation.

Han Li secretly noticed the expressions of the two people and couldn't help but curl his lips. The way these two got along was quite interesting.

Maybe it was because Han Li's external soul bone had changed a lot, and it looked more like the change caused by the activation of the head soul bone, which made Dugu Bo, who was looking at him, misjudge. After looking at him for a long time, he still tolerated it. He couldn't help but ask: "What kind of soul beast's skull is this? It's really strange. Why have I never seen it before?"

Hearing his words, Guang Ling raised the corners of his mouth slightly and gave him a disdainful look. Sure enough, this wild Titled Douluo was just ignorant and didn't even know about the external soul bone.

(Note: Dugu Bo is aware of the misjudgment and misjudgment, and it is slightly exaggerated here.)

Seeing that Dugu Bo was about to turn his head to look at Guang Ling, another verbal spat was about to begin.

Han Li quickly spoke to attract his attention: "Senior, this is not the head soul bone, but two external soul bones. It didn't look like this originally. It's just that this time the martial soul evolved and they were upgraded together. It has just reached fifteen thousand years.”

Dugu Bo took a breath when he heard this and looked curiously at the tentacles on Han Li's head and his right eye. He was full of envy and didn't know what to say.

In other words, two yuan, just fifteen thousand years ago, he was so sour.

After a while, he turned to look at Guang Ling.

"Your Wuhun Palace is really rich and powerful. These are two external soul bones. You are really willing to be a master. However, Han Li's talent is worth it."

When Guang Ling heard his praise, she felt secretly happy, but she still pretended to be calm and said: "Don't misunderstand me. Although Wuhun Palace does not lack resources, and I, the master, love him very much, there is no need for them either." These two external soul bones were accidentally obtained by Xiao Li when he obtained the soul ring. "

Dugu Bo was stunned when he heard Guang Ling's words. This answer was something he had not expected.

Then he looked at the proud Guang Ling with a strange expression. Since it was not provided by Wuhun Palace and you, then you are just pretending. I don't know, I thought it was the soul bone you exploded.

However, considering Guang Ling's current temperament, he was not stupid enough to say it directly.

Suddenly, he thought of something, his eyes widened, and he looked at Han Li: "You were only at level 23 before. So, you got an external soul bone each time you obtained the soul ring in the first two times?"

Han Li nodded calmly, acknowledging it.

"You're so lucky, kid. I've lived all my life, and I only saw the so-called external soul bones on you today, and I saw two of them at once." Dugu Bo circled Han Li twice. After observing for a while, he reluctantly withdrew his gaze.

Want it? I know where there is more. As long as you go to the Star Forest and kill all the Man-Faced Demon Spiders that are less than three thousand years old, you might be able to find a piece.

Han Li looked at him and joked in his mind, but he didn't say it out loud. If he really wanted to say it out like this, he would really be regarded as a monster.

Regarding the Eight Spider Spears, he was prepared to cut off the beard, but it was not cost-effective to sacrifice a soul ring for this. He was prepared to leave it to his own team.

And to be honest, he doesn't like spider legs and poison too much. Although he is obsessed with being a sixth-form man, he hopes to crush everyone with a gorgeous appearance when he comes out.

As for poison, his martial spirit now has its own fire poison and ice poison. As for the spider legs, it is acceptable to put them on a beautiful girl. On his back, they are left for wings, whether they are real wings or fake ones. wing.

He looked at Dugu Bo calmly. The Eight Spider Spears were originally used in his plan to win over Dugu Bo. Now the plan has gone awry, but he wants to get along with Dugu Yan in the future, so it is not impossible to give her as a gift.

After all, the attached soul bone has to grow with its master, and if it were given to a titled Douluo, its growth potential would be too low. This is why he did not invite his master to obtain the Eight Spider Spears in the Star Dou Forest.

"Okay, let's ignore him for now and talk about the specific changes."

Guang Ling grabbed Dugu Bo, who was dangling in front of his eyes, and looked at Han Li.

"The abilities have not changed much. They are basically increased on the original basis. The tentacles are still bound to the first soul skill. In addition to the original function being greatly improved, the affinity is further improved to control, which is 100% The control and soul power are not bad, but the consumption of mental power has increased a lot. "

"Also, the perception of temperature is more acute, which makes it easier to detect disguised enemies. Of course, when the mental power is released through the tentacles to attack, the increase is 2.5 times, and different elements can be selectively added. Power, making others furious or slow-thinking.”

"As for Hawkeye, on the premise of a significant increase in basic abilities, it has also gained similar abilities. However, unlike the temperature feedback of the tentacles, its ability is more of a perspective function. It can see through the enemy's soul power route, but it is quite expensive. Soul power. According to my rough estimate, I can't even activate it for more than three minutes before the soul power is exhausted."

"Eagle Eye's original fragility has been slightly modified. You can choose to ignite or freeze the effect while marking it. It will also have the effect of the healing soul skill halved during the time the mark exists. After marking, the next attack will cause The damage has been further increased to 50%.”

After Han Li finished speaking, regardless of the two people's reactions, he took all the attached soul bones back into his body, sat back on his seat, and ate the cooked food.

For a long time, the two sat down silently, without speaking, and ate in silence.

It wasn't until they had consumed nearly two days of food inventory that the three of them stopped using their chopsticks and leaned back on their chairs with satisfaction. Guang Ling and Dugu Bo, with the buffer of time, finally accepted Han Li's abnormality.

A soul king who has just reached level 30, his physical strength and defense are comparable to those of a regular level 60 soul emperor (maybe slightly worse), his soul power concentration and destructive power are equivalent to those of a level 50 soul king, and his mental power is higher than before. The words also revealed a little bit.

Under normal circumstances, Han Li's mental power is not much different from that of a normal Soul King, but with the addition of his soul bones and elements, it can even hurt the Soul Saint. Of course, this will also cause his mental power to be temporarily exhausted, which is very dangerous. , and only has the power of one blow.

Taken together, regardless of the continuous output ability and short-term burst, there is no problem at all in treating Han Li as the Soul Emperor, and he is even a relatively strong one. The key is that he is not yet eight years old.

"By the way, Xiao Li, after your mental power and elemental control have been improved this time, has your ability to control arrows strengthened?" Guang Ling suddenly remembered something.

When Han Li heard his master's question, he was stunned for a moment before replying: "It has indeed improved. I can now fully control elemental arrows."

Then, he scratched his head in embarrassment and continued: "But, Master, have you forgotten that my soul power itself has strong corrosive properties now, even if I can completely control it. But when the arrow breaks At the moment when the body is opened, if those above the Soul King can still resist, those below the Soul King will still inevitably cause damage to them, they are too weak. "

"So, you still can't compare?" Guang Ling asked with a headache.

"Oh, that's not the case. I can control arrows to explode in advance. Even if I only use the impact generated by energy, most soul sects should not be my opponents. Well, even if I stand on the spot and throw fireballs and ice picks, I should be able to We can win." After thinking for a while, Han Li gave a rather conservative estimate.

Dugu Bo's mouth twitched when he heard this, but he had no way to refute. He also participated in the previous test. Han Li did have the strength to say this.

"That's good. When the opportunity is right, you can help me beat up a few people."

The corner of Guang Ling's mouth curled up slightly, remembering his plan to accept Han Li as his disciple. At that time, Bibi Dong used an excuse to go to the worship hall to cause trouble. The debt still had to be recovered.

If the Pope is not suitable for the time being, then he can find it from her disciples. I hope she can withstand Han Li's firepower.

"Yes, Master."

Han Li helplessly replied that he knew exactly what Guang Ling was thinking. Ever since he obtained the first soul ring, Guang Ling had always been concerned about this issue, and now he finally let him wait.

I hope it won't cause too much trouble by then. He has to make some preparations in advance.

Golden generation? For the sake of Master, I can only suffer for you, Han Li thought silently in his heart.

Thanks to Momtv31 for another rz~!

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