Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 77 The introduction to the external soul bone, Han Li’s choice

"How's it going? Not bad, right? When I return to Wuhun City, I can show off to your master. This is the soul beast that escaped from him back then."

Guang Ling saw his apprentice's intention and made a joke.

"Well, thank you Master, I also think that the Blue Shadow Condor is very suitable for me, and maybe I can get its wings. In this case, I can fly much faster, and the movement and consumption will be much less, and it will be temporarily short-lived. The board was also made up.”

Han Li put the paper away and responded with a smile.

"Well, as long as you're happy."

When Guang Ling heard what he said, she rolled her eyes unconsciously. She was still short-sighted. Who could be so perverted?

Has a big brother of the same level beaten Xiao Li? He compared it in his mind with some uncertainty.

Hiss, I can't think about it anymore, it seems a bit disrespectful to my elder brother, and Xiao Xue'er is so cute.

Forget it, Qian Xunji and Bibi Dong were definitely not as good as Xiao Li. After Guang Ling changed the target of comparison, she suddenly felt happy.

"By the way, Xiao Li, when things here are over, it seems that we have to go to the Star Forest again. The traces of the Green Shadow Condor were found there. It will probably take half a month before they confirm the range. It’s just a month, and you should have recovered by that time.”

Guang Ling thought of something again and said something to Han Li.

Star Forest? Forget it, let’s just do it this time. When we’re done, we’ll go back to Wuhun City.

Han Li adjusted his original plan in his mind, thinking about how to talk to Dugu Bo and his grandson in the future.

"How are you going to deal with these two?"

Guang Ling lowered her voice and bent down to ask.

"I'm going to take Dugu Yan back to Wuhun City. What do you think? Master?"

Han Li looked up at Guang Ling and asked for his opinion.

"I don't have any problem. Aren't you afraid that Xiu'er will be angry if you take her back?"

Guang Ling glanced at Han Li with a half-smile and teased.

"What are you talking about, Master?"

Han Li glanced helplessly at his master, who was worried that he would not enjoy watching it.

"I am planning to take her back to train her. With the foundation of Ninth Grade Longzhi, she will definitely be a strong companion in the future."

Of course, Han Li still had something to tell Guang Ling, and he also had prepared external soul bones to give as a gift.

For such a big gift, no matter what, she had to stay with him for a while, and Dugu Bo had to say it was okay.

He originally planned to stay in Tiandou for a while to cultivate feelings, but he didn't expect that he had to purify his martial soul all day long, so he had no time to think about anything else.

In addition, the third soul ring still had to run to the Star Dou Forest, and it took a lot of time to go back and forth. Even he felt that this time was wasted and felt a little distressed.

In this case, after the matter here is over, Dugu Yan will become a soul master immediately. Even if he wants to maximize his profits, he has to get the external soul bone first, and the cultivation of feelings can only be postponed and brought back. Wuhun City is the best choice.

Furthermore, he was planning to pry this girl away. This was the land of love, and he didn't want to make a wedding dress for anyone else.

"Okay, it's up to you."

Seeing that what he said made sense, Guang Ling nodded in agreement, but secretly sighed in her heart.

It seems that Xiaoxue is in trouble. Oh, forget it, just take it one step at a time. They have no chance of contact at all.

It's all Qian Xunji's fault. You said you were fine, but what kind of bullshit plan were you going to make to steal the country before you died?

It's fine now. Not only was Xiaoxue's cultivation talent wasted, but also my Guangling's disciple-in-law was lost.

Well, and that crazy woman Bibi Dong, just wait for me. When you get back, let Xiao Li beat up your apprentice to vent his anger.

"By the way, Master, I have one more thing to trouble you." Han Li looked at Guang Ling.

"What's up?"

"Ask Bishop Salas to prepare a few criminals or fallen soul masters who need soul ring promotion, um, the kind with the most heinous crimes. Soul masters or soul sects can be used, of course it is best to be soul sects. When you go to the Star Dou Forest, bring them Come with them." A trace of cruelty flashed in Han Li's eyes as he spoke.

"Huh? Xiao Li, why did you suddenly mention these people?"

Guang Ling frowned and looked at him with some doubts. He was still a little worried in his heart. He wondered if there were any hidden dangers left by the erosion of the martial spirit this time, which caused Han Li to change in a bad way.

"This is all guided by fate. Just after I decided to go to the Star Dou Forest, I secretly felt that I should do this."

Han Li sighed in his heart, not daring to look at Guang Ling's eyes. He couldn't tell his master directly that he wanted these people to be the guides to absorb the soul rings and attached soul bones, and then seize them a second time.

"Don't worry, Master, I don't like to take people's lives easily. There may be some opportunity to use them this time. When we come out of the Star Dou Forest, these people will be returned to the local Spirit Hall. ." Han Li added bravely.

"Forget it, they are just some scum, they will die if they die, but, Xiao Li? Are you really not affected in any way?"

Guang Ling looked at Han Li for a while, then cautiously asked.

"Absolutely not, Master. I can swear on my martial soul that I will voluntarily accept the inspection of the Great Enshrinement after I return."

Han Li could feel Guang Ling's concern for him, raised his head and met his eyes.

"No, Master believes in you."

Guang Ling and him looked at each other before shaking their heads and smiling.

"I know you have a secret, so I'll hide it. As long as you don't pass the line, I'll pretend I didn't see the rest. But you must remember that you must not fall. Do you understand? Otherwise, I will kill you with my own hands."

Guang Ling's tone became serious, and this was the first time Han Li saw his master so serious.

"Yes, I understand, Master." Han Li nodded solemnly in reply.

"Okay, it's okay then. I will help you solve this matter."

Guang Ling's expression softened again.

"Okay, let's go practice. You can actually tell Dugu Bo about this."

Guang Ling mentioned it casually again as if it was unintentional.

"Master, there is really nothing wrong with me."

Han Li, who had just taken a few steps, turned to look at Guang Ling and made a weak argument.

"Okay, go practice quickly, I will always watch you, brat."

Guang Ling smiled and sent away Han Li who wanted to say something else.

When Han Li re-entered the stone chamber, Guang Ling turned around and looked in the direction of the Ice and Fire Eyes. There was a cold light in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Han Li sat down cross-legged again and sighed.

It's not surprising that Guang Ling was suspicious. There were some things that he really couldn't say. The key to the externally attached soul bone was that it had to absorb the soul ring in order to absorb it simultaneously. Otherwise, he wouldn't have had to take this trick.

As for what Guang Ling said about letting Dugu Bo do it, Han Li had no doubt that Dugu Bo could handle it, but with his style, he didn't know who the soul master who would be responsible for the introduction would be.

Although Han Li can be cruel, it does not mean that he is willing to let innocent people suffer for him. In contrast, taking some pressure and choosing those who deserve to die makes him more accepting.

Maybe, this is hypocrisy?

Han Li smiled, cleared his mind, and re-entered the state of cultivation.

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