Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 33: Win, then dominate

   Without warning, Qing Ming Wolf exerted its strength on all fours, accompanied by a low wolf roar, and then a cyan figure suddenly sprang out fiercely from behind the dense grass.

   There is no confrontation, no fancy things, it wants to use its fangs and claws to tear up this weak-looking 20th-level spirit master!

   The amazing jumping ability of the giant wolf supported it to jump into the air and dive directly towards Uchiha Uranus.

  At this moment, time seemed to slow down.

   The wolf's mouth opened wide, revealing his hideous teeth and even splashing saliva.

   But Uchiha Uranus can see everything!

   did not hesitate, when the giant wolf swooped in, the radiating eyes in the teenager's pupils turned rapidly, and after just a glance around, he saw a suitable venue for counterattack. The boy turned abruptly at a faster speed, and then picked up the pointed wooden sticks scattered on the ground to avoid this pounce.

   Immediately after the giant wolf hit the ground, before turning around, he stepped on and rushed up, and the sharp wooden stick went straight into the giant wolf's head, intending to blow his head.


   As Uchiha Urano charged straight, a swiftly slamming gray shadow followed. The fierce wind mixed with a frightening sense of horror swept toward the boy's body.

   In order not to be attacked, Uchiha took a step backwards, almost avoiding the steel tail, and was short of breath for a while, and it felt bad that he almost passed the death.

   If he had just been hit, maybe he had been swept over to the ground, and then the wolf kiss followed and died here.

   This is not a question of whether it is strong or not, but the rigidity after being attacked has caused him to expose his flaws, which may cause him to die here.

The giant wolf didn't give him time to think. After using the wolf tail to close Uchiha Uranus, it quickly rushed to the young man standing still, the wolf claws raised, and the three-inch-long pointed claws from the soles of the feet. Leaning out, with a cold light drew a silver light in mid-air and waved to the boy.


Without hesitation, after realizing that there was no object to hold the sharp claws, Uchiha immediately activated the second spirit ability. Accompanied by the rhythm of the purple spirit ring, the 50% increase in speed made him feel relaxed. With a good posture, a back jump, and escaped the slap.

   But it's not over yet, Qing Minglang realized that a single attack would definitely be ineffective when fighting against each other, and soul beasts are not fools, and the old-time tricks of taking a bite with you.

   I saw a blue crescent-shaped light blade that was visible to the naked eye, swept around, rushing towards Uchiha Uchiha with gusts of gale.

   Immediately after that, several wind blades spurted out in succession, and Uchiha Uranus was not given time to react. The wolf claws rushed to the young man avoiding the wind blade with a slight green glow.



The power of the wind blade should not be underestimated. A few wind blades are easy for him to dodge, but after the wind blade cuts the big tree, the fallen giant canopy is not so easy to fight against. It is a coincidence that the stone bursts and the crown The direction of the collapse was all towards Uchiha Uranus, and the boy also noticed that the target of the blue wolf was him.

   But the isolation and long-range attack of the second ring spirit ability worked.

The kinetic energy of the splashing stones was weakened by the invisible energy in the air. Under the deviation, they even turned to the path of the blue wolf, but the clumsy canopy could not threaten him, but lay between him and the blue wolf. Divided a person and a beast.

   The tree canopy collapsed, throwing up a large amount of dust and fallen leaves, making it impossible to see the surroundings at all.

   A cold light flashed in the wolf eyes of the green dark wolf. It had an idea, instead of screaming, but using all fours and jumping as hard as possible, the smell from the opposite side of the tree guided it, silently pounced in the direction of the boy!


   With a burst of shout, Uchiha Uranus seemed to have completely anticipated the actions of the Blue Underworld Wolf. When the Blue Underworld Wolf leaped into the air, he jumped high, raised his leg and hit straight, his movements were elegant and vigorous, yet simple and neat.

   His body looks weak, but at the moment it shows fierce power!

   Strong leg wind!

   Qing Minglang couldn't dodge, and was kicked in the face all at once.

   The howling of the wolf stopped abruptly, the giant force struck, and the Qing Ming wolf flew far away.

   fell to the ground, the boy's legs were slightly bent, and his strength was relieved.

   The moment he was just like a ballista, his legs and feet were huge arrows shot out.


   The young man kicked Qing Minglang on the head, and with one blow, he kicked Qing Minglang fiercely and fell to the ground, knowing his life or death.



   For a moment, the boy breathed a sigh of relief and let go of his vigilance.

   I don't know when, his right pupil has turned into black and yellow, the black one is Gouyu, and the yellow one replaces the position of the white of the eye. The gap between it and the radiation warning sign is only a Gouyu.

   Elemental pupil, this is the ability he brought to Ergouyu's awakening, and he obtained the name.

   And he has not confirmed the specific situation of the corpse, and fully anticipated the location of the giant wolf's take-off, and even the position in the air, all depends on the pupil of the element.

   He once opened the pupil of the elements, but he could only see a black and white vision, but at this moment, when facing a living creature, he could clearly see the trajectory of the ‘energy’ inside the Qing Ming wolf.

   is not only the green energy trajectory, but also the red blood rhythm, and even the external energy of various colors becomes clearer with the appearance of the pupil of the element.

   He could see the green energy gathering in the mouth of the Qing Ming wolf, and he could also see behind the black and white collapsed tree, a wolf-shaped creature jumped up and rushed towards him.

And why can it be determined that the Blue Underworld Wolf is dead? That is because, in his eyes, it represents the blue vital signs. With the twitching after landing, it has gradually become a big tree. Stone-like black and white.

   If you guessed correctly, I am afraid it is dead.

   put away the fighting posture, and also retracted the radiating eyes in his pupils. Uchiha only felt his legs soft, and then he slumped on the ground, breathing heavily.

This was his second desperate fight. The Burst Owl and the male Wind Sickle could not be counted at all. They didn’t even fight against each other. The first time it was the female Wind Sickle and brought him. The feeling of death.

   also made him understand what it was like to wander around the ghost gate.

Until this time, he was wondering what level of his strength was. Before he obtained the spirit ring and before awakening the Ergou Jade, he definitely encountered a 1,200-year-old wind sickle beast. How miserable it is. But after the spirit ring and Gouyu's strengthened physique, he could instead carry that thousand-year-old spirit beast forcibly. As far as physical quality is concerned, the 30th-level soul may not have his strength.

   But kicking the Millennium Soul Beast to death in a volley is also a bit outrageous.

   Suddenly he thought about what he hadn't paid attention to.

  Radiation will destroy the body.

If the radiation has been affecting, weakening the body of the Qing Ming wolf, and then volleying its head and stiffening its head in front of it, the impact of its own pounce plus its own foot, the strong impact rebound and radiation The existence of directly destroyed its brains.

  Thinking about it so, there is only this way to explain it.

   "Hehe, my first knight kick was successfully completed, and I have been practicing. It's a pity that it's not perfect, and I didn't pose anything when I landed."



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