Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 38: After the war

   There was no picking method, no protective measures, Uchiha Uranus so carelessly pulled this **** killing spirit grass from the crack in the rock, grabbing the stem and pulling it out.

   Although there was some resistance, it did not hinder his actions. No matter how clever the spirit grass was, it could not move away from its position and could only be held firmly in his hand.

   "I don't know if this spirit grass can be eaten? I always feel that if I just tear the petals and swallow it, something bad will happen."

Uchiha looked at the blood-red spirit grass with brown soil in his hand, and he was hesitant for a while. There was no rare species such as spirit grass and fairy grass in the book he was reading. For this kind of thing, he must be an expert. Only when you come can you judge whether you should eat it, or when is the best time to eat it.

   He is a layman, and he knows well that you should never eat things you don't know outside, otherwise the diarrhea is still good, and it is very possible to eat directly.

   While he was thinking about how to deal with this large flower, he suddenly felt a pain of puncturing the flesh and flesh from the fingers holding the stem.

  The sudden pain of ten fingers connected to the heart suddenly frightened Uchiha Uranus. The right hand holding this large flower stem couldn't help but loose because of the pain, the **** Slaughter Spirit Grass quietly fell on the ground, making a soft landing sound.

   Uchiha Uranus looked at the sharp breach in the belly of the index finger, and a few drops of blood remained near the wound, without dripping. When he looked at the big flower on the ground and quietly absorbed the blood, his brows wrinkled.

   Does this thing have the ability to grow spikes, pierce the skin, and absorb blood?

   "Huh? Wait, do you still dare to **** my blood? Want to die faster?"

   At the time of shock, Uchiha suddenly thought of his own situation, and for a while, he had some strange thoughts about the spirit grass that even dared to **** his blood.

   You are very brave.

   The young man smiled and picked up the big flower that fell on the ground again. He wanted to see what wonderful changes would happen after this **** killing spirit plant absorbed his blood.

   Unsurprisingly, the energetic blood-red flower shook after absorbing Uchiha's blood. The petals shook, and the stem began to shed dark-red, unknown sap.

But as time passed, the vibrations became more intense, visible to the naked eye, and the leaves of the flowers that stood proudly fell slowly, as if they were reaching old age in an instant, like a mimosa, wrapping themselves all over, which made Uchiha Uranus see a little Silly.

   After a short while, it turned out to be indispensable in his hands, and his appearance was accompanied by killing and death. There was even a certain intelligent spirit grass that sucked his blood and became autistic?

After a while, Uchiha poked the spiritual plant with his finger, trying to see its reaction, but it didn’t move, and still closed the leaves tightly, wrapping itself up so that the stamens and ovary were not exposed. In front of him.

   For a while, Uchiha Uranus became very playful. He put up the index finger with blood remaining, and pressed it towards the bud outside the spirit grass little by little.

  ! ! !

After the index finger was erected, Lingcao seemed to have seen a scourge, and suddenly tilted an angle. As the index finger got closer, its tilt angle became larger and larger. It could be seen that it wanted to try its best Keep away from his blood, it's best not to touch it at all.

   But after all, there is a degree, it can't pour anymore, it can be seen with the naked eye, as the index finger approaches, it begins to tremble all over, and it becomes more and more intense.

   "Haha! This thing is really interesting. It seems that at least it won't be easily killed by my radiation. It's interesting."

Uchiha smiled, and when he changed his hand, he took out a wooden box, digging a little soil from the rock where it used to live, then inserted it in the box, sprinkled a little water, and made a hole in the box with a dagger. come out.

   After a short while, it was packaged into one. The soil and root system were packed in a box, but the stems and buds were all exposed.

   He suddenly became interested in growing plants.

Originally, he wanted to raise some soul beasts, or animals, so that he would not be too lonely in the forest by himself, but it is a pity that as long as it is a soul beast, it will definitely die in the hands of his nuclear radiation. There is no doubt.

   After a long time, he lost his mind.

   But he didn't expect that now he has the opportunity to raise a spirit grass that is more powerful and interesting than the soul beast.

He doesn't think this thing is fairy grass. He has already read books by calling him spirit grass. After all, although there are grass-shaped plant soul beasts, the area in front of him is obviously theropod, reptile soul beast Living area. Only a densely planted environment with heavy shadows of trees can give birth to this kind of plant spirit beast. What's more, it has a large area where all spirit beasts are bewitched. If they grow here since they were young, they would have been eaten long ago.

The most important guess is that the soul beast has the instinct to run when it meets him, and the silly thing right now gnaws at his finger directly, sucking blood is dumbfounded, knowing that something is wrong, avoiding himself .

   If this thing is really a soul beast, isn't it a bit silly?

   patted the dust on his body, Uchiha put it on his back waist casually, secured it with a rope, and then began to walk towards the scattered corpses.

   After hitting the soul it's time to touch the corpse.

   Two hours later.

   The young man straightened his body, wiped the sweat from his head, put a complete sharp claw in his hand into the animal skin bag next to him, and looked around, this was the last corpse.


   Although the boy feels very tired at this moment and wants to sleep, his spirit is extremely refreshed.

   This is an unprecedented harvest. He has never seen so many loot before. Although many corpses have been damaged, such as the original good-looking snake skin, it has been directly turned into three sections, and its appearance and use are greatly reduced.

But fortunately, there are many good things. Although it’s a bit like picking up rubbish, **** is also good or bad. The sharp claws, carapace, fur, special organs, fangs, and special-shaped bones of the soul beast are all for him. It's a good thing.

  Some can be used as daggers, some can be used as tools for scraping skin and bones, and some bones are excellent weapons with a little polishing. The carapace can be used as armor, breastplate, or as a roof when it rains, or as the roof of a house.

   And I have this spare time, take time to make my life more comfortable.

   "Huh. I'm exhausted."

He breathed a sigh of relief. After getting these trophies for nearly two hours, he already felt that he was reaching the limit of his physical strength. Uchiha walked quickly to the side of the tree, leaning against the tree trunk, squinting his eyes, and enjoying the forest. The cool breeze is very pleasant.

   "This is life. Just take a good rest after you work. If you have another drink and a pop of ice at this time, you have really beaten the gods. Alas, I miss the past."

  Unconsciously, he lay in the shade of the tree, and the sound of steady breathing gradually came.

   The surrounding quickly fell into silence, and there was no living thing to disturb him.

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