Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 41: The so-called knife

Taking a good weapon, Uchiha Uranus naturally swung it along with his strength. It was not heavy, and it was not difficult to wield. It was swish and with surprising sharpness, it swept across the air, and it was vaguely heard. The strange sound of air flow blew the blade. Although it was a living body, it was not easy to reach this level.

   "Hey, good stuff, oh yes, there are some small ones, which can be used to make daggers. Once there is a battle in the future, they will just fly and wait."

   Uchiha Uranu suddenly thought that he still had many small limbs on his body. Wouldn’t it be a waste if he didn’t use it?

   With the previous production experience, half an hour later, he sorted out sixteen short daggers less than 20 centimeters in length, all without blocking the hand. The specific appearance was the reduced version of the long knife.

It’s just that the appearance is slightly changed. It is not that one side is sharpened, but both sides are sharpened slightly. There is no way. The word sharpening itself is a steel tool, but he has biological limbs in his hand. The two do not apply, but It's just a little sharpening and thinning.

After playing a little bit, Uchiha put away these weapons, and then took out a thick, hollow limb, which is a bit cumbersome and not suitable for weapons, but in Uchiha’s view, this thing is just usable. Come as a scabbard.

   Otherwise, if you accidentally chop off your hand with this knife, what do you think?

   And those daggers that are used for throwing also need a carrying, hanging objects, preferably on the waist, so that they can be thrown out in time to avoid missed opportunities.

There are more and more ideas about the application of weapons in my mind, whether it is scabbards, daggers, belts, or more blood troughs, spikes, and spiked armors. It’s like a spider has been picked up. Zi opened his cold weapon technology tree.

   But based on this idea, Uchiha suddenly thought that he should give the weapon a name, the steel leg knife or something he called casually, and it was forced to drop straight when he heard it, and the name was too long.

   You need to know that this knife may be the only thing he can count on for a certain period of time in the future. Thousand-year steel-legged spiders are rare, and it is more likely that there is only one in the same area. If you encounter other spirit beasts, it will be difficult to have the strength of this sword right now.

   More importantly, it is the first weapon, very memorable.

   "Um...sword? Why, call it Kusunajian? Hey, it's a foreign sword, so... Longquan? No, it's a sword."

   After hesitating for a moment, Uchiha Uranus still didn't decide to call it this. After all, there are so many swords called this name, it is better to think of a domineering one.

  Which knife is more famous in history?

   Uchiha Uranus frowned. He, who is not very digging into history, just feels a mess in his mind at this moment. There are too many famous swords, and the swords are obviously pitiful, even the evaluation is the same.

   The most famous sword in ancient times should be Xuanyuan, so the sword...

   "Oh, by the way! Minghong Dao! Brother Xuanyuanjian! I remember it was a knife that condensed when the raw materials flowed to the bottom of the furnace by themselves."

   Uchiha Uranus slapped his head, and suddenly remembered the sister sword he had thought of, although it had no record, but was of the same origin as Xuanyuan.

He still remembered that he saw this when he was in class. An ancient text, to the effect that in ancient times, Huangdi Xuanyuan cast swords, and the raw materials were left. Due to the high temperature, the liquid casting raw materials spontaneously flowed to the bottom of the furnace. Self-made knife shape.

Then the Yellow Emperor felt that the knife’s intention was too strong, and that those who could easily control it would backfire. He was a little afraid that this knife would do harm to the world. He wanted to destroy it with Xuanyuan Sword, but he didn’t expect the knife to turn into A red skylark, turned into a red color, disappeared among the clouds, and escaped.

   Would you like to call this? The name of the knife is a bit big.

   "Forget it, it's called Minghong Dao. It happens to be the first knife in history, and now, it is also my first knife. The moral is completely reasonable."

Uchiha looked at the silver-gray killer in his hand, and was somewhat satisfied with the name with a profound meaning. The name is nothing more than that. It doesn't matter whether the life style can suppress this illusory thing, he is in the Douluo Continent. , Is it true that Minghong Dao can kill him?

   And this knife doesn’t exist.

   Two hours later, it was dark.

Uchiha also put away the scabbard that had been beaten. In one afternoon, he also got a scabbard and half a belt. The scabbard was okay, and the shape of the scabbard was good, but the belt for the dagger should be stored. It was very difficult. It needed a shell to store the dagger, and it had to be connected together, compact and handy, which made this thing more complicated. He was not a blacksmith, so he couldn't handle this kind of thing.

   So he dragged it until dark as soon as he dragged it, and he was hungry and aching back.

Fortunately, he explored the surroundings when he was tired, and got a pile of steel-legged spider silk. The toughness is very good. The knife has to use a little bit of force to break the fiber. If it really needs to be cut. , Then at least three or five knives are necessary.

   After finding this thing at that time, he also had the idea of ​​making a belt, making a shell, and then linking it with spider silk, just as a rope, directly wound three strands, and then made a knot to firmly fix it.

   Leaning against the tree, the bonfire was burning, illuminating the face of a young man.

  The forest is different from human society. There is no one here. Naturally, he doesn’t have to dress and tidy up specially. The hair is spread out like a wild man.

Long silver hair is no longer as soft and smooth as it used to be. The frequent lack of carnivorous hair for many years has made his hair dry and rough, and the ends have even split a lot, knotted and twisted. If this happens in Women must be able to drive them crazy.

   But he doesn't care, UU reading and even washing his face and brushing his teeth are just obeying the habits of the previous life, not allowing himself to be too sloppy.

   The whole body is mostly naked, and the upper body is even more of a piece of fur. It's not ashamed or afraid of others to see it.

  He is a savage now.

   After a few more decades, I am afraid I can only tell from the outside that it is a person.

He once believed in the words of a knight in light clothes, a handsome boy, a hermit in the forest, and so on, until he discovered that life is not a fantasy to live through. The clothes are torn, there are no stitches, the trousers are stained with mud, and they have been washed several times Years ago, I have washed white. After three years, his youthful and frivolous fantasies have long been obliterated.

"Oh, now I have to increase my spirit power. I still have some thoughts about increasing the spirit ring. I really don't know when I will be able to truly control this passive nuclear radiation. I can't control my own abilities. This is nothing. what."

   After a while, Uchiha sighed quietly.

   After that, there was no more sound, and he wiped the Minghong knife in silence, poured some water on the spirit grass before going to bed, and then lay directly on the paved blanket and fell asleep.

   "I hope I can have a better tomorrow."

   This thought flashed through Uchiha's mind before going to bed. The next moment, he sneered and closed his eyes.

   I don't know whether it is laughing at his own thoughts, or laughing at himself as a trash that he can't control.

   In the middle of the night, there was a rustle around.

   The big blood-red flower that was placed aside has left its bud state at some unknown time. The petals are wide, the pistils exude a faint fragrance, and the roots plunge into the soil, quietly blooming its own beauty.

   Not long after, a lean and dry soul beast corpse fell into the grass.


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