Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 46: Uranium and Xiao Wu

After stepping into the Star Dou Forest, Xiao Wu saw that there were no other people around, as if she had freed herself from the shackles. She opened her arms while spinning, closing her eyes and feeling the breeze from nature, and her pink face With a quiet smile, people are obsessed.

   "Wow, I finally came back. I have been studying in the academy all day long. It's boring, huh~"

While thinking, Xiao Wu stopped spinning. For some reason, Tang San’s gentle smile suddenly flashed in her mind. Although she still didn’t know, at this moment, after leaving the college, she did miss a little bit. Tang San.

   But Tang San can't come here, nor can he let him know.

   "Oh~ I wanted to go to Xiaosan's house to have a look, and I don't know what happened in the forest. Or...turn around first, and then let Erming come over? Anyway, too late."

   Thinking of this, Xiao Wu originally came to the forest with a solemn expression and gradually relaxed and relaxed. Although she wanted to get to the core as soon as possible to understand what happened, she was not in a hurry.

  Since I’m not in a hurry, I will take a round in the forest to see if there is any change, and I’ve been tired of seeing the core lake for so many years.

   Xiao Wu immediately set off, found a direction, her legs bent on her knees, her toes popped out instantly, her delicate body moved instantaneously, and she appeared ten meters away.

   "It's still interesting outside, with comfortable quilts, and being a big sister! Hey, it's so fun!"

  Walking along the way, Xiao Wu looked around and looked around. Because these vegetations were not disturbed by humans, they grew like they used to be, very lush.

And with the gradual deepening, the large and small soul beasts gradually increased, some in groups, gnawing the berries in the bushes, and some rushed into the jungle and disappeared. The normal forest is very It is difficult to see such a harmonious scene, the Star Dou Forest, worthy of the reputation of the soul beast heaven.

And these soul beasts had some commotion after they sensed Xiao Wu's breath, but soon returned to calm again. They stopped their movements and stopped to look at the pink and lovely Xiao Wu, the eyes of these petite soul beasts. There are different colors in it, as if she is a goddess that attracts the attention of beasts.

   Soon, Xiao Wu walked past here with a smile, touching the head of this soft bone rabbit from time to time, and the next moment he picked up the cute light mouse, spinning a few times in the air, and put it down.

   At this time, when she came to the realm that really belonged to her, Xiao Wu relaxed. She likes these fluffy cute guys the most!

   I am also the cutest, hehe~

   half an hour later.

   Across the small stream, the sun gradually turned to noon.

   Xiao Wu wiped the sweat from her forehead, and she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. Why the sun can be so venomous and make her feel a little uncomfortable.

   But fortunately, after feeling that it was a bit troublesome to wander the forest alone before, Xiao Wu released her breath, presumably at this moment, Er Ming was already on her way.

   "This forest is too big. If you really want to see it, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish the scenery in my life. I think it's better than..."

   Suddenly, Xiao Wu stopped.

   She looked at the silent surroundings in front of her, and at some point when she started, all the soul beasts disappeared unknowingly.

   She was pale for a moment, she didn't feel it just now, and now she felt that an extremely cold, death-filled breath kept lingering here, and the desire for life in her bloodline warned Xiao Wu that there was danger ahead! Be careful!

   "Where am I?"

Xiao Wu suddenly remembered the evil spirit tiger who had been driven away by Ming Erming. He was cruel, devoured, and loved to devour soul beasts. Then he thought of where he is now, her pink face was bloodless, and her body stood stiff. In situ, at a loss.

   "Hmm, Er Ming...Where are you?"


   With a soft sound, Xiao Wu bounced up in fright in an instant, activated her spirit power, and quickly left the place tens of meters away. But there was no low beast roar, no heavy footsteps, and no cruel breath.

   There is only one young man with a moderate figure and immature appearance walking out of the forest. The sound just now was the soft sound of stepping on the broken leaves.

   "You... are you? Human?!"

   Uchiha Uranus also saw not far away, the figure hiding behind the stone, showing half of the body and the small head, suddenly opened his eyes. After so many years, he actually saw people again!

There is no hesitation, even if he is happy after seeing people, even if he wants to talk to them urgently, he wants to talk to people, but he still retreats quickly, after a few ups and downs, he completely disappeared in Xiao Wu's In view.

   He did not forget that the reason why he came to the forest was to prevent his radiation from killing more people. Right now, the distance between this little girl and him is a bit close.

   "Huh? Is it a human?"

Xiao Wu was full of question marks, and the sound that came out just now shocked her. She thought that she had walked to the dark demon evil **** tiger who was expelled from the Star Dou Great Forest. She was almost about to be eaten as a snack. A teenager is here.

   She stood out from behind the stone and looked in the direction of the boy with some confusion. She didn't understand why the boy ran when she saw her. Is she so scary?

   Isn’t she cute and scares others?

   Just when Xiao Wu was wondering about her appearance, two tall trees suddenly slowly separated to the sides, and a huge figure quietly walked out from there.

   It is like a mountain, with dark hair shining faintly under the strong sunlight. Although it is on all fours, the height of its shoulders completely exceeds seven or eight meters.

   a behemoth.

On the outside, this is a body that looks like an ape, but the limbs and claws are no different from chimpanzees. The lantern-sized eyes are shining with citrine-like luster, and the whole body is pitch black except for the eyes~www.mtlnovel. com~ If it’s at night, I’m afraid I can’t see it clearly. But under the sun, the black giant creatures are particularly conspicuous.

From the top down, this big guy is a bit unbelievably majestic. Every part of his body is covered with strong muscles like granite. It is hard to imagine that the soul beast can have this kind of body shape that humans have trained. It is completely different. It is the appearance of natural growth.

   It is the king of the forest, the Titan Great Ape!

   "Huh? Er Ming, you are here, just in time! There was a human just over there, and he ran inside. If he is not driven out of the forest, he will be killed by the soul beast!"

   Xiao Wu suddenly felt something, turned her head suddenly, and pointed anxiously in one direction.

   She felt that Er Ming was right behind her, the feeling of relief that suddenly filled the whole body, besides Er Ming, only Da Ming could give her.

   After hearing Xiao Wu's words, Er Ming shook his head miraculously, pointed in that direction, and his thick fingers swayed, as if he didn't want to pass.

   Then Er Ming let out a dull low growl. Its voice didn't sound loud, but it passed a full kilometer.

   Finally, Er Ming patted his broad shoulder.

   "That can only be done."

   Xiao Wu's expression was a bit hesitant, and she was still a little worried about the boy who appeared suddenly and then disappeared suddenly, but Er Ming did this, it must be because he had to rush to Daming's place to find out the specific situation.

   "Let's go!"

   Xiao Wu quickly sat on the Titan Giant Ape, and then Er Ming gradually disappeared into the forest without a trace.

   However, around Uchiha Uranium, all the soul beasts within a three-kilometer radius have long since escaped. Erming's roar can only be heard by all the plants.


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