Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 61: I exploded


  The air tumbling.

Uchiha loosened his hand on the body of the Radiant Titan Giant Ape, quickly descended against gravity, and directly avoided the slap of the giant claw. Then he drew out a flying dagger, forced in the air and pierced straight into it. Among the tender meat between its two fingers.

   He doesn't know if this tender meat is still useful, but he has to try it anyway.

   He has already cut off the most threatening things that are like tentacles and tongues, but then he must be more careful. This guy has a lot of arms and heads. If he is not careful, he will die here.

And the various spirit abilities he had encountered made his heart sink, with a controlled roar, instantly set off ground waves, exclusive trampling, and the power of the gravity domain. With all the abilities, he did not despise this guy at all. Thoughts!


Easily landed, Uchiha Uranus moved again, walking incessantly, dragging Nagata sword backwards, surrounding the giant beast, opening the pupil of the element, the pupils of orange and black gou jade intersect, with a sense of inhumanity The smell, exuding an aura.

  The blood-red body appeared in the field of vision, and the dark brown dots were densely scattered all over the body, densely packed, among which the chest and waist were the most prominent.

There is a huge ape-like head on its chest, but its appearance is extremely fierce, with two bald sunkens, dark eyes, and a huge gap in the center that occupies four-fifths of the entire head, like lips. , But without teeth, some tiny tentacles can be vaguely seen from its mouth, which is extremely shocking.


The Radiant Titan Great Ape slowly turned his body, with three heads, one chest, two on his shoulders, six eyes fixedly staring at Uchiha Uranus who was constantly spinning around him, and his bloodthirsty and brutal eyes revealed endless swallowing. Desire, the purple-black chaotic eye pupils are rare at this moment, and then, the black and turbid light across the sky silently.

   did not set off any violent wind or impact, just like this, flashed through its eyes at an extremely fast speed, and prejudged it, it blasted towards Uchiha Uranium's path.

   Boom! !

There is no blood or meat, in the dazzling flash, a ring-shaped shock wave is accompanied by high heat and high temperature, and everything is melted. Above the earth, dust is flying, and the semi-circular bowl-shaped gray-black mask is slowly rising. , Turning everything around into nothingness.

   Suddenly, between the sky and the earth, this gloomy haze land burst open, revealing a purple-black huge pit in the same place, and the tumbling gray gas continued to rise, and there was no more shadow in it.

The next moment, a figure suddenly flashed out of the ground, fast, with a faint afterimage, and accompanied by the roar of the pothole, the earth that has not yet dispersed at this moment is still exuding transpiration, and it is vaguely visible that there is still half of it. The blade stayed in place and broke completely.


   Uchiha Uranan swiftly fled, and after a few jumps, he moved away from the place, his expression was terrified, his face pale, but the whole body was red, like a steamed crab, exuding a slight smell of meat.

   All over his body, his clothes burst and scorched, his lips were bloody, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, all the blades melted, and even Nagata sword was melted in half. The encounter just now was too horrible. If it weren't for an emergency to absorb the halo with maximum energy, corrode all the terrifying energy around him, absorb nothingness and high temperature, I am afraid he is not just what he is now.

   But that's it, the residual temperature around him also burned all his equipment, if he didn't react quickly, he would be thoroughly familiar!

   "What trick is this?!"

   is so powerful that he has never seen it before. If it weren't for his spirit power to insist on using energy absorption, and the absorbed energy could still replenish himself, otherwise he would have died under this trick with the instant high temperature.

   Perceiving the giant beast, Uchiha walked slowly, keeping a certain distance from the giant beast.

   He looked at nothing in his hand, then looked at the behemoth staring at him, a little flustered for a while, but after taking a deep breath, he calmed down again.

   It doesn't matter, at least people are still alive.

   naked, Uchiha Uchiha gently stroked the Space Soul Guidance Device on the ring of his left hand with his right hand, intending to take out a spare knife, but after touching it twice, he could not perceive the Soul Guidance Device's space!


When    was stunned, suddenly, a fishy wind came!

   A backflip, and then the second spirit ring flashed, and the ghostly figure came to the right rear of the giant beast. The worst result appeared, but he could not give up now. As long as he is not dead, he will have a chance.

   Soul Guidance Device, under the attack just now, exploded!


With a secret curse, Uchiha Uran’s bursting wounds have healed as time goes by so that no scars can be seen. The extreme nuclear energy reaction can bring him a very strong life recovery speed. At this moment, he has nothing but everything. No, it's not worse than the state he had just fought.

   He doesn't even have any clothes, what a thing!

The arm moved slightly, and the third spirit ring of UU Reading opened again. Accompanied by a rhythm, a steady stream of spirit power and radiant energy was sucked into the body, losing the restraint of the equipment on his body. At this moment, Uchiha Uranus Shows a more agile horror than the previous actions.

   And the Radiant Titan Great Ape became visible to the naked eye after the attack just now, and after seeing Uchiha Uranus still dead, he suddenly let out a terrifying roar.

   The next moment, after the previous roar, the black hole-like mouth of the Radiant Titan Giant Ape slowly grew up, and the deep black mist burst out. Then, this terrifying head let out a loud roar!

   The ring-shaped sound waves visible to the naked eye blasted apart, as if time and space were paused. For an instant, Uchiha's body stopped moving, his mind was broken, and his stiff body stayed in place.

After   , the whole space seemed to boil.

The behemoth circulated with airflow, and everything in the body was shattered by a huge shock wave. It could be clearly seen. Under an invisible but tyrannical force, Uchiha's body was baptized like a landslide and tsunami. The body was shaken away from a distance, turned into a black shadow, crashed into the distance, unable to move.

   "Grass... Twenty Thousand Years Soul Beast... How can it be so strong..."

   "Are you going to die?"

  When he was unconscious, Uchiha seemed to see a huge black shadow rising into the sky, as if the sun had also been concealed.

   At this moment, Uchiha Uran’s eyes widened, looking at the dim sky, somehow, a figure flashed in his mind, his father, mother, grandfather, and Xiao Wu who treated him very well.

   "Uh ah ah!"

   "I can't die!!"



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