Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 71: What is nuclear kick

   Nuclear smoke and dust cannot be easily dispersed.

   The nuclear dust produced by the nuclear kick will stay in place for a long time, until over time, or being blown away by the wind, and drifting around, but now is an exception.

   The mushroom-shaped clouds floating high in the sky seem to feel a certain attraction, rolling down at a speed visible to the naked eye, and gradually disappearing little by little.

   After a while, the smoke and dust slowly formed like a whirlpool, and the dust rolled and rotated, and was absorbed by a single figure in the central area.

Except for the shocking, golden-red glazed ground sunken in, and the extremely large circular shock wave area, there is no smoke or dust. At this moment, the half-kneeling figure in the center area is also in the transpiring heat. It gradually became clear.

   A teenager.


Uchiha Uranus was pale, panting heavily, and his eyes were horrified. The big beads of sweat constantly seeped from his forehead and slowly dripped to the ground, but before landing, he was evaporated by the heat. There was no sound.


   The surrounding ground slowly rises with heat that can vaporize people on the spot. At this moment, Uchiha Uranium is more terrifying than **** and hotter than hell.

   The temperature inside exceeds one hundred thousand degrees.

Uchiha Uranus slowly stood up, shaking his body, and the feeling that his soul power was drained was very uncomfortable. Although now, his third soul ability is still operating passively, fully absorbing all nearby energy and converting it into soul power. Replenish yourself, but it doesn't help.

The next moment, the young boy who had just stood up weakened his knees, knelt down again, and supported the ground with one hand. At this moment, the surrounding ground turned into crystals like burnt glass, and the original lush ground was burned by the high temperature of a nuclear explosion. , Formed such a dazzling spectacular scene.

At this time, the hot ground did not bring any heat to the teenager, and the clothes he had just'traded' on his body did not show the slightest trace of curling. The radiation field and the third spirit ability of full fire: the energy absorption halo exploded the center of the nuclear. The various radiations, high temperatures, explosions, dust, shock waves and billions of atmospheres that were brought were completely absorbed. Even when he personally touched the ground, there was no pain or blazing heat, but a faint coolness.

The energy absorption aura can convert energy into soul power, and the soul power can continue to maintain the energy absorption aura. If the surrounding energy is endless, Uchiha Uranium can also activate the third soul ability forever without any consumption. It may even be that the supply of soul power exceeds demand because of too much energy.

   This is the soul ring of the soul beast that was close to 20,000 years old. Although it has been degraded, it still maintains an extremely strong power at this moment.

   No matter what spirit power spirit ability you are, except for melee attacks, anyway, as long as you don't kill me on the spot, I can **** you back.


   Uchiha Uranium's breathing started fast. He never thought that he could only mix two kinds of rays of the three kinds of α, β, and γ, plus his whole body spirit power, which actually caused such a terrifying kick.

   At that moment, he could even feel death.

   has nothing to do with other reasons, a single point, billions of atmospheric pressure in an instant can completely crush him into something thinner than paper.

for a long time.

   Uchiha Uranium calmed down the spirit power in his body and recovered to half, only then stood up again and glanced at the shocking surroundings.

   Around him, within a radius of at least ten kilometers, all the trees were destroyed by the shock wave. The closer the distance, the lower the integrity.

   Even within three kilometers of him, no trees can be seen at all, all of them are colorful crystals. The soil was completely burned through, emitting bright reflections, and all the trees were vaporized without leaving a trace.

   The nuclear explosion kick was terrifying.

   Uchiha Uranus is slowly recalling the feelings at that time.

He seemed to be back again, the energy under his feet condensed, and in the eyes of the elemental pupils, there was no village left. Under such turbulent emotions, all soul power was transmitted to his feet without reservation, and he was ready to transfer three types of ray energy When all were merged, I suddenly remembered that there was a village at least tens of kilometers away from this place. In a hurry, I could only recover the gamma-ray energy that had not been invested, and kick it with a nuclear explosion produced by two kinds of energy That evil soul master.

Although this is not his full strength, after all, once the three kinds of energy of this kind of explosion gather, I am afraid that at least 50 kilometers are its shock wave range, instead of more than ten kilometers now. You must know that under the normal nuclear explosion equivalent, the range All start at 100 kilometers, and the hydrogen bomb is hundreds of kilometers.

   Although two types of radiant energy were used, in Uchiha Uran’s perception, the one that might contribute the most was guided by his own soul power.

If the radiation energy is compared to the key to the expansion of nuclear explosion damage, for example, adding one type of energy will increase ten times, the second type of energy one hundred times, and the third type of energy ten thousand times, then his spirit power is among them. The base, the more soul power used, the resulting power will rise in a straight line in a geometric multiple.

This is the current situation. You must know that he is only at the level of the Soul Sect, and his soul power is not that strong at all. In time, if he reaches the Soul Sage and even the Contra, I am afraid that his single kick will truly reach The realm of a large-yield nuclear explosion.

"Is that so? Controlling the level of spirit power output is equivalent to controlling the damage of the nuclear explosion kick. If this is the case, you don't have to worry about the situation where all your teammates will die, or you don't rely on soul skills, just rely on it. Physically, I may not be able to beat the golden generation of Wuhun Palace."

   Uchiha Uranus nodded could not help sighing.

"Only by using it can I know the mystery. Fortunately, I have tried it now. Otherwise, if the enemy attacks in the future, I will kill all the innocent people around me directly. If I can control the equivalent, I still need Practice more."

After that, Uchiha Uran took a deep breath, stepped hard, and walked out of the glazed **** in front of him. The crystallized ground was very hard, and it exuded radiant energy. If an ordinary person came to this area, it would even Regardless of whether it will be burned to death on the spot, this high-concentration radiation alone is enough to make a gene collapse in ten minutes.

   Different from Chernobyl, where wild animals can survive in the past few decades, this is a hot nuclear explosion center.

The villages around here are scattered. Fortunately, Uchiha didn’t let the nuclear blast hit other villages, but he had to act as soon as possible. The sound caused by the nuclear blast is as terrifying as the collapse of heaven and earth. If the radiant energy is not absorbed as soon as possible, the villagers who come to explore are likely to die.

   Uchiha Uranium immediately closed his eyes, opened the radiation field, and tried his best to expand the range, within the limit, to absorb all the radiation energy.

And in the distance, the senior spirit master stationed in Teclaso town shook his heart suddenly, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart, and then he hurriedly walked outside, before he could stand still, there was a shocking explosion. Later, the violent wind pressure violently whizzed past. Although it was too far from the center and did not carry the radiant energy, this unnatural situation could not help but make everyone notice the coercion coming from the east.

   After a while, under the horrified gaze of the guarding spirit masters, a mushroom cloud that soared into the sky slowly rose like a mighty sky.


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