Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 83: The sun in the night

The Dark Soul Prison continued, as if it would not stop unless the uranium was completely drained, and as time passed, the cruel smile on Shiyue’s face became more and more exaggerated, and the vicious light in his eyes was unparalleled. Shining.

   At this moment, Shizuki suddenly felt something wrong in his body. The surface of his skin was a little hot, and there was faint discomfort inside his body, as if he was protesting.

   "What's going on? There are some problems all over, and it's obviously night." Shiyue frowned, stroked his hands on his body, but it caused a more uncomfortable itching and slight heat pain.

In places that Shiyue couldn’t see, various rays were constantly surging. Unconsciously, his body began to inhale a large amount of radiation energy, electron flow, helium nuclei, electromagnetic waves and other radioactive materials, which were carried by nuclear energy. The incoming energy began to radiate continuously, and within 20 meters of the uranium, it was completely covered by the radiation field.

   Shiyue is very close to uranium, only a little over ten meters.

   In other words, after the uranium opens the radiation field, the various ray energies in the field can be eaten without error, not picky at all.

After a while, Shiyue felt that there was a problem, and there was no threat around him, but the sudden heart palpitations continued to come, as if a catastrophe was imminent, an invisible pressure around him not only oppressed him, but the unknown in his mind The phenomenon is getting more and more suspicious, what's going on?

   "Huh? How is it possible? You can actually stay in the Dark Soul Prison for so long, it's impossible!"

   Suddenly, Shiyue regained his senses, and placed his eyes around the dark soul prison that was still in operation, and he was surprised for a while.

Under his 60,000-year-old spirit ability, how could the second-ring spirit masters in this mere persistence for so long? You know, other second-ring spirit masters have been able to dissolve their flesh and blood, and their souls will be swallowed after only one minute. .

   "Oh? Did you react?"

  Uran smiled softly, and the next moment, his eyes flickered, and the horrible ghosts lingering around him suddenly burst! There was a huge noise, the black mist dissipated in an instant, the invisible screams seemed to ripple, and Shiyue's sixth spirit ability was shocked by the boy!

Immediately afterwards, Uran's original posture was changed again, his left hand slapped on the ground, his figure bounced up, the young man made a half-turn in the air, and then stepped on the black light in the air as if with force. The body jumped high into the air.

   For a while, the moonlight seemed to be covered by the light, and a figure slowly rose, and under Shiyue's horrified gaze, it faced the boy's indifferent twin pupils slowly turning.

   "You! Impossible!"

Before Shiyue used other spirit abilities to counterattack, Shiyue's spirit was in a trance, dreamlike and illusion, and the feeling of fluttering and immortal came to mind, even with his feet softened, as if he was returning. This matter was completely forgotten in the battle.

   But then, the intense pain in the whole body suddenly awakened the time and the moon, and endless pain continued to flow from inside the body, like torture, every inch of skin and every inch of flesh and blood in the body was wailing!



Kneeling on her knees, Shiyue covered her face with her hands, and a stream of black blood spilled out of her mouth. No matter how tightly she was covering her mouth, there was still blood oozing out, and her skin turned red and red. Unnatural, as if exposed to the scorching sun for three days, all the cells under the skin were damaged.

   A more terrifying thing happened. Under Shiyue’s horrified gaze, his skin began to crack and ulcerate, and his whole body began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"you you you!"

   Shiyue knelt on the ground, holding back the severe pain, stretched out her fingers, and pointed at the demon-evil boy who was slowly landing. His eyes were full of incredible, obviously he was the soul emperor! How could it be, how could it be kneeling on the ground like a dog now!

   "Do you think it's incredible?"

  Uran slowly stepped forward, without any pity on his face, the person in front of him was still alive after spending a quarter of an hour under his radiation field. It only broke out at this moment, which has already surprised him a bit.

   But because of this battle, he couldn't help but understand that radiation is not a weapon that weakens slowly, but a nuclear bomb that detonates instantly.

The reason is very simple. Spirit masters are not ordinary people. Normal people will naturally be killed without the slightest ability to resist. However, soul masters can resist with no side effects in a short period of time. However, once the resistance fails, the body's rout will be breathless. Nei completely disintegrated his fighting will.

   Although it seems that the radiation field is not too strong and does not have much effect, please remember that the spirit master can't beat the radiation field, but the spirit power is higher and the death is a little later.

   "Do you think I was poisoned? Humph, instead of letting you die in confusion, it's better for you to be a ghost who understands why you lose."

In the next moment, Uranium's martial spirit bloomed, four spirit rings, one yellow, two purple and one black. Four spirit rings shining with strange light rose from his feet, lingering around his body, with one bright and one dark. , The unpredictable charm, completely shocked the time before his death.

   "You are the soul sect!! Vomit!"

The second-thousandth-year spirit ring beyond imagination and the fourth-thousandth-year spirit ring beyond the age limit, all of which directly destroyed Shi Yue’s stubbornness, he couldn’t think of it. His opponent was not the Master of Battle Soul, but forty. Level soul sect! Moreover, it is the ten thousand year spirit ring!

   He spat a bit of blood, and the light in Shiyue's eyes gradually dimmed, and his mind was full of regrets, teenage soul sect.... teenage soul sect, how is this possible?

   "Okay, let me take a look, your death day is coming next year, it's time to go on the road."

   The young man's face was indifferent, the fourth spirit ring on his body flashed suddenly, and his body slowly turned sideways, but suddenly he saw that there was another life not dying from the corner of his eyes.

After a short while, the spirit power gathered under the right leg, and the surrounding space began to faintly buzzed. The constantly fluctuating space seemed to be waves and twisted water surface, faintly, and the surroundings became viscous. is like the realm of gravity, no different.

   in an instant.

  The boy suddenly turned around and kicked sideways!

   Like a whirlpool, the dragon swings its tail!


   The hot white light burst out of the legs and feet!

   A small range of pressure was generated in an instant, suddenly, the ground under Shiyue's knees, who was kneeling on the ground, was directly flattened. The verdant green land was visible to the naked eye, and it dried up and burned at a rapid speed!

   Boom! !

   The violent crackling sound blasted the sky!

   A round white full moon rose from the ground, and the originally silent night was illuminated by this full moon in the blink of an eye!

   The violent shock wave instantly pushed the surrounding carriages, like a strong wind, pushing everything more than ten meters away.

   The violent dust rises, but the next moment it is completely absorbed.

   The full moon lasted for more than ten seconds before disappearing.

   Only a huge pit and the figure in it were left in place.

   There are countless murders, and the time of torture has been crushed into powder, and there is no residue left.

   There is no brilliance like the sun, no pressure of billions of times, no endless radioactive rays, and extremely terrifying high temperature.

   There is no radioactive ray at the feet of the boy just now. It is actually a nuclear explosion kick under the addition of a catalyst. It is only simple.


   But this kind of explosion was the last straw to crush him for a time when the next bite might die.

   "Although you have been tortured by radiation, you are half-dead and inhuman, but being able to die at my feet is a gift to you."

   Uranium's figure appeared in the dust that quickly dissipated.

   The orange and black magical radiating eyes, exuding a faint light.


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