
   A deep darkness.

   In this darkness, the young man's mind is gradually awakening.

"This is where?"

   The boy's sanity became more sober, and he began to explore the surroundings.

   The boundless darkness enveloped him, silent and quiet, which made people palpitation.

   "Am I dead? Where is this? Is there anyone?"

   Uchiha Uranium waited for a while, and after there was no answer from the surroundings, he continued to ask in the darkness of nothingness.

   Silence, a long silence.

   He began to recall the last encounter, the sudden attack, the terrifying power, and... the bursting owl that came slowly towards him.

   "Am I dead?"

   There is no answer around.

   With a soft sound, Uchiha Uranus relaxed a little, and was alert to the surroundings, slowly letting go of his fear. Since he is dead, there is nothing to be afraid of.

   "So I am already dead."

   After muttering to himself, Uchiha glanced around and fell silent.

   Don't look at it, he already knows it, I'm afraid he has been torn by that soul beast and chewed into his stomach. He knew that people were mortal, but he didn't expect to come so soon.

   He was still lamenting yesterday that he should face the spirit beast forest, and his spirit power application is not proficient enough, even with the amulet of nuclear radiation, he should live well.

   Today, because of being attacked by a soul beast, he was reduced to food.

  Uchiha Uranus knew very well that he was definitely escorted by someone within half a month of leaving his family and heading to the Star Dou Great Forest. He could feel that his surroundings were safe, or that no one was looking for trouble with him at all.

   But he also knows that once he really walks into the forest, the escorts will disappear instantly. These people who are responsible for protection on the surface are actually more like prison guards who are responsible for monitoring and ensuring that the prisoners can walk safely to the prison.

   No one will guard him at all, let him live safely.

   But since I chose to go this way by myself, even if I might die before, I have to bite the bullet and go on.

   He does not regret it.

Before he left, he said to himself that he wants to see his younger brother born. Don’t put hope on him. With his physique, he should give up as soon as possible. Let him have another younger brother. His parents gave up on him.

Until now, he still has a lot of things that he has not thought about clearly, why he was attacked, why there are deadly dead bodies in the tree hole, why this soul beast seems to ignore the nuclear radiation warning from the bloodline, and why it can silently attack him. .

   There are too many whys and too many questions to know the truth. If he goes out without arranging a few traps and goes out in full state, then he will use his soul power for a long time to increase his speed, and the ending may be different.

   If you continue to run instead of stopping to rest, the ending may be different.

Self-blame and reflection linger in the mind, whether it is underestimating the forest and exploring with no soul power; or just wanting to join in the fun when encountering a special situation, causing one to leave the nearby range of activities, etc., if these factors will Let me stumble in the future, that is acceptable.

   But these factors combined together and made him die in the soul beast forest that had not been here for a few days.

  Just thinking like this, Uchiha wanted to slap himself a few big slaps, how can people be so stupid.

   There was another short silence.

   After staying in this dark and wide space for an unknown amount of time, he began to feel a little anxious, as if something was peeping at him in the darkness, giving him a sense of extreme panic and urgency.

   He knew it was an illusion. Staying in a dark environment for too long, people will easily develop this kind of emotion, and even how long they stay in, or how long they will last, are unknown.

   "How long shall I stay here? When can I leave? Am I dead?"

   The boy gradually became impatient, and naturally, he began to want to break free, want to leave here. If this deadly darkness is really the world after death, then he will go crazy.

   No, death should be the end of consciousness. If he can still be anxious around him now, does that mean...

   "Am I still alive!"

   "Hey! Am I still alive! Is there anyone?"

   seems to be in response to the teenager's confusion. Just after his voice fell, in the darkness, there was a little light.

   The light is a hot white light, very faint.

   Even such a faint and inconspicuous light, in this environment where there is nothing but nothingness and darkness, still aroused all the attention of the boy.

After the first beam of light appeared, some changes gradually took place around it, like distortion, like a black-and-white photo in an old camera, from black to gray, with the color change, the darkness is no longer dark, and more A lot of light shone in and sprinkled on him.

  The darkness fades here.


   The dazzling light hit Uchiha Uchiha who had just opened his eyes, and his tears were irritated, and he couldn't help but block the sunlight with his hands.

The pale arm came into view, the white skin was full of dust at the moment, the forearm was covered with dark red solidified blood, the fingers were cracked everywhere, especially the tiger’s mouth, blood was stained, and the whole hand exuded terror Weird feeling.


   As the body moved, the feeling of splitting flesh and skin instantly spread all over his body. The sudden severe pain made him tremble all over, and now he had only one feeling.


   The endless pain is like the waves~www.ltnovel.com~ keep hitting.

   Uchiha Uranus felt like a small sampan, which could be broken by the wind and waves anytime.

   In addition to the pain, there is also unbearable, nausea and nausea caused by the overdraft of soul power, and the head is constantly roaring as if it is on the clock.

No matter it was the body, the arms or the internal organs, he was suffering from pain, especially the pain of tearing nerves everywhere in the body made him tremble uncontrollably, which made him stop thinking of moving his body and remained paralyzed. On the ground, he looked like a muddy posture, hoping to get a little familiar with the pain.

   half an hour later.

   Enduring the pain, Uchiha straightened up with difficulty, half leaning against the boulder behind him, panting slightly. The slightly larger movements almost made him faint, which also gave him an intuitive understanding of his current situation.

   gasping for breath may die.

   What happened? He actually survived. It's unbelievable. He should have died for the crazy slap last time. Did the bear let him go? impossible.

   With doubts, Uchiha began to slowly turn his neck, observe the surroundings, and try to find a reason.

   It’s just that the surroundings are a little uncomfortable. Even if a teenager has experienced a life-death crisis, he is mentally prepared for everything, but at this moment, he can’t help but start to roll and feel a little nauseous.

The black blood flowed everywhere, with a strong stench and corruption, all the surrounding plants were gray and decayed, losing all their vitality, and the ground with interlaced leaves became in his eyes like the filth in the mud, exuding people. Discomfort and nausea.

   And the source of these dirty blood is a huge body lying on the ground, long dead.


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