Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 15: The old way

   Early the next morning.

The sun rises slowly from the east, and the early morning sunlight falls on the Star Dou Forest. Through the dense branches and leaves, a bunch of tiny beams are formed, shining on the misty, enveloping forest, the breeze is blowing, but A place of silence stopped in shock.

  The earth gradually deepened from muddy yellow, and the trees also began to become a little weird. The branches and trunks were twisted, there were no living things, and there was a rotten atmosphere everywhere, like hell. This is a completely different place from the forest. It is hard to imagine that there is such a scene in the forest, which is shocking.

   Between the forest mist, a figure walked slowly in this psychedelic, footsteps on the ground, making a slight noise, floating in the forest mist.

   There are no birds singing around, and no animal shadows. Only the traces of nearby spirit beasts fled in a hurry, indicating how urgent the past happened before.

   He is used to it, he has been used to it for a long time, living alone, walking alone, and practicing alone. Although this kind of life is boring, it makes people know what it means to be alone. Life is nothing more than being born and living. Although life in the forest is very difficult, the seasoning is eaten out, and the clothes are worn out, but what about it?

   If you don’t have any seasonings, then you can find replacement plants yourself. The clothes are worn out and you can’t wear them at all. Then sew them with animal skins. When you wear them, it doesn’t matter. There is no one in the forest, even if he is naked.

   But his only little shame stopped him.

   The road he is walking now is the one he has explored, that is, the road he has encountered Burst Owl.

Today, he is no longer afraid. With his current quality, he will have the ability to counterattack the thousand-year soul beast again, instead of relying on nuclear radiation to kill him, even though he is now The spirit power of the twentieth level is still very weak, but the cultivation after three years is not a display, and the power of self-protection is already in his hands.

The reason why he took this route is very simple. He wanted to see the bones of the previous corpse. He wanted to know what had happened. Someone broke into the forest single-handedly. Although there are a large number of soul beasts here, the distance to the city is also the closest. This is not the reason for a person to come here to obtain spirit rings.

   Maybe he wants to go wrong, he is not alone, but what about it, with the strength of that bursting owl bear, if there is no certain spirit power level, he will die if he encounters him. And soul beasts stronger than Explosive Owl Bear are everywhere. He once wanted to go and look around, but he felt that the depths of the forest were still too dangerous at the time, and there was no need to take a deep risk.

   But at this moment, the time has come. If he doesn't set out to go deep to obtain the spirit ring, he will probably have to drink the water of the forest lake for several days. Although the nuclear radiation is not relevant to him, after all, he is the source of radiation, how could it be possible for him to be injured by what radiated from him.

   The most important thing is that it is too dirty. He blocked the tributary, which is equivalent to this forest lake has become a stagnant pool with nowhere to circulate. Tsk tsk, just drink it for a few days, and the smell can linger on the body for more than a month.

   As for the water you drink during this time?

   Don't ask about this kind of thing, it hurts feelings.

   "How long will it take? How come this fog keeps going, isn't it all over if you go the wrong way." Uchiha looked at the faint mist around him, a little annoyed for a while. The forest is not a threat to him. He is afraid that he will waste time by going the wrong way, and he will have to turn back when the time comes. Thinking about it will make people angry.

   No way, his radiation can't disperse the halo, and just keep walking. The last thing he lacks is time, the big deal is to take your time. After figuring this out and comforting himself, the boy moved on.

   Soon, he came to a huge boulder, surrounded by rotten plants, and there was a large pool of black land on the ground, which was darker than the surroundings, which looked rather strange.

   "Is this the place where I almost died?"

Uchiha put his hand on the boulder and touched it all the way, staying for a while in the place he once hit. Now he can recall the extremely dangerous scene in his mind. Sudden attack, he was shot for more than ten meters. , Tumbling and hitting the boulder, finally passed out in pain.

   If it hadn't been for Burst Owl to die under the radiation first, I'm afraid he would not see the sun the next day.

   If it wasn't for him to protect his neck and head with the side of the machete on a whim, I am afraid that the slap at the time would not simply slap him flying, but directly slap his head, slap his neck, and die on the spot.

   "Intuition saved my life. Although the bear is full of doubts up to now, I don't have a place to check it now, alas~"

   sighed, the boy continued to look at the original dark black ground, where the original Burst Owl fell.

   "There is nothing good to see, I will be lucky if I survived."

   After a while, the boy continued on his journey.

   This place is where he crossed life and death, his past, his past.

   And he continues to move forward, which means that he is no longer bound by the past, and bid farewell to the past. He wants to move forward and go further!

   Soon, after an hour and a half, he came to the tree hole.

  With the arrival of the surrounding fog has disappeared somehow, leaving only a hazy moisture on the surrounding vegetation, indicating that I have been there.

And after three years, this tree hole is even more worn out than the one he has seen before, but the opening is very big. It seems that some soul beast tried to scratch it, if not unexpected, it should be for the inside. Meat.

   In other words, he may not find anything.

   With this question, the boy first arranged three traps around him, fearing that he would have another sudden attack, and then used torches to illuminate the situation in the tree cave.

   half of humanoid bones, shredded leather armor scattered around, and long swords that had already been bent, everything seemed so normal that a soul master died here.

Not long after, the young man dragged the skeleton out. The bone was very loose and there was a pit when pinched. This is very different from the bones of normal people. You must know that even if people die for ten years, the bones will not be like this. , Are all tough.

   "Is there any secret?"

   muttered to himself, the boy continued to look around, trying to find some clues, such as documents, letters, badges, clothing, etc., even he looked at the end of the long sword to see if there were any marks.

It's a pity that the surroundings are too damaged, there is nothing effective to let him figure out what happened. The leather armor has rotted under the erosion of nature, and the long sword is even more rusty. There is nothing in the lower body. Cut it off, it should be something very big from the gap, and it will disappear after a bite. But it's weird, why do you only eat half of it?

   can swallow half of the body, isn’t it easy to swallow the other half?

   suddenly found something abnormal!


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