Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 34: :at night

   Anyway, this Qing Ming wolf is still the first soul beast he killed without relying on radiation or trickery, and he faced it head-on. As for why it stared at him, Uchiha didn't know, nor could he understand it. After all, this is the soul beast forest. Isn't it normal that there are soul beasts in the soul beast forest?

And his previous kick, leaping high, and then kicking head-on, can do this kind of action, Uchiha Uranus himself was a little surprised, this is completely unthought, subconscious action, but he did not expect to change Become a one-hit kill finishing trick.

The surrounding area is still dark, and with this battle, big trees collapsed, gravel cracked and scattered everywhere. The dust in the air was slowly sinking, and the inside of the bonfire was a little dark, although all the firewood outside was still extinguished. The fire is gone, but as long as the fluff, firelighter and other things are stuffed under the bonfire, the dull residual temperature can still ignite it, forming a burning flame again.

   "It's okay. This time, the wolf skin should be usable. Although the radiation is still fast, it's already much better. I might be able to make a wolf skin mattress."

   Uchiha Uranus smiled. He first lit a bonfire and let the fire light shine around again, then walked to the side of the blue ghost wolf, turned the body over with his feet, and carefully observed the scar on the wolf's head.

   There is no trace of damage on its whole body fur, only its head has a shocking fatal wound.

   The nasal bones shattered, from the mouth, the towering nose to the eyes, it was a mess, black, yellow and white mixed together, and there was a huge depression, which was the wound caused by the violent impact.

   is also this blow, completely kicking the head of Qing Ming Wolf, and kicking out the things in his head. This injury will kill anyone who changes it. Don't blame it, although it is a thousand-year-old soul beast, it is extremely fast, and can eat a war soul master of Uchiha Uranium's level as a snack, but obviously, it has gnawed hard bones.

   "My kick is a bit powerful, do you want to find a way to engage in a spirit skill of kung fu on the legs?"

  Uchiha Uranus looked at the slightly disgusting wound again, and couldn't help thinking about the possibility of kicking spirit skills in his mind. He has a high physique, great strength, fast speed, and dynamic vision. If he were to use those physical skills spirit spirit rings, perhaps his melee combat would be quite terrifying.

   "Forget it, I'll think about it later. I have to take off its skin first, and I just exercised again, just in time to try roasted wolf meat for a supper."

Without further ado, Uchiha took out a very large banana leaf leaf from the Space Soul Guidance Device. He picked it easily from the rainforest environment, and now it happens to be used as a container for putting meat. Taste the taste of plantain meat.

   This is a dish he has seen before he travels. The raw materials need meat, blood, salt, star anise MSG, banana leaves, etc. A bunch of main ingredients and auxiliary materials, and he doesn't have those star anises, only salt, meat, plantain.

   But it was enough, he still had some picked perilla in his Soul Guidance Device, and some plants he had seen similar to peppers. Although they only had a little spicy flavor, they were enough.

The things stored in the Soul Guidance Device will not be infected by radiation, so the dried meat, water and other books he puts in the Soul Guidance Device will not be infected, otherwise he will not be able to eat anything. It's all smelly.

   It's easy to peel the skin. He has a dagger. Although it is not sharp enough, the skin is not so strong. He mainly peeled off the intact fur around his torso, thighs and shoulders. Although the limbs are fine, it is not necessary.

   Soon, the wolf's skin was peeled off, the blood was washed off with water, and then it was stretched aside to bask. Then came the highlight, supper.

Cut the meat with a dagger, pick out a few moderate pieces of meat, make a few cuts on them, sprinkle with salt, spicy plant, and basil, then wrap the meat with banana leaves, wrap it with rope, and finally wrap it with three more Layer banana leaves, remove the open flame, and stuff it into the ashes of the original campfire.

   Covered with soil, Uchiha continued to burn wood on the bonfire to keep the heat constant.

   Although I don’t know if I can eat it after making it, I have to try it. Otherwise, how can I know if it works?

   half an hour later.

The tempting breath gradually came from under the bonfire. This is actually the breath that all the meat will emit when it is cooked. It does not mean that it is really delicious. Uchiha Uranus knows that it will be better if you simmer it for a while. It's just cooked.

   a quarter of an hour later.

The scent of    is getting stronger, but it is also accompanied by a faint burnt smell. It seems that the remaining temperature has burned through the banana leaves and started to work directly on the meat.

   "Finally, I'm starving to death."

   Uchiha Uranus chuckled, and immediately moved away from the fire, swept away the ashes with a wooden stick, and picked out the gray-black plantain leaves that had turned into powder.

   Then, he opened the last layer of banana leaves and saw the delicious meal tonight-banana meat.

   You are not polite, he moved.

   The taste is fresh. The rough wolf meat is not tender because it is wrapped in banana leaves. Although the carrier has a light fragrance, it has an inexplicable taste under the mixture of meaty and wolf scent.

   Although it is not very tasty, Uchiha Uranus still ate it three times.

   There is no way, can it be thrown away? And although this thing is not very tasty, it is at least much better than hard bacon.

   Seeing pity in the sky, this is the only food he eats after he came to the forest, apart from the food that he brought with him, to satisfy him. He will definitely not be able to eat it in the future. He didn't bring so many banana At that time, he brought these things, but because of hamster psychology, he had to collect a little in everything.

   "Wow, I feel comfortable. Eat and drink, and sleep!"

   With a long sigh, Uchiha stood up and stretched, then sorted out the surrounding traps and there were no loopholes, then went on to make up some more, so that he could sleep at ease.

   In the end, he casually spread a piece of fur around the campfire and fell asleep directly.


   The bonfire burned again, illuminating everything around. With the slight sound of flames, time is gradually moving towards the middle of the night.

   The surroundings are very quiet, and there are no soul beasts that are blind to their eyes. They come to find their own death.

   Early the next morning.

   The sun fell on the messy surroundings, the trees collapsed, and the smell of blood persisted for a long time, indicating that the traces of last night did not disappear with the passage of time.

   There is no one in this temporary camp, and the extinguished bonfire still emits a faint residual heat, which seems to show that the people camping here have not gone too far.

  Uchiha Uranium walked on the road, arbitrarily over the boulders, stepped over the rotten roots, and stepped on the moist and rotten leaves. The surrounding complex terrain did not reduce his speed. At this time, he was no longer the original boy, and he might even slip past the moss-covered gravel.


   dexterously and accurately jumped to the surrounding boulders, Uchiha Uranus stopped advancing, frowned and let out a doubt.

   "There is a smell of blood."

   There was a **** smell in the wind that drifted away, and he could smell the smell, which meant that the battle location was not too far from here.

   "Hey, go over and take a look."

   After tidying up, Uchiha looked around, determined a direction, and then rushed away quickly.

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