Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 58: Tranquility before the storm

   The next morning, Uchiha Uranus set off early.

In the dark and deep quiet woods, the gray branches and leaves are flying around with the breeze in the forest like dust. The dense leaves have withered at some point and no longer block the hot sunlight. Let the light shine on the increasingly desolate land. on.

   This is the land where even the soul beasts no longer live. Even if the soul beasts die, they will not rush into this world full of death, destruction and destruction.

But among the dense forests, on the gray-brown soil, there is a young man wearing a gray-white shirt against the desperate breath of the endless soul beast, walking silently, behind him is a giant sword far exceeding his height, one-sided The blade shone with a faint glow, stinging one's heart.

   A ponytail was neatly tied behind the boy, a skirt-like dagger hung from his waist, a commonly used knife was placed on the right side, and his hands were free and placed on both sides of him. Layers of white bandages are wrapped around the arms, and the ends are connected to the palms. As long as they are pulled at will, they can be taken off.

   At this moment, Uchiha Uranus seemed to be walking around at home, without paying attention to these ghostly shadows.

   He was already fully armed.

What he has to face is not just a fool who stands in place, waiting for his luck. Although the Radiant Titan Great Ape has no brains anymore, its sense of smell is still there, as long as he appears within the range of that fellow’s perception Inside, without him taking the initiative, that soul beast would run over and attack itself.

   And this kind of active and passive combat experience is different in security. On the one hand, he is fully prepared, on the other hand, he is forced to fight, and the winning rate can be imagined.

   The price of failure is swallowed alive!

   He walked the way he had been, as if walking towards the past. The young man lived by the lake in the forest. He practiced and studied every day until he could no longer live around him. Then he left and went to a new residence.

   And now, at the age of thirteen, he has crossed the river, walked through the woods, and now set foot in the place where he once lived. This inexplicable taste makes him a little at a loss.

   People are looking forward, and he is walking forward.

As we get closer and closer to the destination, the surrounding environment is becoming more and more weird. Radiation can change plant cells, but more plants will die because of this change. There is nothing but rotten and weird branches. stay.

After walking for a day, the Radiant Soul Beast has no shadow at all. This weird scene made Uchiha Uran a little heart palpitations. You should know that in the past, as long as he stood here, countless people would perceive him. The spirit beasts came surging forward, but at this moment, the surroundings were quietly dead.

   After thinking about it, he has come to a conclusion.

   This is already the predation range of the Radiant Titan Great Ape. If you guessed it correctly, any monster with a little spirit beast breath is within its recipe range, as long as you see it, it is an extra meal.

   "Be careful."

   murmured to himself, Uchiha Yu put his hand on the knife and slowly withdrew it, his other hand began to condense into a trap pattern, and he would throw it out at random every few steps, without worrying about the consumption of soul power at all.

   Inside his body, he still stored all the essence of the battle yesterday and those dead soul beasts. Last night, he only digested a very small part, and most of the rest was stored in his body to be used as a temporary soul power supply.

   is like a baby bottle in Douluo Dalu No. 2 Middle School, except that this one is an exclusive limited edition. You don't need time, you can take it and use it anytime you want, but unfortunately you may not have the opportunity to have it again in the future.

   The breeze blew gently, bringing unnatural fishy winds.

   At his current speed, if he walks like this, he will be able to reach the forest lake in about four days. If he walks faster, the time can be shortened.

   But if the monster senses its own breath and takes the initiative to rush towards it, then the time cannot be estimated based on this. But what is certain is that you are absolutely safe for at least two days.

  Before he came, there were a large number of radiant soul beasts living here. If the radiant Titan great ape could come here, then these delicacies would definitely not be missed. And these soul beasts are just mutated, they are not comparable to the monster with ulcerated body and no thinking.

   "I don't know how far it has mutated in the past six months?"

   Uchiha Uranus thought of this, there was a moment of silence and his eyes flickered, but even with such complicated thoughts, his steps never stopped, and he steadily moved forward.

   The world is like a dry earth.


   The next day, night.

   A blue figure quietly opened the door, tiptoe, packed up, and quietly walked out of the dormitory. But when she left the corridor and was about to go outside the college, suddenly, a slight voice came.

   "Xiao Wu, are you going out?"


   The blue figure suddenly turned his head, followed the sound source, moved his eyes to the back, and saw a black-haired teenager who had just closed the dormitory door and slowly walked towards her.

   The young man is about 1.6 meters tall, with black semi-long hair hanging over his ears. He looks handsome and has a faint smile on his mouth.

   He wore a light blue college uniform, very neat, with a belt inlaid with twenty-four jade around his waist, giving people a very easy approach.

   "Mistress, it's you, you scared me to death, who I thought it was."

  The blue figure gradually walked to the light, and what caught my eye was a silky long black hair, combed out a neat scorpion braid slowly hanging behind him.

Wearing a blue robe of the same style as Tang San, it is only a female college uniform. She is half a point taller than a teenager, and her gradually developing figure is tightly wrapped in the uniform, which outlines a seductive arc. , And her face became clear.

   Beautiful eyebrows are slightly curved, big watery eyes, small and delicate nose, attractive pink lips, tender and smooth face, beautiful but not seductive, the girl in front of her is not only cute, but also makes people feel that she can only be seen from a distance.

   Xiao Wu’s expression was a little helpless at the moment. She wanted to go back quietly, but she was seen by the mistress halfway through. The girl sighed indistinctly, and quickly began to think about the reasons for her return.

   And Tang San's eyesight is so keen, he who cultivated the Purple Demon Eye, even in such a dim environment, could clearly see the helplessness and sigh on Xiao Wu's face. For a moment, he was in a dilemma.

  He and Xiao Wu are brothers and sisters, and they have a tacit understanding between each other. If she has any difficulties, she will definitely tell herself, but now she is so entangled, it is difficult to speak.

   The next moment, when Xiao Wu was hesitant to say what to say, Tang San smiled slightly and said, "Teacher, I will block it for you. Come back soon."

   "Huh? Xiaosan, don't you ask?"

   Now it was Xiao Wu's turn to be stunned. She didn't even think about it yet, so Tang San didn't even ask.

   Then, Xiao Wu seemed to have thought of something, chuckled, approached Tang San, pressed her face to the side of the boy's face, and whispered to Tang San, "Thank you brother."

   The warm and moist air rushed towards Tang San's face, and the girl's unique fragrance entered his nose, with an inexplicable smell, constantly irritating the nasal cavity, giving Tang San an urge to sneeze.

   You definitely put on perfume, right? ?


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