Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 64: Wannian Soul Skill: Nuclear Explosion Kick!

   Uchiha Uranus himself did not know how he carried it over, the infinite energy filled his whole body up and down, without even a trace of vacancy.

He only felt that in this extreme swelling, under the endless tsunami energy, he was like a small sampan in the waves, and he might be submerged under the next wave at any time without opening his eyes. when.

  He didn't despair, he was just silently suffering from this kind of continuous waves. No matter how big the waves were, he insisted on floating on the water.

I don’t know how long it has passed. Suddenly, the night-like ocean stopped the frantic action of the raging tsunami. As the sky cleared, the warm and comfortable sunlight sprinkled on his face, with a thick and gentle breath, let him He closed his eyes unconsciously, as if the soul was about to ascend to heaven, and the bones were about to melt.

   After a storm that lasted for an unknown period of time, but when he was extremely desperate, he ushered in this kind of comfort, Uchiha Uranus finally fell into a drowsy enjoyment.

When he regained his consciousness again, his eyes were hazy, like a white veil, and various sensations gradually returned to him. With the awakening of his mind, Uchiha Uranus perceived the scene, and the black night sky gradually became clear. stand up.

The unspeakable comfort is spread everywhere in the body. The bones are warm, as if lying on Simmons after soaking in a hot spring for an hour, without any thought of moving, I just want to close my eyes like this and sleep to death. This tender country.

   The smelly muddy smell around    gradually came, causing Uchiha to frown.

   The next moment, suddenly, he opened his eyes, and his hazy consciousness instantly dissipated.

   "It's finished."

   Muttered to himself, Uchiha Uranus began to try to move his body, and opened the martial soul, radiating eyes.

After a short while, four bright spirit rings rose slowly from bottom to top, one hundred years, two thousand years, one 20,000 years, four spirit rings up and down around Uchiha's body, and the spirit ring came out. An invisible pressure suddenly appeared.

At the same time, as the spirit ring on Uchiha Uran's body appeared, naturally, there was a sense of tension in his body that made his scalp numb, and the invisible huge energy filled everything around him, as long as he was willing, this Power can be used by him, whether it is defense or murder.

   "Is this the feeling of the soul sect? It really is, much stronger than the previous me."

Uchiha Uranus raised his hand and looked at the skin color that had obvious changes in his body, and then closed his eyes and felt the power of the fourth black spirit ring. For a while, a wave of pride emerged in his chest. I feel like I am omnipotent at this moment!

   "Huh, give it a try, how strong this force can be!"

With a soft breath, Uchiha Uranus slowly stood up. He moved his body first, and suddenly he heard crackling firecrackers from all over his body. The uninterrupted sound between the bones made him feel crisp, and then there was a full sense of reality. Come, as if you were born again.

   Stand up straight and watched the black spirit ring on Uchiha Uranus quietly light up. Unlike the gorgeous purple thousand-year spirit ring, the ten thousand-year spirit ring gives people a calm and introverted feeling.

   And on him, he felt another look.

   As the spirit ring flashed, no matter what power was around him, he began to gather, no, it was on his right leg.

   At this time, Uchiha Uranus felt that among all these objects, he could clearly distinguish three kinds of energy used by him.

One is alpha energy, which is essentially a high-speed moving helium nucleus. If it is a dead object, the damage from the explosion is not very obvious, but it is also strong enough. Only after entering the human body will it cause great disturbance and damage, causing Extremely terrifying blasting damage.

   The second is beta energy, which is essentially a high-speed electron flow, which will cause a violent mental shock before directly entering the human body and disturb the target's brain. After entering the human body, it will cause damage to the cells in the surrounding wounds, causing great pain and torture, and it is easy to die.

   The third is gamma energy, which is an electromagnetic wave with strong radiation penetration and a short wavelength. After entering the human body, the human body functions will be temporarily stopped, unable to move or resist. The approximate duration is one to five seconds, depending on the energy. However, due to its penetrability, after hitting another creature, the radiation shock and gamma energy will continue to impact until the energy is exhausted or the next target is hit. The specific impact range is any target from one hundred meters to five hundred meters.

   These three kinds of energies are different, but they can be combined with each other, and because of the combined number, they can cause huge damage of geometric multiples.

And if it is three kinds of superposition, supplemented by the spirit power of the body and other surrounding high-energy particles, condensed on the feet, jumped high, and kicked at any place or character, it will be extremely terrifying in the feet. An explosion like a nuclear explosion!

   The center temperature exceeds 100,000 degrees, followed by extremely explosive high-radiation shock waves, electromagnetic pulses, radioactive dust, and a wide range of mushroom clouds.

The reason why there is no high temperature of more than 100 million degrees Celsius, but only one hundred thousand degrees, is because at higher temperatures, the high-energy particles used to protect the whole body cannot protect their own I die under my own soul skills. risks of.

   "Hi! This soul skill is so terrifying!"

   Uchiha Uranus took a breath.

I was trembling with anger when I saw this spirit ability, and my whole body was cold in sweat, and my hands and feet were cold on a hot day. Can this spirit ability be cured? What kind of spirit ring do our spirit masters need to get to be considered normal, and tears flowed down. , This world is full of nuclear peace of Douluo Continent. When can a normal ordinary spirit master like me really stand up, the continent is empty, and the nuclear explosion is in the world.

   Uchiha Uranium stopped thinking about the experimental nuclear explosion, and his face was uncertain for a while.

   What does this soul skill mean? Once kicked out, is it possible to be gasified? This is really a spirit ability, isn't it a nuclear bomb?

   Could it be possible that after I leapfrogged the spirit ring and absorbed the spirit ring, wouldn't I be able to show some normal spirit abilities? Nuclear explosion kick?

   I lost it!

"How do you feel that the spirit abilities I have absorbed right now are not normal, all of them seem to be persecuting the Douluo Continent, but every skill carries terrifying radiation, and now the fourth spirit ability has a nuclear explosion, mom. Yes, shouldn't the ninth spirit ability blow up the continental shelf?"

Tangled, Uchiha looked around, then sighed, and thought helplessly: "It seems that this soul skill will not be used or will not be used in the future. I am really afraid that I will lose half my life if I kick it out. Just like Sassy, ​​a sword can go all over the world, and the gods are not afraid when they come."

   After that, Uchiha Uranus sat down again, thinking about it, and set a goal for himself.

   absorbed all the radiation in the soil. After waiting, he left the Star Dou Forest. He was already in full control of the radiation. He who awakened the radiation field, could now go home!

  Father, mother, and more.

Little brother!


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