Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 73: Longxing City

Longxing City, located to the north of the Xingluo Empire, is only less than two hundred kilometers away from the junction of the two empires. Compared to the military town of Teclaso, it is more like a border city, connecting Xingluo and the sky. The communication and exchanges between battles, countless merchants, soul masters, trade exchanges here, the flow of people is so large that it even exceeds the capitals of the two countries.

   Longxing City itself does not belong to the direct jurisdiction of the Royal Family of the Xingluo Empire, but a subordinate duchy, within the territory of the Duchy of Marzaha. Because of trade, this small city is extremely prosperous, and there is an endless stream of merchants in the past.

   Kingdom, Principality, these forces that seem to belong to the two empires, in fact, are no longer under the control of the empire, but Longxing City is an exception.

For this kind of border city, it has always been the top priority of the imperial family. No matter what the cost, the gate of the empire must be controlled in its hands, but the Wuhun Temple has been secretly interfering with the prosperous dragon. Behind Xingcheng, on the contrary, a turbulent undercurrent was constantly surging.

Except for Longxing City, other cities are even more unbearable. With the secret support of Wuhundian, although they will not fight against the empire on the surface, there are already some signs of secret friction and conflict. Maybe they will gradually burn. When it is enough to destroy the empire, the Spirit Hall will slowly emerge to the surface, revealing its true purpose.

Soon, after a simple check, a neat face and a shiny silver-haired teenager entered Longxing City. Of course, the gate tax for foreigners entering the city is indispensable. Calculated by the head, each person is a gold Soul coin.

   But the young man didn't have money in his hands. To tell the truth, he was a bit ashamed. Although he is a soul master, it is obvious that a soul master needs money to enter. What should I do?

But Uchiha Uranus is not worried about this. In the forest before, he can already feel that with the increase of mental power, he can also gradually feel the pupil power in the radiating eyes, and he can use this pupil power. , Such as the mental impact of the stare at each other. This was exactly before the battle with the Radiant Titan Great Ape, he was looking at a bird and soul beast in the battle of the soul beasts, and then its body suddenly weakened. s reason.

And when he reached the realm of Sangouyu, he also awakened the ability of illusion. At present, he can control any creature simply and effectively, and the opponent is still unable to detect it. Unless the opponent is suddenly awakened by an external force, he will be completely awakened. I wouldn't know that I was controlled by illusion.

Although there is no systematic training and no training on how to control pupil power, Uchiha’s natural illusion is completely equivalent to a novice tutorial. A beginner player like Uchiha Uranus can control both at the same time. An ordinary doorman pretended to pay, but in fact it passed by in a flash.

After he had passed a few steps and the people waiting behind followed suit, he released the illusion. The two city guards did not realize that they had not handled any soul gold coins, nor had any doubts. After all, the flow of people was so large. In the past, I didn't even know when this person entered the city.

   "Humph, it's pretty easy to use, these eyes."

Uchiha Uranus smiled. He didn't expand the martial arts, but just as he thought, the eyes in the eyes turned into the shape of radiating eyes for an instant. You know, this is a martial arts, and the appearance of the martial arts is not accompanied by it. The appearance of the spirit ring is simply unbelievable, completely subverting Douluo Mainland's cognition of martial spirits.

But Uchiha Uchiha knew that the ancestors passed through and assimilated the martial arts spirit of Zhuanyan, but the assimilation was not thorough. After all, the physical body passed through, and the spirit of Zhuanyan can be solidified into the law of martial arts, which is considered very worthy of the law of the spirit. Eyes, so there will be family tragedies.

   Although it is a martial soul, it is not a martial soul. It looks like a martial soul, but there are two modes, one is the manifestation of the spirit ring, the martial soul manifests, and the other is the pure manifestation of the martial soul, while the spirit ring remains hidden.

And the radiating eye, as a variation of the writing wheel eye, obviously has all the writing wheel eye, and the writing wheel eye does not exist, and the radiation eye also has it, as if it is an enhanced version, except for the initial radiation field. Outside of control, Uchiha Uranium surpassed the ordinary Uchiha people.

   In fact, Uchiha Uranium also hopes that the writing wheel can completely become the Wuhun format of the Douluo Continent, rather than this special situation, which is extremely embarrassing.

After all, I can’t go back to the world of Naruto. I have survived in Douluo for thousands of years. The ghost knows that Naruto’s place is now more than a thousand years later than Bo Ren Chuan. It is completely ascending to the universe, or the Warring States period, even the ancestors between the pillars Born.

Uchiha Uranus has only one hope at the moment, that is, in his lifetime, he will completely change the bloodline of the family, and the martial soul will be completely integrated into the bloodline. Once he is dazzled, he will become a useless person. He wants to make Uchiha's name The sound of the horn shook the mainland, rather than shrinking to the ground as it is now, lingering.

   Or is it possible to become a god?

   Can Cheng Shen intervene in the inheritance of the family?

  Unconsciously, Uchiha was stunned, standing in the middle of the road, thinking about the way the Uchiha family was going.

   I don't know when it started, maybe it was because of the radiation field, or he had this talent since he was a child, he was able to think about the way forward and the way forward from the perspective of everyone.

   It is above the family, just like Uchiha Itachi.

   That is, the thinking of the shadow.

   "Hey! Get out of the way! Don't get in the way!"

   Suddenly, a violent voice came into Uchiha's ears, and he couldn't help but analyze the current situation and how to deal with the family's teenager awakened.

   Then, a fiery snort slammed on the back of Uchiha's neck, with a scent of horses, and the horse's mouth and saliva.

   hurriedly turned his head, Uchiha Uranus looked at the tall horse in front of him, pulling batches of goods, and facing the convoy groom who was annoyed by him.

   It seemed to see Uchiha Uranium still standing in place, without any move to give up his position. The rough groom's dark brow raised, and the horse whip in his hand was about to move, as if he was about to pull it out the next moment.

   Suddenly, the blinds behind the groom opened, and a short-and-medium-length man with a happy posture and a lovely smile came out and held the groom’s whip with his hand. With a smile on his face, he took out a package like a kit from his arms. Although it didn't look too bulging, it was quite heavy.

Immediately after the man got out of the wagon, he put the kit with both hands in the hands of Uchiha, who was about to flash, his eyes squinted, and his smile raised slightly. Although he couldn't see much on his, he could feel a sense of temperament. Sincere and sorry.

   "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so rude, I surprised you, a little apologetic, please accept it."

   As soon as the voice fell, the kit in his hand was placed in front of Uchiha Uchiha, as if he would not leave if he didn't take it.

Uchiha Uranus was slightly startled, and wondered if he had controlled the city guard with the three-hook jade illusion skill to enter the city and he was seen, but when he saw that the crowd around him was blocked by the carriage, the more people gathered, he couldn't help but numb his scalp. I didn't see a few people in 2016, but Uchiha Uchiha was a little uncomfortable with so many people around.

   Very uncomfortable.


   Lightly nodded, Uchiha Uranium got the tips, and then he stepped aside, indicating that the road can pass.


   The butler sighed in secret, and then nodded apologetically, then boarded the carriage and signaled the convoy to move forward. Only Uchiha was left looking at the kit. I don’t know what happened, and there were people who gave money halfway.

   Faintly, he seemed to hear the reprimand of the housekeeper just now.

"Idiot! I have taught you so many times that peace is the most important thing, and peace is the most important thing. Walking alone on the road is obviously a soul master! Did you just want to whip? If it wasn't me If you handle it properly and come out in time, I'm afraid you and I will both be killed! Idiot."

   "Look at the road! Just stop when you encounter something."

   Soon, as the voice of the convoy moved further and further away, Long Xingcheng became normal again, but Uchiha Uranu couldn't help but laugh, and then his face became calm again.

   "So this is how ordinary people live? No matter what you encounter, you must apologize first, so as not to be killed on the spot."



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