Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 84: Not to stay here long

   Everything is settled.

   The horror of radiant energy lies in this. Unless you have surpassed human beings and are no longer a flesh and blood body, all cells will collapse under the impact of various ray energy.

   And a person has cell problems all over his body, can he survive?

   This is also the fundamental reason why Uranium is not afraid of this soul emperor. If people are killed, they will die.

   Of course, it was also because of this bad old man who wanted to torture him, so that the uranium could delay time and wait for the fermentation of the radiation field, but when he felt something was wrong, it was too late.

   In the end, he was killed by his radiation.

   The kick just now, a sharp turn around kicked, completely pour out all the anger and killing intent in Uran's heart. This team, except for him and another person, has no survivors.

As for other soul war masters with poor talents, I am afraid that they were dealt with early. Only the geniuses who are young, Uranium, and whose appearance has reached more than 20 levels of soul power, may even be secretly protected. Not dare to start.

   But in the end, maybe it was discovered that so many people had been killed without coming out to stop him, so he was ready to start.

   "Hoo...It's over. Although these people are a little stupid, they are not dead."

   The young man remained silent, looking at everything in the silence around him. For a moment, he had mixed feelings. He didn't know what to say. If he wasn't strong enough, he wouldn't be able to escape death. Can an ordinary war spirit master fight the Soul Emperor?


   A soft sound of smashing branches and leaves came from the boy's left side.

  Uran hurriedly turned his head, his face was alert, but after seeing the incoming person, he relaxed again and no longer strained his nerves.

   Before his eyes, there was a shocked and unbelievable look, standing not far away, a bewildered girl.

Just after hearing the roar, she realized that there was still fighting here, and immediately rushed over, but she was one step late and only saw the young man with silver hair and black eyes who looked a little older than her. There were four spirit rings shining on her body, and the black spirit ring almost suffocated her under the pressure!

   The next moment, it was a quick turn around and kick!

   In an instant, under the huge fluctuation of spirit power, the soul emperor who seemed to be powerful, but could not afford to kneel down, died on the spot, bursting into powder!

All of this was reflected in Zhu Zhuqing’s eyes, which was extremely unreal like a dream, but the turbulent shockwaves scattered and roared, and she could only keep moving before she was unaffected. After all, she herself was a member of the agile attack system spirit. The best, facing this kind of rootlessness, only a momentary shock wave has a natural Wuhun advantage.

   Six-ring Soul Emperor, did he just die?

It’s no wonder that Zhu Zhuqing, who is always calm and superb, will show such a surprised look. It is precisely because uranium has given her too much stimulation that she has the shock now. In the final analysis, she has been working hard to pursue the hope of living. It's a girl who longs to become stronger. Today she is just over eleven years old, a few days away to twelve.

   And the young man who was at most a few years older than her had already reached the Soul Sect at this moment.

   The second spirit ring is a thousand-year spirit ring, and the fourth spirit ring is a ten-thousand-year spirit ring. This completely broke the common sense of Douluo Continent.

   And finally, with the strength of the Four Ring Soul Sect, defeat the Six Ring Soul Emperor!

Naturally, she didn’t know that the biggest output was the various ray energies around, and she also had to lose uranium. When she discovered that there was a person around her, she would shrink the radiation field to within ten meters of radius. Otherwise, she would be in danger of life when the ignorant Zhu Zhuqing approached .

   "Are you...uranium?"

   Zhu Zhuqing was a little unnatural, he leaned back a few steps, and the words were full of doubts. Didn't he say that he is a master of battle spirit?

   And why wait until everyone around is dead before doing it?

   Suddenly, Zhu Zhuqing sensitively discovered that there was something wrong with everything. Wuhun was still possessed. If the young man in front of her wanted to do something to her, she would flee for the first time.

   Uranium can say why? He was in human society and naturally closed the radiation domain. He didn't even know that a soul emperor had quietly entered the caravan of the highest and only soul sect, and then relied on Dark Night and Martial Soul to carry out slaughter.

   "I am naturally."

The young man faintly replied, but his gaze never dared to move around. Instead, he looked straight ahead. The pale moonlight shed light on everything around him, blood, residual limbs, and such a strange scene, even if he did not believe it. There are ghost uranium in the world, and some scalp tingling.

   Both sides fell silent at the same time.

   Zhu Zhuqing didn't know what to say. After all, she and Uran only met a few times. People who had eaten together, she naturally knew the stakes in everything in front of her, and she didn't dare to ask questions easily.

   Uranium is even simpler. He wants to leave here now, but he has to figure out one thing first. Why did the Soul Emperor come to attack this time? Is it for the Soul Guidance Device inside the carriage?

   Suddenly, the young man was stunned and moved his eyes to the carriage.

It is indeed possible that according to the original book, a good soul guide can sell hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins, and even if it is not the top one at the moment, it is at least tens of thousands, plus other sophisticated armors and various luxury items. , Once this team of caravans realized all the items, it could even exceed two hundred thousand gold soul coins.

   For a while, the boy's eyes became warm.

   But after that, it was dimmed again. He didn't have the Space Soul Guidance Device on his body, and even if he gave him Gold Soul Coins, he wouldn't bring much.

  Do you want to go and get it?

   Between the young hesitation, Zhu Zhuqing seemed to see the entanglement of uranium, and suddenly became nervous. What was he thinking? Kill yourself?

   I have to say that at this moment, Uranium did indeed flash through the thought of his mouth.

   But it was rejected the next moment. It was very simple. Sooner or later, his strength would be exposed. Anyway, as long as you don't expose the biggest secret of being the Uchiha Uranium family, everything about other geniuses can be said.

   As for killing a soul emperor?

   When Tang Tang was at the third and fortieth level, he killed a soul saint and got a 2 skulls.

And he is not the one who killed let alone Zhu Zhuqing in front of him is also an important member of the Shrek Seven Devils. He also admires Zhu Zhuqing, who is at the bottom of the Seven Devils in age, and his talent is not high, but But very hard.

   And she also has the qualifications to turn hard work into strength.

Thinking of this, Uran's heart settled, the invisible fluctuations slowly withdrew, and his calm complexion was even more extraordinary in the moonlight. His silver-white hair was **** with a bunch of ponytails, neatly flung in his ears, rather than common. Behind his head, the delicate white skin, deep and gloomy eyes, like dots of starlight, bloomed with a different kind of brilliance.

   Seeing that the girl in front of her did not move, Uran just shrugged and walked towards the carriage that had the greatest energy fluctuations she had sensed before.

   He didn't even bother to play with Zhu Zhuqing one-two-three wooden men, standing still and looking at each other in silence.

   Although her figure is really hot and looks very seductive, he has more important things to do.

   He wants to see what kind of Soul Guidance device it is. If it is good, maybe he can get a carriage and go straight away in the dark.

   It's nothing more than a caravan all dead. Does it have anything to do with his going to Heaven Dou City?

It may be cruel to say it, but at least for now, there is no one he cares about in the caravan. They are all strangers. Riding in the caravan is just for the convenience of going to Heaven Dou City, and now all murderers are being killed. Is it possible to remember the past in place and sigh a few words about life and death?

no kidding.

   He is in charge of the future of the family, and he does not have this time.


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