Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 6: The bones of the dead soul beast

   Two more hours passed, the sun in the sky stood at the highest position, radiating light and heat wanton, and the time came to noon. Uchiha wiped his sweat, looked at the tree trunks standing in the designated location, and nodded with satisfaction. That's right, as long as ten and a half months pass, this simple house will probably be completed. But there is the biggest problem, he lacks tools.

The logging just now caused him a lot of trouble. The knife was sharp, and there was no logging tool in his hand, and no tools to handle logging tools. This made him very embarrassed. It is too comfortable to come to the forest with piles of props, and it will not be as helpless as the situation is now.

   "Hey, take a break and eat something."

   There was no way, and I didn’t bring a system over.

   After putting all the wood in place, peel off the bark in the afternoon and let it dry for a few days. Then he can start to lay the foundation. Starting tomorrow, he will go to other places and find a way to get some tools.

   Thinking like this, soon one day passed. It's not difficult to peel the bark. He has a dagger, the length is just right, and the bark is easy to handle, even after a day of sweating. Fortunately, there is a forest lake nearby that can be solved. In the evening, he took a bath directly downstream. If the water would not flow by itself, he would not dare to take a bath where he would drink in the future.

   It's night time.

Just like yesterday, he is still where he was yesterday. Although the tree is almost dead, it is still okay to provide a little sleep environment. Although the weather is hot now, it doesn’t matter to sleep outside. Take the sky as the cover and the floor as the seat. , It's interesting to think about it.

   But only to think about it.

   Whenever it was late at night, he began to remember his life in the clan. Perhaps it is because people are social animals with rich language, body movements and their own thoughts. When a person is alone, without communication, or communication, it is easier to fall into memories.

   It is true that there is no living thing with him, and it is really boring to live alone, but he also came here because he wanted to stay away from other living things and prevent him from harming others unconsciously, didn't he?

   asked himself inwardly, Uchiha Uranus could feel a trace of peace of mind, yes, he did this to prevent him from unconsciously hurting the people he cares about, and to prevent others from being able to live in peace.

   "Hey, why didn’t I know I’m so noble?"

   ridiculed himself, Uchiha Yu fell into deep thought again.

"Forget it, go to bed, there are still many things to do tomorrow, go to bed early and get up early." Thinking like this, Uchiha closed his eyes and stopped thinking about whether he was noble or not. He didn't have so much idle time. This kind of problem, let's wait for the future to settle down.

   As soon as the genius was bright, Uchiha Uranus got up, or got up from the ground, after all, there was really no bed.

   Today’s purpose is to walk around. It only takes about one morning. The main purpose is to collect wild fruits, fungi and other food materials in the forest. If you are lucky, there should be the remains of the hunted soul beast. Of course, in his vision, it should be more to explore the nearby terrain, whether there are any nests of birds, maybe you can dig out a few bird eggs to eat.

He set himself this forest lake as the center point, surrounded by four directions, of which the south is the direction where he came, which means that the south is the rain forest, not to mention the animals and plants, even mosquitoes are not there, and the resources are few. Distressed, but there are a lot of vines and so on. I have to go there when I have time. After all, some thin vines can be used as a strong rope. Even when they are old, they can also be used as wicker chairs. There are many uses, depending on how they are used.

   The only ones left to go are to the north, west, and east. Of these, going to the east is the easiest, and it’s very close. It’s more troublesome to the west, and you have to go around a whole forest lake. The north is okay. It's not a detour, but it's not close.

After thinking about it, I first went to the east to see the situation. After understanding his own nuclear radiation, Uchiha Uranus was completely relieved, as if he had taken a reassurance. For now, he can be in this ten years. As far as the area of ​​the Hundred Years Soul Beast was left sideways, as for the more terrifying Thousand Years Soul Beast, the area of ​​the Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast, just think about it, and don't challenge the mouth of the Soul Beast with your delicate body.

  The survival version is over, now it is

   Minecraft version!

   Things should not be too late, Uchiha Uranus immediately set off, except for the necessary machete and the empty package, nothing else on him, and everything else was left in the open space, so that he would not burden himself.

   Splitting the branches and leaves, stepping over the rocks, the boy gradually entered the forest.

Uchiha Uranium’s main purpose is food, so his attention is mainly on the tree canopy, to see if there are any bird’s nests, the soul beast he gives up, and he runs too fast, and he may smell his nuclear radiation from a few kilometers away. Smell, and then ran away, just like before, not even a beast shadow could be seen.

   The trees stand upright, and the deeper the uranium discovery goes into the forest, the trees become taller and thicker. According to his rough estimation, some trees can even reach fifty or sixty meters, and they literally soar into the sky.

   The sunlight doesn't shine through like a column here. I don't know when the forest began to diffuse a faint mist. Under this fog, the sunlight also became a little weak.

   The fog is still full of the fresh breath of vegetation. Although birds and beasts are not seen, the crisp sound of water and the cracking sound of leaves on the ground make the forest more quiet.

   Soon after, the boy went deep into the forest, with trees on all sides.

  Uran stopped and looked around. Although there was some mist, the problem was not too big, and it wouldn't make people lost. He will make some imprints so that he can't come back if he can.

   He used a dagger to cut out traces on the tree trunk close to the ground, then looked around, brought a few stones, and put up an arrow sign, pointing to the way back.

   This is to prevent getting lost. In fact, he still wanted to draw a map, but he didn't have tools like pen and paper, and he didn't have animal skins or charcoal on his body. He couldn't remember so many terrains just by his brain.

   After placing the road signs about eight times, something strange finally appeared in the uniform forest.

   Originally, when he saw that the tree canopy was too high, he gave up the way of digging out bird eggs. Now walking in the forest is more like wandering, but he did not expect that he tripped and fell to the ground as he walked.

   When he patted the dirt on his body and stood up from the ground, he realized that something was wrong. A piece of white tree root was under his feet.


   With doubts, Uranium began to plow the soil, first digging both sides, and then grabbing the ‘roots’. After a while in silence, he pulled out all the problematic ‘roots’ in one breath.

   It was a pale skeletal bone, about two meters long, curved in shape and semicircular, with sharp ends and a little rounded top. According to uranium speculation, it was probably an unknown soul beast rib.

   There is one, are there others?

   With this guess, uranium began to circle around to confirm the situation.

It is surrounded by ordinary woodland, but it seems that this kind of landform will only be produced after transformation. Uranium observed the surroundings and found obvious mud faults. It is not that the difference is very different, but it looks like new soil and old soil. If you don't look carefully at the difference between the soil, you will miss this detail, but Uranium is the writing wheel of the Wuhun.

   In terms of eyesight alone, he has never seen anyone stronger than Shalanyan.

   After looking for a while, Uranium came to a conclusion.

This is a predator for a high-level soul beast. Once there was an unlucky soul beast that was caught and eaten. It was very large, but it was not necessarily able to fight. After eating this soul beast, the predator digs the soil again. The bones were covered up.

This reminded him of the domestic cats. After pulling them, they would cover them with cat litter. Or the domestic dogs would have this situation. They would kick a shallow pit with their hind legs outside, and then kick the dirt after pulling them. Although it may not be deep enough to be buried on the top of Baba, it is a habit anyway.

   This kind of guess made Uran nod his head, thinking that he was too smart, but suddenly he was stunned again. This is to bury after eating, which is completely different from the example he gave.

   These years, there are high-quality soul beasts that will bury their bodies after eating others?


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