Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 18: 0 year soul beast, wind and sickle beast


   In an instant, a strong breath of death came to your face!

   Uchiha Uran's face was as solemn as iron.

   He quickly recalled that there was no trace of soul beast struggle along the way, that is to say, he was in a soul beast territory that occupied the water source and expelled all creatures!

   How will it attack? Where did the attack come from? Questions lingered anxiously in his mind, which made it a little difficult for him to analyze what was going on.

"It's now!"

  Without hesitation, Uchiha Uran’s eyes flashed, and after feeling the stench from behind, he plunged into the lake! The shore is shallow, but he has already felt the sensation of mud splashing, and if he guessed right, it just went empty!

   As soon as he entered the water, the boy swung his body quickly like a fish, and swam quickly toward the center of the lake. This was the best way he thought of in an emergency.

If the left and right sides roll, the spirit beast that attacks him is likely to swing its steel tail or use skills at close range, and he may not be able to fight back because he is too close. After all, this is a forest environment, and there is no possibility of a spirit beast that is good at swimming. . And if you are really good at swimming, it will not be a sneak attack behind him, but a sneak attack in the water!

   As expected, after diving deep in the lake, there was no movement around, neither the sound of entering the water nor the sound of skills bombarding the lake.

Uchiha Uranus knows that it is still very dangerous now. Only when he reaches the center of the lake, he can show up when he is safe enough. He has been diving and swimming in the forest lake all year round. He thought he would never use it again after he left. Instead, he saved his life at this moment.


   About a minute later, Uchiha Uranium emerged from the water, glanced at where he was before, and his expression was a bit solemn.

   A big pit was at his original feet, and it was as powerful as a grenade exploded. If he hadn't acted decisively, I'm afraid this lower body would be gone. And around the pit, there was a medium-sized cat soul beast staring at him in the lake with cruel eyes.

"this is....."

   Uchiha Uranu first glanced at the soul beast, which was tall and had an overall khaki tone, and then saw the twelve black ring spots on its tail, his face changed.

   1200 year old wind sickle beast.

   He remembered the records in the Soul Beast Encyclopedia. He once spent time reading the Soul Beast Encyclopedia. Although it only recorded the known Soul Beasts, the Soul Beast named Wind Sickle happened to be in it.

  If it were other kinds of spirit beasts, he might not be so alarmed. After all, the spirit beasts would also prey. It is impossible to keep staring at him. Isn't it going to eat?

   But the wind sickle beast is different, it has a companion! You can prey on one side and wait for the opportunity on the other side!

   Sure enough, as his thoughts turned sharply in his mind, a scream suddenly came from the forest. The next moment, a slightly smaller and thinner wind sickle beast came out of the bushes than the previous soul beast. Two soul beasts stared at him, and one of them started to run around the lake, trying to block him in the water.

   At the time of the crisis, Uchiha Uranus began to think quickly about the countermeasures, and at the same time, he recalled the description of the wind sickle beast on the Soul Beast Encyclopedia. The action speed is very fast, the claws are like sickles, and the jumping ability is extremely terrifying. Moving in the forest is often from the trunk of one tree to the top of another tree, just like flying, so it has the name of wind.

   And it is very good at ranged attacks, the wind blade spit out from the mouth is far away.

   Very far!

   suddenly remembered this word in his mind, the boy's face changed suddenly, and then he plunged into the lake. The next moment, a wind blade fell on the water, and with a muffled sound, the lake surface was quickly dyed red with blood. The youth under the lake was a little pale, and the wind blade just came towards his head.

   On the surface of the lake, blood was scattered with the fluctuation of the lake, and soon it infected the surrounding area. The two spirit beasts seemed to feel that this had an effect. After the first wind blade descended, the second and third wind blades all fell into the water, but no blood appeared again.

   Two minutes later, the lungs couldn't hold it anymore. After feeling that there was no wind blade spitting out, the boy slowly floated up, exposed his head to the surface of the water, took a puff and plunged into the water again. In the next moment, Feng Jian came one after another, but he now had vigilance and would never stay on the lake for too long.

At this time, he also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he did not stay on the ground. Otherwise, with his twentieth level spirit power and without a second spirit ring, he would face two thousand-year spirit beasts alone, and He is still a tacit partner of husband and wife, he may not be able to survive for ten seconds!

   It's just that he is very aggrieved now! He can only stay under the lake for two minutes at most. If he uses his spirit power, he can only hold on for a while. In front of these two wind sickle beasts, the soul sect will be killed on the spot when it comes. Only the soul king can stay here. The two soul beasts retreated all over.

   What to do, what to do!

   Suddenly, a crazy idea came to the boy's mind!

   He remembered the Burst Owl that was infected with severe radiation because he had attacked him.

   If you repeat the past, can you get out at this moment?

The next moment, the young man himself rejected this idea. The situation was different. The Burst Owl could not catch up with him. Only then would there be time for radiation to ferment in his body. Now these two soul beasts are ten times faster than him. I am afraid he Less than a minute after the blood was spilled, he would be torn to pieces!

   went up to take a breath and floated again.

If only relying on the current blood to infect the surroundings, I am afraid it will take several days to see results, the amount of radiation is too small, and it is true that he does not eat or drink for two or three days soaking in water and not sleeping, I am afraid he does not have to wait for the soul The beast came to eat him, and he himself died.

   A little bit of time passed, and as time passed, the sun gradually turned towards the setting sun, but the two wind sickle beasts by the lake still showed no sign of leaving, as if they had eaten him. The anxiety in the teenager's heart is getting heavier and heavier. He understands that when the night enters, he can see nothing, and spirit beasts basically have night vision ability, which means that once they enter the water, he may not know it. Juezhong was killed.

   "It's going to take a risk." In his mind, the boy thought of the previous one that was more dangerous than the previous one, but it was likely to be effective.

For this idea, he feels that he still needs to think carefully. After all, when these two spirit beasts always leave one, it is impossible for them to eat or drink like himself, so the time he needs to wait is just one of them. Going to prey, this is his chance.

  He is going ashore.

   This is not death, it is a strategy, he thought of passive infection of his blood so quickly, then what if.

   Did it gnaw off a piece of his meat?


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