Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 32: Attacked

   Uchiha Uranus made a wrong judgment. After walking for almost a day, he did not encounter a soul beast. The theory that he judged that the thousand-year soul beast would not be afraid of the radiation source failed. I am afraid that the wind and sickle beast couple he encountered were special.

   It is now approaching night. Today, the whole day is not smooth. The forest is huge, and the surrounding terrain has gradually become more complicated, making it difficult to walk.

   But it doesn't matter, he was just a little disappointed, he didn't find any fun when he was on the way.

   He has an idea. Judging from the situation of his Radiation Eye Martial Soul, it has all the abilities of writing round eyes and is even more powerful, but he has no means to deal with the enemy normally, except radiation or radiation.

   The dynamic vision of the writing wheel eye, the super high speed brought by the increase of Gouyu, the physical strength and strength are useless, which makes him a little troubled.

   He thought of Sasuke and Itachi in Naruto.

   is also a writing wheel eye, a high-speed and precise sword technique, and a hand thunder rennin sword superbly. One relies on ninjutsu, but there will be kunai fighting in close combat, and there is also a perverted kunai throwing technique. There are no flaws in the distance, middle and near. If you insist on saying yes, then you can only say that there is nothing. Strong expertise.

   Then, what does the Uchiha family of Douluo Continent have?

  Kunai, he has never seen anyone in the family use it. Knife? There are some, but more depends on the natural affinity for fire in the blood, or the strange thunder, water, soil, and wind, and then the spirit ring obtained should rely on these attributes as much as possible. Spirit abilities are mostly long-range or medium-range energy attacks.

  The reason Uchiha Uranus can know these things is because according to family rules, Wuhun must first confirm his physique before awakening?

   is obviously the most common and the most common in the family, fire.

   So his first spirit ring, his father would take him to kill a spirit beast with a fire attribute like the Escape Flame Beast, but it was a pity that he didn't get a breath-type spirit ability, and he was very sorry about that.

   In case it has been enhanced by radiation and turned into a mouthful of enriched uranium, or a mouthful of high-concentration compressed radiation **** sprayed over it, it will be sour and refreshing to think about. It is much stronger than a trap similar to a hunter now, and it is also very handsome.

However, the trap also has an advantage. It is condensed by soul power, and it will automatically become invisible after release. Once placed, three or five years have passed. The trap may still be there, but the explosion range and intensity will be slightly reduced. This kind of permanent thing, although worse than the ray type, is not worse than there.

   So the question is, he has nothing to do in the forest, should he find something for himself?

Or, in these complex environments, exercise your reaction speed, dexterity and the ability to fly over the wall, and then think of a way to make a knife, even a bone knife, under the rendering of radiation, it can even be compared to a straight death blade. .

As for Kuwuwu, he didn’t think about it. It is estimated that the ancestors didn’t bring Kuwuwu over, and he couldn’t do it when he crossed over. This has led to more and more descendants who only know the secret technique but don’t know This is a weapon that can be used as a dart at a distance and a knife at a distance.

   Besides, everyone is playing Martial Soul, but you are playing with this kind of toy. Once my Martial Soul body is turned on, I can't die for a year. After all, the Naruto World is all crispy, and it can be killed by nothing, but the soul master of Douluo Continent is joking with you?

  Thinking about this, Uchiha Uchiha guessed that Kuwa may have been brilliant in the past, but it has been eliminated, so this is the case.

   "If you think about it, you can only play with swords?"

   After a while, he raised a fire in the middle of a clearing.

   The forest at night is quiet. For others, the forest at night is always accompanied by carnivores, so it seems dangerous and deep.

   But he can be seen, and for the sake of safety, he arranged a lot of traps. Anyway, it is a spare one. Sooner or later, the spirit power will be restored. After all, his spirit power is already enough to make twenty or thirty traps without being consumed too much, causing emptiness and weakness.

   Without the influence of wind, the bonfire emits orange light, and it makes a crackling noise from time to time, and some sparks burst out.

  'S surroundings have been carefully checked by Uchiha Uranus, and there are no footprints of beasts. Among them, he pays more attention to bears or wolves.

  Uchiha Uranus almost lost his life because of the bear and the wind-kamamon, so naturally he paid great attention to this aspect.

   But in fact, even if he is now full of traps, once he is attacked, he has just awakened from sleep, he certainly has no ability to evade or fight back.

   But it is always an insurance.

   Speaking of which, how long has he not spent the night outside? I have been huddled in the camp all the time. Apart from the increasingly difficult life, everything else remains the same. I haven't even considered further study. No one here teaches him.

   I just used dinner, Uchiha Uranus doesn't care whether it is good or not. Anyway, it tastes like this every day. If I think about the food in memory, the meat in front of me can't be swallowed.

   At present, he has ample food reserves. Even if he is out now and there is no fixed hunting location, he does not need to be so anxious to add new water and food.

   And in the depths of the forest, the abundant resources are far from comparable to a single forest at least in terms of survival, there is no need to worry.


   Suddenly, Uchiha heard the sound of dry branches being crushed.

   The fire of the temporary camp dispelled the surrounding darkness, but it also seemed to attract the attention of some existence.

  From the perspective of an ordinary person, a little farther away, you can only see a cloud of pitch black, and you can't tell whether there is nothing in the darkness, or there are poisonous snakes and beasts lurking.

   The sudden sound made him tense gradually. He felt something slowly and quietly approaching the camp.

   "If it were an ordinary spirit master, I am afraid it would be really dangerous. Humph."

  Uchiha Uran’s eyes closed and opened, and a black fan-shaped gouyu appeared in his pupils, and everything around him could not hide under his eyes. This is what Uchiha should be!

   "I can see everything. A blue wolf, dare to approach me, I don't know how high the sky is."

   Uchiha’s mouth twitched, not knowing whether it was because of an opponent that made him a little excited, or because the idea in his mind was suddenly interrupted, which made him a little angry.

   But the ending is the same.

   The young man kicked the bonfire somewhat casually, kicked out a burning wood, then picked it up without warning, and threw it to the front left!

   In mid-air, the flames shone, crossed a beautiful parabola, banged, and landed on the ground, illuminating a wolf with blue-gray hair, a huge body, and a tall man.

   There was also the raised wolf kiss under the firelight, showing yellow fangs. It seemed to be rejoicing that when it was hungry, it encountered a lone traveler.

   It is starving to death, and it can no longer control any deterrent warnings. Now, it just wants a good meal!


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