Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 53: The battle beyond death

   As soon as he got close, the monster of the Titan Great Ape race hit the hammer.

Uchiha Uranus backed back almost without hesitation, tapped the ground with his footsteps, and dodged the monster's attack before he could let it happen. At the same time, the radiating eye martial soul in his eyes quickly turned, and the pupil of the element quietly opened, observing this one before his eyes. What is the weakness of the monster.

   But he overlooked one point, the radiation monster cannot be inferred by common sense.


   A dark red whip shadow flashed past, and it was so fast that there was a faint afterimage in the air, and it was only when it was about to draw Uchiha Uran's door that there was a roar of howling.

But Uchiha Uran's dynamic vision is so terrifying. When he noticed an edge facing him, he didn't stay in place and rolled quickly to avoid it. After that, he used his toes and immediately rose into the air and landed on the tree trunk, panting slightly. Gas, cold sweat came out drop by drop.

So fast!

   At this time, he clearly saw what the dark red whip shadow slowly retracted was a flesh whip protruding from the dense hole between the ribs of this monster, or a tongue.

   Judging from the speed just now, if he is careless and does not avoid it, then he will probably be drenched and lose combat effectiveness for a while.

   Even a bad one may be caught by the monster and tear it apart immediately.


   The monster roared, and his eyes were full of thick black mist, no pupils could be seen. The eyes were the windows of the soul. Judging from the eyes of this monster, it has no wisdom at all.

The next moment, the monster violently rushed towards Uchiha Uranium. The huge size brought an unparalleled sense of shock. With the sudden running, you could see seven or eight weakened bodies on its body, and its short arms slammed backwards. , Like a pendant, no use.

   "嘁! Hard to fight."

Wiping the cold sweat on his head, Uchiha Uranus second, and the third spirit ring began to rhythm, the limit nuclear energy reaction and energy absorption halo opened, his speed suddenly increased by a notch, avoiding the monster that hit the big tree. Fall to the ground.

   Several daggers appeared in Uchiha's hands at some unknown time, while the other held a knife and began to observe the monster. The originally fast-moving figure can still be captured, but at this moment, it is almost blurred.

  The visual effects of ordinary people can't keep up with his figure.

   But the monster can. It does not rely on its eyes to catch its prey, it depends on perception.


A few gray shadows flashed through the air for a moment, and there was no sound of objects tearing the air. In the blink of an eye, with the sound of a sharp blade entering the body, the monster suddenly roared, and the huge head suddenly turned around, swaying around, deadly. Staring at Uchiha Uranus who was constantly moving, his body began to emit a gray-black mist, and the fragile and decaying vegetation around him instantly collapsed.

   There is no doubt that it can feel Uchiha's location.

   And the few daggers just now were all inserted in the monster's waist, in those holes. If he guessed correctly, there are probably long tongues that need to be vigilant everywhere. Once in close combat, this kind of tongue that can turn at will, but is very sensitive, will bring him a great threat.

   So the first goal is to solve these tongues first!

Continuing to move at a high speed, and constantly shooting through the dagger into the hole to restrict the exertion of the tongue, the thirty-third level he can be said to be full of energy, although far less than this kind of monster who does not know what fatigue is, but an hour of speed It can still be done.

   It didn't take long before all the daggers he carried were used up.

And the monster that couldn't catch up with him had no way of parrying him. He who had already practiced his throwing to the pinnacle, even if he encountered Uchiha Itachi, used kunai, shuriken, etc., he would not fall. Downwind.

   And dealing with this kind of meat target-like existence, it is even easier.

   But for no reason, Uchiha suddenly felt uneasy.

   The next moment, his eyes widened, he suddenly stepped on his footsteps, and turned back abruptly as if ignoring gravity. The sudden action caused a burst of blood in his body, his face turned blue and white. But after a short while, before he could stand firm, a boulder the size of a chest whizzed past his eyes.


   swallowed, and Uchiha Uran's face suddenly became ugly.

   If it wasn't for the sixth sense, he would have become a ball of meat.

   He didn't expect that this cumbersome monster could have such a fast reaction speed, or its perception ability, unexpectedly judged his position in the next second, and then outrageously threw a boulder.

   All of a sudden, offense and defense reversed.

There are one or two. It can catch its position. If it continues to rely on speed, once it makes a mistake, I am afraid that there will be no second chance. The long-range killing method is no longer useful. Now, the dagger has been exhausted. Entering close combat, and then waiting for it to adapt to its own speed, it will be more difficult to fight.

   An idea flashed through Uchiha's mind, and after observing the immediate environment, he immediately made a decision.

   The first yellow spirit ring moved, and a tiny, transparent radiation trap appeared in his hand.

   did not hesitate, after condensing enough soul power, he continuously spilled with different strengths and different positions. The trap was no longer a threat to his speed, and he could enter the regular tactics.

   And this kind of high temperature spike trap, once hit, it is much easier to use than the 70-centimeter blade in his hand.

   What he is facing is a behemoth 12 meters tall!


   Take a deep breath, Uchiha closed his eyes and opened them again, Furui Bubo's eyes revealed a trace of madness.


   The next moment, when the monster rushed towards him, Uchiha Uranus held the knife in his hand, his body instantly moved, and he charged in the opposite direction to the monster!

   How does it feel like a mountain rushes forward?

The scent of the sky was shaking, mixed with the smell of nausea, and a strong wind threw up in front of it. Uchiha faced the behemoth with silver hair fluttering because of the changes in the surrounding airflow, but the look on his face was still so. Be firm and without hesitation.

   When he chooses to countercharge, he has already put the fear in his mind behind him. He will not be afraid or hesitate. He will win.

The three spirit rings on    kept flashing, resisting the momentum of the giant beast.


   A strong blast of Qi sounded on the ground, and the black soil was instantly scattered under the heavy blow, and a table-sized fist suddenly slammed on the ground, with unparalleled strength, hammering Uchiha Uranium's original foothold.

   A moment later, a sharp leg knife slashed through the ankle of the giant beast, cutting the flesh and blood, and a large stream of black and red blood poured out, and a thick stench began to emanate from the surrounding battlefield.

   A thin figure swiftly flashed under the beast's crotch, and while tumbling, it cut a slit again.

   This is, the dwarf cuts down!


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