Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 59: Scarlet conflict!

   Time passes bit by bit.

   After only three days, the surrounding roads changed a lot, and they completely fell under the power of radiation.

   The gray soil began to turn black, with a tinge of fishy smell, and when the soil was turned over at random, it felt a sense of fatigue that made ordinary people dizzy.

   None of the large dead trees survived. All the branches and leaves were withered, revealing the bare dead gray branches, as if they were screaming silently, and the desperate silence lingered around, making people uncomfortable.

   The more you move forward, the pressure gets greater, as if the invisible coercion is oppressing this land. Every step forward, the creepy feeling behind the body becomes more and more condensed.

  Under this pressure, Uchiha Uran's complexion also looked a little ugly. This situation is too special. He was not like this last time. This can only explain one problem.

   That guy may have reached the next level, definitely more than what he has seen.


   Uchiha Uranus slowly straightened the giant sword behind him and placed it in front of him, and then slowly held it in his hand following the strength. Used in both hands, the blade flashed with a chilling sharpness, and it lived up to the name of the steel-legged spider. This killer completely surpassed the ordinary steel sword, and even only the weapon spirit weapon was more powerful than this guy.

   "Maybe soon."

   The young man whispered, he began to slowly untie the white bandage on his arm, bit by bit, entwining the Taito with his palm as much as possible, so as not to get out of his hand because of a flick knife or other reasons.

   Although this large weapon also restricted his actions, he really had no good way to face the monster. The bloodletting speed of the knife was not as fast as the recovery of others, which was really a bit tormenting.


   In the distance, there was a sudden roar.

   Depressive, dull, earth-moving tremors continue to come, like a war drum that is constantly beating, once and again, his heart is moved.


A fragile tree beside    was directly overwhelmed by the shock brought by the shock. Accompanied by the sound of crunching and decayed, it gradually collapsed to the ground, raising a thick radiant dust and rising to the sky.

   The shock is getting closer and closer.

   The dust kept flying, and the entire battlefield seemed to be inundated by gray-black dust, flying lightly all over the sky, with no field of vision, all of which was obscured, making it impossible to see the surrounding situation.

   There is only the sound of getting closer and closer, and the gaze behind the needle like a needle, which is constantly increasing.

   The surrounding environment is nothing to Uchiha Uranus.

   The next moment, the Radiant Eye, carrying two black fan-shaped hook jade, appeared in his pupils, slowly rotating in one direction.

   There is no occlusion in the eyes. Under the gaze of the pupil of the element, there is nothing to hide, including the long tongue in front of you!


   There was a harsh sound of gold and iron.

   In an emergency, Uchiha Uranus did not choose to retreat. Instead, he stood with his sword and his heels forcefully resisted the long tongue that came from the raid!


After   , Uchiha's uranium spirit ring appeared, and the three spirit rings continued to move up and down. Then, the figure flashed, and suddenly left the place and disappeared in the thick dust.


   The figure just dissipated, and the three whip figures turned around and slammed into the spot. With a sharp blasting sound, they exploded a round pit, scattered a large amount of mud, scattered in all directions.


   retracted his long tongue, and there was a low, dissatisfied roar in the dense dust. The radiation source originally in its perception was completely covered by the high-concentration radiation dust at this moment. It could not see anything with its eyes alone.

   Under Uchiha's elemental pupil, although the light gray radiation dust covers the eyes, it is far from the dazzling blood-red monster in the field of vision!

   Uchiha Uchiha silently took out a piece of cloth with his free hand, and wrapped it around his face so as not to **** too much dust in. The radiation was not terrible, but these small particles were extremely deadly to him.

   In the next instant, the boy clenched the handle of the sword tightly, and the pupil of the element stared at the various physical conditions of the Radiant Titan Great Ape. The blade turned, without hesitation, he rushed forward with the sword.


   Radiation Titan Great Ape’s perception is far more sensitive than Uchiha Uranus thought. I don’t know what it is, before he approaches, a few dark red whip shadows will go straight at him.

   And at this moment, Uchiha Uranus showed that even if he was using a long sword, his skills were limited, but he still had the ultimate accurate judgment of volleying and cutting off the long tongue!

   Although this monster has become more terrifying, but he can't beat the 33rd level, it doesn't mean that he is not an opponent at the 39th level!

   The blade waved, and with a sound like cutting cloth, the long tongue, which was as tough as a cowhide, was cut off from it. With a snap, it fell to the ground and blood flowed.


   Suddenly, the world is quiet.

In Uchiha’s horrified eyes, the dust in the surrounding air suddenly solidified in the air, and like him, the original incomparable forward momentum came to an abrupt was stopped in the middle of the road. .

   Boom! !

After a breath of   , it seemed to be a slight roar, and it was also like the ferocious roar that Henggu had existed. As the gradually drifting thinking returned, endless waves of air broke out instantly from the monster's body!

The gray dust around was blown away in an instant, and the violent shock wave of soul power slammed into Uchiha's chest, and a cracking sound came from the chest. The boy's face changed immediately, and he couldn't bear it. The blood spurted out.

   With this huge force, the boy was blown into the air, and then he hit the ground without any resistance.


   After landing, he vomited another bite of blood, and for a while, the boy's face was pale.


   sensed something was wrong and let out a low growl. Uchiha Uranu instantly turned over and half kneeled, forcibly enduring the soreness and pain from all over his body. Fortunately, he tied a bandage, otherwise the sword would not know how far it would be blown away.

   Suddenly, his head darkened.

   critical! ! Hurry up!

The radiant eye Gouyu turned frantically, and the body that had just not stood still suddenly exerted force, and the figure was blurred, and there was an uninterrupted tearing pain from the arm of the thigh, and it passed through the crotch of the radiant giant ape. under.

   The discomfort from all over his body almost made his eyes black, and blood rushed to his throat, but the violent shock wave from behind immediately blasted the ground like thunder.

   It came so fast!

This was Uchiha Uran's first feeling. The space just suddenly became static and the strong shock wave he had no time to think about. He was now at the feet of the Radiation Titan Great Ape, and dozens of dark red tongues burst out. The sequence twists like a dance of gods and demons!


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