Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 82: I'm waiting for radiation, what are you waiting for?

The boy looked around in the gloomy surroundings. The solid mist, like black mud, was constantly hovering around, without any malice. It just moved around irregularly. Under the pupil of uranium, these mists that seemed harmless to humans and animals, But it is clearly the faces of human beings!

In an instant, a cold tremor rose from Uran's body, from the tail vertebrae straight to the top of the head, cold sweat dripped down, hair standing upright, an inexplicable sense of tension filled my heart, and the mist formed from this human face. , For a while, he was a little at a loss.

If it’s just the face of a soul beast, Uranium won’t have any thoughts of heart trembling at all, but humans are different, similar to the uncanny valley effect. More, the stronger the sense of oppression.

   He has never encountered such an opponent.

   The night wind stopped blowing unknowingly.

The young man squeezed his palms, his body continued to rotate, trying to see the soul emperor from the surroundings, but what was frightening was that in his perception, under his vision, all the surroundings were filled with that weirdness. The soul power of the soul master fluctuates.

  Purple-black, with a strong stench, it is different from the stench of a corpse. It is another kind of poison, which is like a spiritual poison. Just looking at it makes the scalp numb.

   Subconsciously, Uran took a breath, then concentrated again, being alert to the surrounding environment, immersing his consciousness into the Wuhun radiation eyes.

  Radiation field, open!


   An invisible rhythm flashed across him, like a ring-shaped ripple, with a breath and a breath, but the next moment, it disappeared without a trace. As if it had never appeared before.

   But the surrounding environment suddenly changed as the domain opened.

   As if the waves were rolling, and also like spatial fluctuations, the black mud-like mist began to unnaturally undergo incomprehensible changes, sometimes black and white, revealing a little bit of fluorescence.

   The stream of high-energy particles began to impact everything around the boy, like a sieve, filtering everything around him over and over again. With the emergence of the radiation field, the terrifying face in Uranium's eyes began to twist, as if suffering great pain.

   The original normal face began to dehumanize.

   "You still don't kill me?"

This inexplicable change in the surroundings does not seem to be seen by the unknown soul emperor. His ten thousand year soul ring has no use at all, and his body is completely turned into darkness, or it is just like the black mud circling around. Head, what is its function.

   Is it invincible?


The young man's left foot moved slightly, his knees bent, and his figure moved instantly. In his eyes, a blank space appeared in front of him. Under this soul emperor's ten thousand years spirit ability, he stayed longer. , He became more flustered.

   There was an extremely unclear premonition in his heart, which originated from the strange spirit ability that the pupil of this element could not understand.


   There was a slight roar.


The next moment, the boy was bounced back by the tremendous impact. He just ran so fast, and now he flew backwards at twice the speed of the original, crashed to the ground, turned a few somersaults, his eyes were staring, and he was angry. The blood surged and the pain was extremely painful.

There seemed to be a copper wall and iron wall in the empty space in front of him. Uranium just felt like he was rushing out quickly, but he directly hit the once thick transparent wall. Under the huge recoil, he only felt that he was flying, and then he was flying. Fell heavily to the ground.

   "Tsk, wouldn’t it be better to wait for death? Don’t worry, after you die, your soul will become a part of my spirit ring, forever and ever."

   "After a while, you will be completely absorbed in the Dark Soul Prison. A war spirit master who is only a teenager is really a genius. It's a pity that you met me."

Shi Yue leaned against a collapsed carriage, and the sixth spirit ring on her body continuously released dazzling black brilliance. His yellowish and thin face was covered with cruel and perverted smiles, and her inverted triangular eyes flickered with fierce light. Just watching the young man in front of him was about to die, but he didn't even know it, brought him great satisfaction.

The black soul prison soul ability has an effect. If a soul master dies in it, then he can swallow part of the soul power, making this sixth soul ability more terrifying and more powerful, although a war soul master provides There are not many people, but it is rare to absorb a genius.

   It's just a pity that the city lord would not let him start with that Miss Zhu Jia, otherwise he would be able to enjoy double happiness.

And just ten meters away from him, Uranium was wrapped in countless black soul heads and hovered. Under Shiyue’s gaze, he could even see the black air gradually coming from Uran’s face. The facial features were pulled out, and then slowly absorbed by the distorted face, and then there was a wailing and whining sound.

   It’s been a long time since I had the pleasure of killing and killing. It’s a pity that this genius boy happened to be met by me, and there is no one to protect you? Very good, I'm going to see how your death will look like.

   I really want to know, what on earth is thinking in his heart at this moment, is it collapsed? Still desperate to die?

Uranium's body was originally lying on the ground but after hearing Shiyue's voice, he opened his eyes suddenly, his arms pressed hard, propped himself up, and watched the continuous impact of the radiation field. After seeing that the soul emperor didn't plan to rush in and kill himself, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   The next moment, he settled down, his spirit power fluctuated, he looked around, gathered around his body, and protected his body to prevent the other party from breaking his promise and attacking suddenly.

  Since I don't want to rush in and kill me, just drag it.

   I'm waiting for radiation to drag you to death, what are you waiting for?

  Wait for death?


   Inside the carriage.

   Zhu Zhuqing, who was attentively practicing, suddenly trembled his brows, and a **** breath kept coming from the tip of his nose.

   With some doubts, Zhu Zhuqing opened his eyes, returned to consciousness, and sniffed his nose carefully. A thick **** smell poured into the nose. For a time, the girl's face changed drastically!

   What happened?

   Zhu Zhu cleared his mind for a moment. I don't know why, the camp was silent at this time, and when he smelled the pungent and nauseous smell, a strong anxiety surged from the bottom of my heart.

   stood up abruptly, lifted the curtains, wandered, looking for the positions of the other four spirit masters, but she found that the surroundings were as quiet as if there were no people, which was extremely terrifying.

   Regardless of the surrounding danger, Zhu Zhuqing immediately possessed the spirit, and then went straight to the carriage of other spirit masters. After possessing the body, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes changed color at the same time, his left eye was dark green, and his right eye was clear blue. The long hair on his head was naturally attached to his back. As the body moved, he carried a faint phantom, which was difficult to capture. Her exact location.

   But shortly afterwards, a sudden blast came, attracting Zhu Zhuqing's attention.


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