While Uranium was still experimenting with her arms, legs and feet, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly frowned, her eyes gleaming, and what the young man had just said to her appeared in her mind.

   Her name, Zhu Zhuqing.

   She didn't know that she had revealed her name to these people, but Uran just said her name directly. How did he know?

If you have something to say, just say, hiding her personality that is not a girl. After Uran just stopped her spinning body, she turned around, quietly wrapped her arms around her chest, to set off the snowy color, and said lightly: "You How do you know my name?"


For a while, the young man who heard the sound was stunned. He recalled the situation in his mind. An awkward expression appeared on his face. Fortunately, he was blocked by the fully enclosed helmet. Otherwise, he was originally created by killing the soul emperor. The powerful aura will disappear.

   "Hey, it seems to be ah, I haven't heard her say it, I said it all from memory, oh, I want to make a round of words."

   The young man thought quickly in his mind, and thoughts sprung up like mushrooms after the rain, nonsensical, rigorous, funny, boring and chatting up, everything. Whatever I see your face, I’m so happy, I know your name, this kind of sorrow, and I also watch the sky at night, pinch to know who you are, this kind of soul beast that can only fool with no intelligence. Kind of nonsensical funny sentence.

   But in the end, Uran just turned his back to the girl, without turning his head, and said lightly.

   "This is the Star Luo Empire, who wouldn't know the lady of the Zhu family?"

   After finishing speaking, Uran could not help but want to applaud himself.

  Nice! Although he has stayed in the forest for so many years, now he can talk to people without stammering, and this kind of divergent thinking head can actually be used. At this moment, there is an indescribable excitement in the boy's heart.

   People are still social animals. Although he doesn't like the lively environment, he almost forgets how to talk to people now, for fear that he will shake all the details out when he speaks, causing disaster.

   "Is that so?"

Uranium's voice fell, Zhu Zhuqing nodded gently, indicating that she had heard it, but then she fell into a state of not speaking or acting, like an iceberg, standing in place, with a calm expression and occasionally glances over the young man. There was no action on him.

She actually has a lot of questions to ask, how to become stronger, how old are you this year, etc. However, due to love, she did not speak. Although she is very cold on the surface, she is actually very cold, but it involves the truly strong The method, how to leapfrog the level to absorb the spirit ring, and she still needs this method to become stronger, the girl can't help being a little impulsive, but she also understands how a stranger who has only met for a few days can tell so easily About her.

You know, in the past, she would never take the initiative to say a word to strangers, even acquaintances...she has no acquaintances, Zhu's family has already secretly regarded her as a dead person, how could anyone have a relationship with her? ?

   Thinking of this, the girl's eyes dimmed.

   After a while, the young man put his right hand on the soul guide on his waist, and gently pressed his fingers to remove it from his belt.

The next moment, the armor on the boy's body suddenly emitted a halo like flowing water, and began to blur like a continuous ripple. After a breath, with the soul guide and the belt separated, this armor was also included in the soul guide. In the space, if you want to use it again, you need to let the two join together again.

And with the disappearance of the armor, the young man was a bit firm, his fair-skinned face was revealed, without much expression, and Zhu Zhuqing seemed to be a cold face carved out of the same mold. If the two stood together, they might be mistaken for them. They are brothers and sisters, their expressions are exactly the same, quite strange.

   "I am Uranium, I am leaving now, to Heaven Dou City, are you leaving?"

Without other words, the young man went straight in, put his thoughts out, and was immediately determined. He was going to leave here overnight. Such direct words could not help but make Zhu Zhuqing's eyes flash a gleam, but his face was still there. No expression.

She is very happy to leave now. Too many people died in this place, and this place was in the wild, and no one collected corpses. Although Douluo Continent has no ghosts, there is such a thing, and it must have been created by Wuhun. Just panicked.

   only heard her lips lightly open.

"it is good."


The two were indifferent to one, and then there was no more words, but the division of labor was clear. Since they are going to go, the necessary carriage, food and everything must be prepared. It is not that the soul master is not running fast, but the road. Far away, there is no Soul Guidance Device on his body to carry food, so I might as well sit in a carriage and walk over.

The girl went to clean up the food in the carriage ~www.ltnovel.com~ It was enough to make sure to leave enough for two people to eat, and Uranium began to search for some gold soul coins, or other useful things, anyway, the armor was left It's okay here, even if you take it away, there is nowhere to sell it, and all of them are fine armors produced by the Star Luo Empire. In case it is exposed to the Heaven Dou Empire, people who don't know think he is a spy and want to send someone to assassinate him.

   That's too stupid, I want to assassinate a soul master.

   After a while, the two gathered.

   There was no conversation. Naturally, the girl walked into the carriage while Uranus sat in front of the car and drove. She was very gentlemanly and gave priority to women to rest.

   The boy was willing to do this, and Zhu Zhuqing also saw Uran looking at the front of the carriage and understood what he was thinking, so he walked in.

   Without him, we, Uchiha, have been gentlemen for generations.

Then, with a soft sip, the horse in front of the carriage started to move on its own, as if someone was guiding it and ran towards the road of the Heaven Dou Empire. It seemed very spiritual, but the boy could see it, It's nothing more than the old horse knows the way.

This also shows that this trade line of arms sales has been going on for a long time, and even the horse has recognized the way, but this is also very good. It is embarrassing to say that he can’t control horses himself. He didn't know how to make the horse run, nor did he know how to stop the horse.

   He was really a little scared. He flicked his whip, even if the idea was to make the horse run faster, but in the end there would be scenes where he could no longer stop, or he would never return to the depths of the Lima Plain.


   The sound of horseshoes and the sound of wheels slowly drove towards the distance, with a soft cracking sound and the light, and kept moving forward, and finally disappeared from sight.


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