Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 93: Uranium VS Dai Mubai

   Silence, a long silence.

   Zhu Zhuqing seemed to have seen Dai Mubai for the first time. His original indifferent expression fluctuated faintly, but he recovered his tranquility again. Seeing the fiance with extraordinary spirit, he seemed to be infected by him for a while, and couldn't help nodding.

   But she resisted it.

   Indeed, when she first saw Dai Mubai, she had infinite murderous intent in her heart. It was really unimaginable that the fiance she was thinking about day and night in her mind was such a look, and she was disgusting.

But seeing this scene before him, Zhu Zhuqing also had to admit that Dai Mubai, as the prince of the Star Luo Empire, did have his own extraordinary features. At least, he is slightly more pleasing to the eye than the one who just hugged him. Up.

   But, you have such boldness and strength?

   What can you prove?

   While thinking, the girl looked to the side with a blank expression on Uranium.


  Uran felt his gaze, and immediately looked back to meet the cold eyes.

   For a while, as if he understood what the other party was thinking, the boy frowned slightly.

   "Want me to fight?"

Thinking of this, Uran looked back and waited for Zhu Zhuqing’s response. Dai Mubai, who felt nothing, couldn’t help but feel a little sympathy and respect in his heart. Although you are a scumbag, since she wants me to deal with you, this is also true. Explain that your attitude deserves recognition.

   But this is also your tragedy.

   "Dai Mubai, come on, let's discuss it."

The young man took a step, stepped forward, and stopped between Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai. Invisible, Dai Mubai's domineering force suddenly collapsed. At this moment, he seemed to have become her barrier, blocking her. All threats are average.


   Dai Mubai looked at the same face like an iceberg, the same teenager as Zhu Zhuqing stepped forward and frowned. Although he didn't think Zhu Zhuqing would look for another man, he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable seeing the two people so similar.

   "Are you sure? I'm a 37th-level assault-type war spirit master, I'm afraid you only have more than 20 levels, right?"

   Dai Mubai just glanced at this silver-haired boy who had no sense of existence before, and said in a light tone.

   "I am better than you."

   Uranium did not refute. After just saying this, he pointed to the hotel that just came out and said, "Come on."

   Seeing the arrogant and arrogant attitude of the silver-haired boy, Dai Mubai, who is usually quite arrogant, is also a little anxious at this moment. When has he received such contempt? But Zhu Zhuqing was on the sidelines. He could only bear with him for a while, lest he felt that his temper was too grumpy.

   But this kind of contempt, he will find it back later, otherwise, he would not be called Dai Mubai!

You knew very well that Dai Mubai only cared about Zhu Zhuqing. In his eyes, other people would not be as conspicuous as the smelly fish and shrimps if they were not strong enough, so if Tang San had the ability, otherwise he would strike up Xiao Wu. He couldn't even look at Tang San.

   However, uranium is a hard iron plate, not a soft persimmon.

"Ε=(′ο`*))) Alas, is this going to start a fight?" Xiao Wu watched the two violent people walking towards the hotel, and became a little excited for a while, pulling the helpless Tang San and following Zhu Zhuqing. Walked into the hotel again.

   While in the hotel, Manager Wang was just directing his subordinates to clean the surrounding gravel decorations, etc., when he saw the brutal Dai Mubai walk in again, he couldn't help being a little stunned, then smiled and greeted him.

   Before he could say anything, Dai Mubai waved his hand, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and said, "Manager Wang, let these people hold back, I want to move my muscles and bones."

   "Dai Shao, Dai Shao, you..." Manager Wang was anxious, with a begging expression. He was about to clean up just now, why come again.

   Dai Shao snorted coldly, "Stop talking nonsense, all losses are mine."

  Uran took two steps forward without any haste, "Alright?"

The evil light flashed in Dai Mubai's eyes, his right fist suddenly lifted, and accompanied by a forward thrust, he rushed straight to Uran's chest and hammered. His movements were simple, without any fancy. At the moment of this punch, his aura Under the influence of power and speed, he has reached the peak. This time, in front of Zhu Zhuqing, he will fight with all his strength, even if he hurts him, it doesn't matter, he will pay for the injury medicine anyway!

   But although Dai Mubai is fast, can he pass Soul Sect level uranium faster?

   is also a forward charge, and also a fist. Uranium's speed is far beyond Dai Mubai's imagination. Only a gray shadow in his eyes flashed, and a heavy punch came from his abdomen! The unprepared chest and abdomen were hit so hard, most of the aura that had just gained momentum dissipated, but his punches only slammed into the air, and such a contrasting depression almost made Dai Mubai vomit blood.

With a muffled bang, in the eyes of others, Dai Mubai's forward body stopped abruptly, and after a fist, Uran tapped his toe lightly, as if it were moving, flashing behind Dai Mubai's back, with his palm slightly hard. Knife-shaped, the next moment.

  A hand knife brazenly slashed towards Dai Mubai!

How surprised Tang San and the others are This kind of speed, if it is him, if the purple magic pupil is not turned on, I am afraid it is only Dai Mubai's situation. The speed is extremely fast, and only a moment can be seen. Shadow was attacked without warning, unless it was a large-scale attack, otherwise, for this kind of agile attack system, only by seizing the opportunity to kill with one blow could it come back.

But what Tang San didn't know was that with the increase of the three-gou jade radiation eye, it was obviously not the uranium of the agile attack system, but at this moment it was far more swift and agile than the agile attack system, and it also possessed the instant burst and control system of the power attack system Illusion control, if you can recreate a division of the department.

  The Uranium is the Almighty System.

Uranium's speed is very fast, but Dai Mubai is also a Soul Venerable. Although he lost his vision in an instant, the screaming wind behind him can't be faked. Even if you are attacking me, I believe that I The counterattack will make you more uncomfortable.

   Dai Mubai gave a soft yell, and suddenly raised his right hand, following his instinct, with a heavy elbow, he suddenly hammered backward!

  If Uranium were to be hacked up, he would also be hit by this elbow attack. He was a top beast spirit. Under the nourishment of the spirit and spirit ring, ordinary souls would not dare to take this move!

But the next moment, there was a sudden physical collision. The difference is that the two muffled sounds are completely different. One is a sound that makes people sore when heard, and the other is a slight bangbang sound, as if it hit some steel. general.


Although the battle between the two was only a few seconds, Tang San could see the danger in it, Uran's speed was too fast, and what happened next made his face change slightly. He was originally in Tang San. Xiao Wu's very difficult opponent Dai Shao was actually suppressed and knocked into the air at this moment!

   One palm and one elbow, it was Dai Mubai who lost!


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