Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 104: Admissions

   The air in the mountains is not only fresh, but also very humid. The refreshing feeling quickly made the people on the road forget the previous signs.

   Kabriel looked a little embarrassed, and obviously he didn't want to mention those things. He took the initiative to step back from Karazhan and came next to U and Zhu Zhuqing, and briefly introduced them to the scenery along the way.

   "The main campus area of ​​the college is halfway up the mountain, and the mimicry areas are located on and under the mountain, and there are also lakes."

   "Oh yes, you may not know what the mimicry zone is, it doesn't matter, you can understand it as a special training place, which is very good for the cultivation of soul masters."

  Uran looked around and asked, "Senior Kabriel, what is the main purpose of enrolling students at Tiandou Royal Academy now?"

   Kabriel said, "This should be no problem for you, it's just a simple soul power test."

The meaning of    is that as long as you have a relationship, you can come in, as long as it is not too bad, nothing else.

   The two nodded knowingly, and then stopped asking.

   Not long ago, everyone was a spirit master, this mountain road was of course nothing, and soon they came to the middle of the mountain.

  Uranium can already see the main campus area of ​​the Tiandou Royal Academy, all of which are built of bungalows. From a visual point of view, it feels like a fortress.

   The outer courtyard wall is five meters high, and the whole body is bright yellow, which looks very beautiful. Even the top of the courtyard wall is covered with glazed tiles, which is particularly dazzling under the rays of the setting sun.

   At this time, the sky has gradually dimmed, and as the color of the clouds in the distance gradually disappeared, a little light was already lit in the Tiandou Royal Academy.

   When entering the academy, the students didn't see much. According to Kabriel, most of the students are located in various mimicry areas to practice, but there are not many people in this main campus area.

   Kabriel took the two directly to the outermost room. The word enrollment was clearly written on it, but the room looked rather depressed and deserted.

   As the two entered the house, Karazhan allowed the rest to leave and rest by themselves.

The room was brightly lit and bright. After bringing the two in, Carberry smiled and said, "Okay, I'm leaving now. I'm Carberry. If you need help in the future, you can come to the top. Class 3 is looking for me."

   After speaking, he left. After a while, accompanied by a rush of rapid footsteps, a tall, handsome man in his 30s walked out of the back room quickly with a look of fatigue.

   "Is that you? Which children are you from? Do you have any letters?" The man yawned and sat on the chair, asking unhurriedly.

   Uraneng noticed that this handsome-looking man, in fact, did not wipe off the eye feces from the corners of his eyes, as if he had just woke up.

  Uran shook his head, and said proudly: "I don't have any letters, but I'm strong enough, so when I saw enrollment, I came."


   "This is the Tiandou Royal Academy. It is not a nobleman. It is not allowed to enter. If you are not a nobleman, even if you are a genius, please look elsewhere."

   The man looked at Uran and looked like I was a genius, his expression remained unchanged, he even stretched his waist, his eyes blurred, and he ordered to leave.

   It is true that the Tiandou Royal Academy really needs geniuses to support the scene, but the rules cannot be changed, no one except the nobles will accept it, otherwise it will break the rules.

   But it is precisely this situation that has led to the current situation. There are more than 50 teachers, but only more than 500 students.

What’s even more sad is that among these five hundred students, only a few dozen are considered excellent students. The rest are all for gilding and eating and drinking. Their spirit power levels are so bad that they are quite arrogant. .

   Actually there is one sentence in the forest.

   No matter how talented your civilian soul master is, how many talents can you have? It was nothing more than an ordinary soul master.

Uran's expression did not waver because of the chasing order. Instead, he shook his head slightly, and said to Zhu Zhuqing who was on the side, "Let’s go, Tiandou Royal Academy doesn’t even want our twelve-year-old soul master and fourteen-year-old soul sect. , This kind of vision is not worth learning, we might as well go to the Blue Blaster Advanced Soul Master Academy, it would be better there."

   said, the two of them did not hesitate, turned around and walked towards the main campus area, which was a little dim outside.

   Zhu Zhuqing walked, watching Uran's mouth full of mockery, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but an arc, she could even think of what would happen next.

   She is a member of the Star Luo Empire, and she has no good impressions of such aristocratic colleges in the Heaven Dou Empire.

   In fact, Uranium is the same. I don’t like Tiandou Royal Academy very much.

   But considering that Tiandou Royal Academy has abundant teachers and a strong teaching environment, it is one of the best in the entire Douluo Continent, and there are more than one hundred mimic training environments.

   If it weren't for this, he would definitely choose the Blue Blaster Advanced Soul Master Academy where the common people are facing, and the two of them can shine wherever they go. It's nothing more than a shortcut to the nobles and ordinary paths to the common people.

   Seeing the two walking away, Lin Zhong smiled, "What about the Great Soul Master? But it's not expensive..."

   "Twelve years old?! Soul Sect!!!"

   In the forest, he stood up instantly, and UU's face immediately changed from reading

The man's eyes quickly looked in the direction where the two were walking out. Without hesitation, there was wind under his feet, and his figure quickly flashed out. The Wuhun immediately possessed his body. The speed soared and the speed was fast. Even the tea on the side also fell and spilled, lightly. Screaming.

   over! Something is going to happen!

   At this moment, the teacher Lin Zhong, who went straight to the main campus area for the assessment, was very anxious, and only hoped that the two of them had not gone far, and they could catch up.

   As for the **** of nobles and nobles, who cares about it?


  Uran only felt the surrounding wind blowing by, and the pressure of the wind rushed towards him.

   The next moment, a tall figure appeared in front of the two walking normally. Before they could stand firmly, Teacher Lin Zhong laughed.

   "Haha, look at my memory, you are walking in a hurry, I almost forgot to say, the young geniuses we Tiandou Royal Academy are desperate for."

"Although you are not aristocrats, your Majesty will not be stingy with the geniuses of our Heaven Dou Empire. You can enroll first, and then you can reissue the title of aristocracy and some corresponding things later. Moreover, if you enroll, all the tuition and miscellaneous fees will be covered by the college. ."

   As he said, Teacher Lin Zhong smiled, stretched out his hand to make a request, and continued to say: "Come on, I will take you to test your soul power, and after that, I will take you to the dormitory to rest."

   Don't look at him changing his face so quickly, his method is actually used a lot, just to deal with nobles, there is no time to deal with such a wild genius.

   And Lin Zhong couldn't help but feel upset at this moment. With such talent, I am afraid that only the children of the big family are available. Although the academy only accepts nobles, the non-aristocratic soul master families are not a minority.

   For example, the descendant of the Undead·Nine Heart Begonia of the Three Sects of the Earth is within the academy.


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