Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 107: Board of Education 3 old

   The two of them ate quickly, and they finally got to the ground after traveling for so many days. They were all a little tired. After choosing an adjacent room, they went directly to the room to rest.

   There was no word for the whole night. Early the next morning, Uran just opened his eyes, and a crisp knock on the door came from outside the main house.

   is a chef dressed in a white chef's uniform, who brings a steaming breakfast early in the morning.

   "Thank you."

   Out of courtesy, Uran thanked the chef, then closed the door, walked to the next door, knocked on Zhu Zhuqing's door, and shouted.

   "I have breakfast."

   After a while, the two gathered in the dining room. They could not speak. They only heard the sound of knives and forks. Among them, the sound of uranium was the loudest. Unknowingly, Zhu Zhuqing's brows frowned.


   The girl put down the utensils, her eyes were cold, and she looked at the embarrassing Uranium. For a while, the two did not continue to eat.

   "I'm not used to it." The boy said calmly.

   But Zhu Zhuqing could hear the feeling in it, and there was an apologetic helplessness lingering in it.

   After a while, there was another knock on the door.

   is Lin Zhong, the test teacher yesterday.

   "Uranium, you got up so early, have you eaten breakfast?" Lin Zhong smiled and glanced slightly. After noticing the breakfast that had not been cleaned on the table, he shut up and did not advance breakfast.

  Uran also nodded, and said: "I have eaten it, teacher, you are also very early."

   Lin Zhong patted Uranium on the shoulder, and said: "Are you free now? I will take you to meet the three seniors of the Board of Education, and by the way, I will tell you about our school's personnel structure and system."


  Uranium still nodded. After a while, the three of them moved towards the largest building in the center of the main campus of the college.

   Just a few days ago, in another place, Soto City.

   Shrek Academy also ushered in a girl with silver hair, long fluttering hair and a lovely face.

   She is about 1.7 meters tall, her hands are empty, her skin is white and tender, and she is dressed in a silver-gray outfit. She is simple and simple, but she exudes an air of elegance and admiration.

   There is a white moon wheel mark on her forehead, like a new moon, so passers-by can't help but cast their eyes on the girl.

   There is a table at the entrance of the village. Behind the table sits an old man in his sixties. On the wooden arch at the entrance of the village, a plaque that looks a bit tattered is hung with five simple characters.

   Shrek Academy.

Just as Tang San and Xiao Wu had just finished testing, and when they were preparing to go in under the leadership of Dai Mubai, he suddenly felt something, and suddenly looked back, seeing a silver-haired girl who had come to the old man, seemed to have taken out the money. I want to sign up.

   "Are you recruiting students? I want to sign up."

   The girl smiled sweetly, her face is soft, like Ning Rongrong who entered the village before, with a temperament like a spring breeze.

   After that, Tang San and Xiao Wu entered the Shrek Academy. He didn't notice that there seemed to be waves of commotion from the outside world, which quickly dissipated invisible.

The Board of Education of Tiandou Royal College is located in the center of the main campus of the college. In the entire main campus, it is the largest building. Although it is a single-story building, it is ten meters high at the highest point. The Wuhun Temple that the city had seen was average, and it felt a little bit like.

   Soon, under the leadership of Teacher Lin Zhong, when the three came to the door of the Board of Education, the three old people had already been waiting there.

   Although the three old people simply stood there, they gave people a very special feeling, as if the three of them were the main campus of the Tiandou Royal Academy, and even the core of the entire academy.

  Uranium can see these three old people, and similarly, these three old people can also see the approaching uranium.

Even Lin Zhong was a little surprised to see this situation. You must know that these three are the only three Contras in the Tiandou Imperial Academy. Looking at the entire Tiandou Empire, they are also rare in existence, but right now, this The three of them stood at the door waiting in unison, eager to see through. What kind of treatment is this.

   But then, Lin Zhong thought again, that's right, at the age of fourteen he has reached the forty-sixth level of spirit power, what if he is twenty? I am afraid that he can reach the realm of Soul Sage. With this young man's talent, if he doesn't fall halfway, the Heaven Dou Empire can even see the youngest Title Douluo appear!

   The young man in front of him is not only the strength of the Soul Sect, he represents a bright future.

It’s no wonder that these three beings will be dispatched collectively. If they are themselves, as long as they are determined to fight against the sky, he may be willing to devote all resources to nurturing him, not for anything else, just to witness the future. The honor and stability brought to the country after Title Douluo was born.

The old man in the middle of the three elders saw Uranium close by and couldn't help but laughed, strode up to greet him, put his hand on Uranium's shoulder, and patted his hand on Uran's shoulder, and asked Lin Zhong, the test teacher Is it from the fourteen-year-old Soul Sect? Haha, it's just that you are young."


   Linzhong replied silently, then quietly quit, and let the three lead Zhu Zhuqing and Uran into the board of education.

   What is the concept of the fourteen-year-old forty-sixth level soul sect? You must know that even if Yu Tianheng, the captain of the current Huangdou team, is now only a thirty-ninth level of the assault-type battle spirit. Moreover, he is two years older than this young man named Uranium. With his talent, he has carefully nurtured him and is even qualified to win the title of the Soul Master Competition in a few years!

   As soon as he entered the Uranium began to look at it.

   The Board of Education did not have the luxury as imagined. On the contrary, the interiors of the three Contras' offices and residences are very simple.

   only the necessary furnishings and some simple green plants embellishment.

   The two did not sit down, but stood still, their hands drooping naturally, waiting for the three Contras to speak.

   And Uranium could notice at this moment that Zhu Zhuqing's body was shaking slightly.

   Is it because she is a member of the Star Luo Empire royal family? Uranus guessed such an idea in his mind.

In fact, he has already guessed that it is not far from ten. This is the Heaven Dou Empire. You, the Star Luo Empire, came to the base camp of other countries. If someone wants to kill you for political reasons, it is not dead unconsciously. ?

   Are you looking for death?

   "My old man, my name is Mengshenji, the chief of the Academic Affairs Council, this is the second seat of the Board of Education, Bai Baoshan, this is the third seat of the Board of Education, Zhilin." Mengshenji smiled and pointed to the two nearby Contras.

   He has a ruddy complexion, a medium and thin body, and his voice is sharp, but not unpleasant, giving people a very friendly feeling.

   beard and hair are all white, although the person is thin, but full of energy and blushing.

   "Child, come here, let me see what your martial spirit is?"

   Meng Shen Ji smiled, beckoning like Uranium.

   And everyone's eyes, all focused on Uranium, waiting for him to act.

   felt several lines of sight staying on him. For a while, the boy couldn't help feeling a little nervous, but then he left it behind.

   Take a deep breath.

   Next moment, Radiant Eye Martial Soul, open!


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