Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 109: Emperor Fighting Team

   Teacher Qin took Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing around for a long time, passing through the towering teaching buildings, and came to a circular building with three large characters on it.

Training Course.

   Entering the training ground, there are a total of seven people training in them, each of them is different, but the faint fluctuations of spirit power radiating from the body clearly distinguishes others.

   As Teacher Qin walked in, Yufeng, who was the closest to the outside world, was the first to speak in the air combat training.

   "Teacher Qin."

   Everyone stopped their movements one after another, Yu Feng also fell to the ground, converging his martial soul, and the seven gathered in place, always saluting respectfully.

Teacher Qin’s face looked a little weird. He had never even seen Yu Tianheng from the Emperor Fighting Team. After seeing a man and a woman behind Teacher Qin, he quietly stepped forward and whispered: "Qin Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

A light flashed in Teacher Qin’s eyes, and a deep ray of light appeared in the bright black eyes, “In the past, you used to call yourself geniuses. This time, you’re probably going to give up the position of genius. I just came back from the Academic Affairs Office to introduce you to you. , This is your future partner."

   While talking, Teacher Qin turned his body sideways, exposing Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing to the eyes of everyone. Teacher Qin tilted his hand towards the girl and spoke.

   "Zhu Zhuqing, Wuhun ghost cat, 12 years old, 27th level, master of war spirit, agile attack system."

After hearing Teacher Qin's words, the members of the   huangdou team hurriedly gathered around, looking at Zhu Zhuqing, their eyes flickering, and the seven of them looked at each other and saw the surprise in their eyes.

   "Twelve years old and twenty-seventh grade? Teacher Qin, then she waits for our grade, doesn't she arrive at fourteen-five years old? I'm a good boy, I only arrived at seventeen years old, genius."

   was talking about a handsome young man, not tall, moderately fat and thin, with short blond hair, and staring at the girl's body, and asked Teacher Qin in surprise.

   Standing in the middle of the crowd, a young man with long black hair and a slender figure did not change his complexion. His eyes were indifferent and looked at the same calm Uranium. His eyes swept across Teacher Qin's face, his eyes narrowed slightly, he held his breath, and he had a premonition in his heart.

   The talent of this girl named Zhu Zhuqing is at best higher than him, and she does not have an overwhelming genius title. Only that young boy puts him under pressure as much as Teacher Qin.

   That's what the teacher said, genius.

   Hearing Yu Feng's words, the black-clothed youth raised his eyebrows, and said with a playful smile on his face.

   "Yufeng, for you, it's really a genius, you don't need to be inferior." After smiling, the black-clothed youth narrowed his smile and looked at the leader, Yu Tianheng.

   He was just joking, but he really didn't think that the girl's talent was worse than him. On the contrary, it was definitely a very high category, comparable to the captain. He would not underestimate it, otherwise it would cause trouble for himself.

   The handsome young man said angrily: "Leopard, you think your talent is much higher than mine, don't you? When we finish training today, let's play one-on-one, one-on-one."

   The young man, who is also blond, and looks as beautiful as a girl, snorted disdainfully, "Save it, if you want to bully me, just say, the flying soul master bullies me, the ground soul master, are you embarrassed?"

   "Okay, be quiet, wait for Teacher Qin to finish introducing."

Standing in the first place and motionless, the blue-clothed young man Yu Tianheng, who was as steady as a rock, finally interrupted the conversation between the two. He wanted to know how talented the young man on the opposite side really was that made Teacher Qin, who had always been steady and mature, to They said the words to see a real genius.

   Teacher Qin watched the captain Yu Tianheng show his power, with a faint smile on his face. Under the leadership of this kid, the battle team condenses into a solid piece, like a clenched fist, not a loose slap.

   No wonder it is called one of the twin stars.

   But he has another inexplicable worry, will the arrival of uranium destroy this harmonious environment?

   But looking at the spirit power level, there is no doubt that Tian Heng is definitely not able to beat him, let alone the blessing of the ten thousand years spirit ring, without losing the dragon.

   If Uranium has the idea of ​​fighting for power, I am afraid that it will be hard to form a whole team, which will become a mass of scattered sand.

These thoughts just passed away in a flash. Teacher Qin looked at the children in front of him. Although he could not see it on the surface, but inside, he could feel deep pride and complacency. Without him, it was because they were geniuses. It is the Emperor Fighting Team, and they are proud of it.

  If you don’t hit them, I’m afraid they will make big mistakes in the future, and even break them when they encounter setbacks.


   Qin Ming raised a smile, turned sideways, signaled Uranium to come forward, and then continued to speak.

   "Uranium, fourteen years old, martial soul destroying eye, soul power level..."

   Speaking of this, Teacher Qin glanced at the seven people who had become nervous unconsciously. Without hesitation, the voice fell heavily.

   "Forty-sixth level, Battle Soul Sect, agile attack system!"


Teacher Qin looked at the dumbfounded seven people, and for a while, he felt a sense of comfort. God knows how tired it is to teach these self-satisfied children. Regardless of how mature and stable Yu Tianheng gets along, he is very obedient, but in fact Qin Ming could also tell that he was more proud than anyone else, not only because he was the young patriarch, but also because he was the captain of the Royal Fighting Team, the thirty-eighth-level Battle Soul Venerable.

But now, another person has come forward, younger and stronger than him. This kind of stimulation will inspire Yu Tianheng. Although it will blow his confidence, it can make him face this spirit master world and make him Understand that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

In the next moment, Uranium could feel that several condensed gazes stared at him, not malicious, but carrying a thick unbelievable, that kind of surprise and surprise kept flashing across the six faces, even Ye Lingling, who was the most indifferent, was no longer calm but surprised for the first time in her eyes.

   Fourteen years old, forty-sixth-level soul sect.

   This level is already seven or eight levels higher than Yu Tianheng except Teacher and this age is even two years younger than him. How can this not surprise him?

   Happiness.... There was a clapping sound.

   "Okay, don't look at Uranium with this kind of eyes. Everyone just needs to know that Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing will be part of us in the future. We are a group."

Teacher Qin clapped his palms to draw everyone's attention again. At this moment, Qin Ming was able to notice that the seven people who had been trained hard but were proud of their temperament were already shocked by Uran's talent and age. Quite a little unstable.

   That's right, this is what he wants. Instead of letting the children suffer and frustrate in the battle with others, it is better to strike once and wake them up.

   "Hiss! It's really true! Is it so fierce? It's level 46, younger than the boss, and better than the boss. Boss, do you feel the pressure?"

   Yufeng took a breath, staggered a few steps, with a very shocked expression on his face, then closed his expression, raised his eyebrows and looked at Yu Tianheng beside him.

   "Yufeng, I think you are itchy. Don't leave after training."

   A black line appeared on Yu Tianheng's forehead, and he glanced at Yufeng.

   And his heart that was pounding because of tension gradually calmed down to normal conditions, I have to say that the news just now really almost scared him to cardiac arrest.

   Is there such a terrifying genius?

   "Oh, haha, let you talk more."

   Oslo covered his mouth and snickered, and his shocked expression withdrew, as if he were ordinary, making fun of Yufeng's self-seeking dead end.

   "Oslo, you can stay together."

   Yu Tianheng’s voice instantly solidified the smile on Oslo’s face.


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