Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 113: Burst kick

Amidst the smoke and dust, a figure broke away instantly, rubbing his left arm secretly while running at high speed, quite sore.


The sound of thunder and lightning blasted.

At this moment, a blue figure had appeared on the top of Uranium, and the sturdy dragon arm was shining with dazzling blue brilliance under the lighting of this training ground.

Before people arrived, the blue thunder and lightning had already condensed into claws in the air, and went straight to the young soul sect who had just broken the Xuanwu Tortoise Soul Master Stone, and had not had time to react!

The thunder dragon claw shot, the blue electric light mixed with the jumping arc willfully spill over the training ground, how fast the lightning speed is, Uranium almost saw the blue figure at the same time, the blue-purple electric claw had already reached him Above the head.

Seeing that there is no hope of dodge, the young boy’s eyes suddenly flashed, the third spirit ring quietly rhythm, an invisible suction gathered in front of him, facing Yu Tianheng’s Thunder Dragon Claw, he did not resist at all, but raised it. Raising his hand, facing the spirit ability that fell from the sky like a claw, the energy absorption halo active effect was activated.

Absorb soul power and feed yourself back!

The thunder dragon claws sent by Yu Tianheng passed through the air. Wherever he passed, the air was violently twisted, and there was a heart-pounding crackle. But the next moment, after Uran made a strange gesture, he was surprised to find that he 'S spirit ability dissipated in an instant, and was absorbed by Uranium's third spirit ability!

Gritting his teeth, Yu Tianheng just landed without any buffer, his right claw once again condensed thunder dragon claws and swept away towards the uranium. At the same time, the second and third spirit rings shined brightly, the thousand-year spirit ability Thunder Fury started.

A group of extremely dazzling blue thunder bursts out of Yu Tianheng's body. Accompanied by a strong explosion, the speed of the originally condensed thunder dragon claws accelerated again and crashed onto Uranium!

But the next moment, Yu Tianheng suddenly felt black in front of him, and then a heavy blow came from his waist, and a sweeping kick suddenly knocked him to the ground. Inevitably, the Thunder Dragon Claw carrying the light of thunder suddenly suddenly The deviation, passing by the uranium, blasted on the wall not far away.


There was a roar of heavy objects, and Graphite shouted loudly, and the two huge tortoise shields in his hands were thrown out. In order to cover the fallen captain, he went straight to the young soul sect who had just kicked Yu Tianheng down.

The tortoise shield is spinning and whistling in the air. The incomparable momentum alone is enough to make people startling. The most peculiar thing is that behind this tortoise shield, there is a yellow soul power connected with graphite, and the sharp edges of the tortoise shield are constantly in front. In the process of walking, the air was cut apart and came with a thrilling roar.

As a last resort, Uranium didn’t want to hard-wire this kind of thing, his body moved instantly, his speed skyrocketed, and he left the place between a few flashes. Without stopping, he immediately ran towards the graphite, knocking out the tortoise shell. Just like the stone mill just now.


At this time, the other two tortoise shields suddenly galloped past from a distance, pressing against the ground, like a spinning top and sharp blade, and rushing towards the uranium in the middle of the road with sharp and sharp energy.

As if pre-judged in advance, Uranium's forward path was blocked, and similarly, under this tortoise shield, there were also yellow spirit power fluctuations.

It's a stone mill!

The stone mill slowly stood up from the ground, his face condensed, seeing the tortoise shield coming in a surprise attack, a purple light glowed on his body, and the thousand-year spirit ring skills were activated.

In the same way, the purple light of graphite also lit up, the thousand-year spirit ability was activated, and his eyes fixed on the uranium that was about to dodge his brother's tortoise shield, and began to adjust the angle.

Uranium's speed is too fast. If you don't shoot now, I am afraid it will be more difficult to shoot next.

The stone-ground two-sided tortoise shells were suddenly recovered at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Each piece of tortoise shell suddenly burst into sixteen diamond-shaped fragments under the rendering of purple light, and instantly blasted, almost sealing the entire area of ​​the uranium body.

The green mist has filled the audience, and the faint sweet smell pours in. Although he has been prepared for the poison of the lone goose, at this moment, Uran only felt his brain dizzy. Fortunately, in the next second, it was all The Radiant Eye Martial Soul adapted, and then destroyed.

The nature of toxins refers to the poisons produced by organisms. These substances are usually proteins that interfere with the action of other macromolecules in the organism. How can uranium, which is a source of radiant energy, interfere with proteins?

There was a Biphosphorous Poison Control Field around, and bursting and rotating tortoise shell fragments galloped towards the young man. At this time, it seemed as if he was already in desperation, Uranium stood in place, unmoved.

"It's time to use it, try to see if they are qualified."

Although the nuclear explosive kick is powerful, if you don't add the element of ray energy that can increase the power index, and rely solely on spirit power, it will only be a simple explosive kick, just like kicking the soul emperor before.

How much soul power is used, how much attack will be caused.

And right now, it's time to use it!

"Are you coming?" Zhu Zhuqing looked at the young man with a tight stature and the black soul ring lit up, and couldn't help but start looking forward to it, staring at the young man's body, not wanting to miss a single bit.

After a breath.

An invisible pressure fell.

The tortoise shell has been lasing one meter away, and all around the body are such fragments, as if there is no way to the sky and no way to enter the ground.


Under everyone's gaze, the black spirit ring on the boy's body brightened!


The slight roar shook the space. At some point, time seemed to freeze, and even the fragments of tortoise shells in mid-air could not help but stagnate, without motivation to move forward.

In the entire world, only Uran could move freely. Uran looked at the surrounding attacks with a touch of pride on his face.

Then, in the world where time was still, he simply turned around.

Raise your leg and sweep.

Immediately after a violent light shone from under his feet with the sound of a broken mirror!

Burst kick!


Fiery red flames whizzed past, kicking like an explosion covered all the surrounding tortoise shells, and violent fluctuations of high temperature and heat continued to spread.

As if a bomb had been detonated, with a bang, the tortoise shells spattered in all directions. At the same time, the two brothers grinned with a graphite stone grunt and their faces instantly turned pale.

The smoke and dust have not yet dispersed, a blue-purple electric glow rises from the gray dust, and a man's figure appears on the battlefield, like an electric current rushing through, Yu Tianheng's hands are condensed into a thunder dragon claw, predicting in his heart On the occasion, quickly swept towards a certain place.

At the same time, as the Thunder Dragon Claw swept out, he did not take care of the Shijia brother's injury. His body suddenly jumped up on the ground, his arm pointed directly at the young man who seemed to be blocking the Thunder Dragon Claw in the smoke and dust, Yu Tian constantly roared. Scream.


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