Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 116: Member positioning

   Qin Ming waved his hand and said, "Go. Keep up with me."

   After finishing speaking, I saw that his toes touched the ground, and he jumped out lightly and headed out of the academy.

   Everyone hurried to keep up.

   Qin Ming has always maintained a fairly fast speed, and now he can see the strength gap between the nine students.

   Immediately behind Qin Ming is the 46th-level Soul Sect Uranium with the deepest soul power. But behind Uran is not Yu Tianheng, but the ghost and leopard soul master Oslo, behind him, is Yu Tianheng.

As an agile attack type spirit master, Oslo is extremely fast, and his spirit power level is only slightly worse than Yu Tianheng. With one plus and one minus, he stays at third at a speed only slightly faster than the captain Yu Tianheng. Bit.

  Although Zhu Zhuqing is also a spirit master of the agile attack system, his spirit power level is lower, so he remains in the same position as Dugu Goose, Yufeng, Shijia brothers, and Ye Lingling.

Along the way, Qin Ming began to introduce the relationship between Tiandou City and Tiandou Royal Academy to Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing. As a native of Tiandou City, Oslo, Yu Tianheng and others are naturally familiar with them, but they follow After some unknown news gradually came out of Teacher Qin's mouth, everyone began to listen.

   Soon, the group arrived at their destination, Tiandou City.

   Although it is dark now, Heaven Dou City seems to have just woke up, even more lively than the day.

As soon as you enter the city gate, everyone can see that all the shops on both sides of the street are brightly lit. Some small vendors who only come out at night also find their favorite places to sell some snacks or small objects. thing.

   Zhu Zhuqing still had a cold face, as if everything in the outside world had nothing to do with her, his eyes remained on U and Qin Ming in front of him, and he was not affected by the outside world.


   Inside Tiandou City, an extremely grand hotel.

   A group of ten people either slumped or waited, sitting on the sofa, waiting for the dishes.

   Qin Ming put away the menu, smiled at the waiter and said, "Okay, that's it, please serve it as soon as possible."

   The maid nodded, then left the box and walked towards the outside world.

   "Hey, Uranium, where did you come from?" Yufeng sitting next to Oslo looked at Uranium next door, and asked now.

   He was quite shocked by the combat effectiveness Uranium had shown before. Although he and Oslo had not personally experienced the strength of Uranium, as one of the spectators, he could see that Uranium did not use its full strength.

   Uranium is too strong. It was only the first contact, Yu Tianheng, who was a 38th-level assault-type war soul, was directly knocked to the ground, and even his soul abilities were absorbed.

   is not like a powerful soul sect at all, and even someone can believe that he is a soul king, because the fighting power of Longhua's assault system battle soul Zun Yu Tianheng can fully reach the level of the primary soul sect.

   However, in that case, Yu Tianheng is still not the enemy of Uranium. You must know that Yu Tianheng is the strongest of their emperor fighting team.

   For such a strong person, it is certainly not an unknown family. For a while, Yufeng was a little curious as to which family can cultivate this kind of person.

   "I'm from the Star Luo Empire." Uran said softly.

   He didn't reveal any news about himself, he just said where he came from.

   In fact, he knew he was the Heaven Dou Empire, because he came to the Star Dou Great Forest from the Heaven Dou Empire, but he didn't know where it was from the Heaven Dou Empire.

Yu Tianheng on the side of    did not speak, he just looked at his right arm, the right arm that could transform into a dragon.

   For the first time, he actually felt that he was too weak.

With the end of this awkward chat, for a while, the other members of the Royal Fight team did not speak, but fell into silence, because they were beaten by a single person, and they were defeated by their teammates. They are so weak and deserve to be right. Friends?

Looking at the silent people, Yu Tianheng couldn't help but laugh, his eyes flickered, and the desire to fight was burning in his eyes. He looked at Uranium's position and said loudly: "Uranium, although I lose, I will have to always I'm here to discuss with you. Haha."

   Although he has lost, he will not admit defeat, and the arrival of Uranium can stimulate him even more, making him look forward instead of thinking that he is alone and begging for defeat.

   "No problem, you can come." After speaking, Uran smiled.

   Hearing Yu Tianheng's invitation to fight, he thought he had already convinced Yu Tianheng, but he didn't expect it to make people more motivated and take the initiative to learn from each other.

   "He seems to be so difficult to get along with as he didn't think." Yu Tianheng secretly said in his heart.

   As Yu Tianheng's words gradually increased, the rest of the Huangdou team also became a little more active.

   Among them, Oslo and Yufeng have the most words. The Shi family brothers are quite silent, not knowing if some psychological shadows have been caused by the previous battle.

   As time goes by, gradually, exquisite dishes are being served by a beautiful maid.

   This dinner is not only to familiarize everyone with each other, but the more important reason is that Qin Ming wants to let everyone's atmosphere and team spirit gather together with this exchange.

Because he didn’t want to see that Uranium was silently rejected by others because he was too powerful. The same applies to Zhu Zhuqing. Zhu’s family is too famous in the Star Luo Empire, the nobles of the Heaven Dou Empire. Anyone who has a little brain knows that the ghost cat means what.

   I don't know when, Dugu Goose has already come to Yu Tianheng's side, the two seated gently leaning together, and began to exude a faint smell of dog food around. For a while, Yufeng's lips squirmed and wanted to say something.

   As time goes by, after the team of Huangdou and Teacher Qin are full of food and drink, Yufeng and Oslo start chatting with Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing, introducing each member's preferences and their respective personalities. Yufeng is a rather extroverted person. He can see that although Zhu Zhuqing and Uran have joined the team, they are actually quite silent and look like strangers.

   But he can also understand it, after all, he has only known each other for a few days.

   But This is not difficult for him, the enlightenment is over.

  Gradually, the two of them became familiar with the style of the Royal Fighting Team.

   There is no doubt that Captain Yu Tianheng is the core of this.

   Zhu Zhuqing discovered during the observation that the captain Yu Tianheng is the anchor point responsible for centering and deterring others. Incidentally, he should also be the leader who boosts morale and charges ahead. Because he is a Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Fighting Soul Venerable of the assault system, and he is naturally powerful, which gives him such a temperament.

   The deputy captain Dugu Yan is responsible for the balance between some disciplines and regulations, such as intimidating Yufeng Oslo, who makes mistakes and cheating, to maintain the discipline of the team. Moreover, as the Jade Snake Control System Battle Soul Venerable of the Control System, she is born with the ability to command the battlefield, and is responsible for helping Yu Tianheng who charge to provide necessary information and control support.

Oslo and Yufeng are very close partners. They are often used to invigorate the team atmosphere so that the atmosphere is not too embarrassing. Ye Lingling doesn't say anything, the Shi family brothers are also very silent, and the deputy captain Dugu Yan It was too cold, the captain Yu Tianheng was a bit fierce, thinking about it, so that the two of them, the agile attack type war spirit veteran, could hug each other to keep warm.

   Oslo is responsible for the normal flanking support of the agile attack system, as well as the back attack auxiliary spirit master. Yufeng takes the advantage of vision, provides necessary vision information support, and acts as a temporary long-range attack spirit master through the third spirit ability.

The Shijia brothers are the solid backing in everyone’s hearts. Although the two of them are silent, they are very reliable, and they trust each other very much. During a basic team fight, just stand forward and feel safe. They were surrounded without worries.

   As for Ye Lingling, although Ye Lingling is a very cold woman on the surface, she is actually a favorite of the Royal Fighting Team.


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