Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 118: Soul Skill and Wuhun

   "I want to sort out my fighting ideas and some fighting methods."


   There are warm, light yellow lights in the room, and the slight noise of insects from the outside is endless. A few potted plants and green plants that are unique to the college and specialize in purifying the dirty air stand in the corner.

The decoration of the single room is easy to make people feel good, the color matching is simple and comfortable, but there are also exquisite pattern carvings in the subtleties, and the light-colored elegant vases are placed on the bedside table. The room is simple but not simple, giving people a kind The exterior is simple and low-key, and the interior is luxurious and luxurious.

"From now on, my attack methods mainly come from the powerful nuclear kick and some conventional melee methods, but the nuclear kick cannot be used often, so I only use accelerated melee, high-end version. The combination of strong offense and agile attack."

   Sitting on the bed, Uranus began to think quietly, and his situation began to emerge in his mind. He needed to face up to himself, what is still missing, what are advantages, and what are disadvantages.

"My speed is very fast, and my strength is also great. At least in the realm of the soul sect, there should be no opponents. If it is to protect against long-range attacks, I have the interference of the second soul ability and the energy absorption aura, so I am right. As far as my only combat limitation is concerned, it should be only to defeat me in close combat."

   In fact, judging from his current situation, his development is a bit deformed. The first spirit ability is a trap, which can use control flow. After all, he still has superficial illusions.

   But the forest life is not as good as it wants. It can be said that every spirit ability is obtained by forced reluctance, and there is no substitute.

   So the second spirit ability is a status boost, and the third spirit ability is also a control type. Only the fourth spirit ability has its first combat skill.

"At present, I only have three cards, one is the armor of the soul guide called Kronos, the other is the nuclear explosive kick of ray mixing, and the last is to open the radiation field and destroy life indiscriminately. But my previous Swordsmanship and throwing shouldn't be put down, maybe you can apply for it at school tomorrow. There should be nothing else."

"If I want to continue to develop towards combat, I also need powerful long-range spirit skills. My defensive spirit skills are currently only the flow of high-energy particles that protect the body, and the energy generated by the extreme nuclear energy reaction interferes with the position. , And the energy absorption halo, the corresponding direct absorption."

  Uran began to recall the previous battles in the forest, trying to absorb these combat experiences and put them into practice.

"There is also a radiation trap. According to my previous judgment, the radiation trap can be condensed in my hand. If it is not thrown out, it can stay forever, but the spirit power in it will begin to spill. And with my current ability From a controlled point of view, the radiation trap would be transformed into the initial burst trap by me. If I condensed thirty or fifty burst traps in my hand, and then threw them all together, I might be able to work part-time as a control spirit master and control the battlefield. "

at the same time. Also restrict the enemy.

   Next, Uranus began to think about why he was forced to use a simplified version of the nuclear kick when he faced the Shi family brothers before.

   He discovered that he did not have a good response to the burst of tortoise shells released by the Shi Family brothers before, and neither the third nor the second spirit ability had any effect on the solid matter controlled by the spirit power.

It’s like a cannonball. If you directly attack him, he might be able to hide. If it’s a group of bombs and cannonballs, then he will deal with this kind of solid attack that carries physical kinetic energy. To be honest, he might Some other methods are needed, after all, his current defense method is limited to energy attacks.

"Tomorrow’s itinerary will be arranged, and the spirit abilities in the future will be the same. I can absorb it for a longer period of time, but this can’t be said. Maybe I can refer to Xiao Wu’s method. She suddenly disappeared and then returned after obtaining the spirit ring. Years and 10,000 years are both black spirit rings, and they can't see it either."

   "Or let me mention that there is a nonsense that a family will help me obtain the spirit ring. Anyway, it is not a big problem to disappear for a while."

"There is also Zhu Zhuqing. There is a martial arts mimicry training area here. Maybe she will upgrade faster than Shrek, and she may reach the time limit for obtaining the spirit ring first than me. I have to think about this, or ask Qin Ming Show your strength and take her on a trip."

   "Otherwise, Zhu Zhuqing came here with me, but it would be better than eating immortal grass in the original book. It's too embarrassing, it's really not possible. Use a high-age soul beast spirit ring to pile it up."

   Before going to bed, after arranging the next path in Uran's mind, he closed his eyes and let out his thoughts.

   Feel the softness of the bed and bedding, and fall asleep deeply.

   The next morning.

   After breakfast, Oslo was already waiting outside.

Hearing from him, this is the task assigned to him by Teacher Qin. Every morning, he will go to the training ground at 6:30. He will be the first to go to the training ground, and then use Wuhun Operation in the academy to find all the members and return to training after notification. Field, this time cannot exceed a quarter of an hour, otherwise even if the mission fails, it will be punished.

   This is more exciting than normal running.

According to Teacher Qin’s words, he also has an advanced task here. He runs fast with weights and wears for a week. After he is not late, he can teach him an advanced version of the application of spirit skills, and it is specially for him. Adapted, but if his ability is not up to the standard, Teacher Qin is not willing to give it to him.

At this time, Oslo also faintly revealed one thing, that is, the application of martial spirits and spirit abilities in the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy is not as shallow as imagined. Even Teacher Qin Ming can come up with something about this. The application method to motivate the students of the Royal Fight team.

   Although Uranium doesn't know what kind of training method this is, I always feel that this method is much better than the Shrek training method of carrying a stone to run in the village. U U reading www.uukanshu. com

Yufeng and Oslo are both agile attack type spirit masters, so naturally, agile attack type spirit masters have to train some skills about speed, but the task set by Qin teacher for Oslo is limited Find the fastest speed and the best route in time, and then turn back again after reaching these goals.

This test is not only his speed, this is within the academy, and the main thing to test is the familiarity with the road shape and the control of the direction. After all, every student does not live together. Seven It's easy to get lost in the complex areas of the college campus and dormitory area, mimicry area under eight turns.

   Unable to help, Uran started to look forward to it, and then asked the teacher to arrange for him what the training was.

   Soon, Zhu Zhuqing set off with Uranium and went to the training ground yesterday.

But Oslo had already gone back after the notice. After walking through the stone stairs, the two of them gradually came from the dormitory area to the main campus area. The main campus area of ​​the college is half a mountainside. They saw a lot of mimicry areas along the way. Outside the mimicry area, there are special signs that say what kind of soul master it is suitable for, or what type of martial spirit it is suitable for.

   And many of them are very suitable for Zhu Zhuqing's ghost cat.

   For example, there are dark bamboo forests, or the black forest without a trace of light. Although the name is very famous, in fact the scope is not very large, only a few thousand square meters, but there are hundreds of such cultivation environments, distributed in various locations such as mountains, mountains, and lakes. The teacher qualifications had already exploded all the Soul Master Academy in the Heaven Dou Empire.

   Because the Royal Academy has everything, they only lack genius.

   This is the opposite of Shrek.


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