Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 120: Royal family

   After talking about Zhu Zhuqing's training policy, Teacher Qin Ming turned to look at the young genius Uranium and said with a smile.

"Uran, your training method is different from that of other team members. Your spirit power level has actually reached the level of graduation, and you even have the spirit power comparable to that of a micro-level teacher. Are you born into a big family? For you, Your family must have more detailed training, but I can't smell blood on you."

   As he said, Qin Ming's index finger slowly stood up.

"For you, I actually have a lot of tasks. I will give you the first stage now. It is also a task for this period of time. You are going to participate in the soul fight. In fact, I can see that your actual combat experience is not weak. However, you are obviously still very immature in the battle of soul masters and dealing with some soul masters. I want to develop your potential as much as possible and enrich your actual combat experience, then the natural battlefield is your best choice. "

Zhu Zhuqing and Uran looked at each other. Zhu Zhuqing didn't say a word, and there was a hint of doubt in Uran's eyes. He obviously knew where it was, but he went to that place for practical training the first day in class. It wasn't the martial arts theory training he thought, the development and in-depth application of martial arts theory was what he needed most, which made him quite puzzled.

   Qin Ming looked at the two men with different expressions, and said, "You should know what the Great Fighting Arena is, Uranium."

   The young man nodded lightly, "I know, do you want me to beat them?"

Qin Ming shook his head and said, "No, more than that. The task I give you is not that simple. Although I don't like things like the Great Fighting Arena, I have to admit that for the Great Fighting Arena, it can indeed reflect. An important place for the value of a soul master, with your soul power and physical quality, there must be few opponents at the same level in the Great Fighting Soul Arena, but this kind of training is not pressure enough for you. You are the soul sect. And your opponent must be the Soul Sect."

Speaking of this, Qin Ming smiled and said with some pride: "Coincidentally, the number of Soul Sect, Soul Sovereign, and Soul King in the Great Fight of Souls is much higher than in other cities. , Fully meet your combat needs."

   Immediately afterwards, Qin Ming's face sank, his expression solemn.

"Among them, what I ask of you is to conceal your identity and not use martial arts to fight. You can buy a mask or a robe to cover up your age, and they will treat you as a foreigner. Soul master. How to defeat the soul master who is also the soul sect without using martial spirits will test your ability to control fighters, Uranium. In fact, I understand that your physical fitness is very strong, completely beyond. Once you reach the level of the Soul Sect, you may have reached the stage of the Soul King under normal circumstances, and after turning on the Martial Soul, you can approach the Soul Emperor infinitely.

"This kind of physical fitness is a great help to you. That's why I formulated such a task for you. But you must understand that this is your pressure. After a period of time, I will try my best to arrange for you. Some bloodthirsty opponents, for these opponents, just kill. After waiting for the completion of the first stage tasks, I will consider arranging the second stage, such as in-depth detailed explanation of the use of spirit skills and more special special skills. ."

   Suddenly, a knock on the door sounded from outside.

   At the same time, accompanied by a strong male voice, "Mr. Qin, the dark bamboo forest has been arranged." After speaking, he left here.

   All the servants in the Tiandou Royal Academy exist for the students, and they are responsible for providing all the conveniences, such as the spirit beast arrangement just now.

   Qin Ming heard this, and immediately turned his head and said to the girl: "Zhu Zhuqing, you can go there, Uran, come with me."

   The three people left here and walked towards the outside world.

   On the way, Qin Ming said this to Uranium.

   "Uranium, you remember that whether you are strong or not depends on how you use your strength, not the superficial strength."

"Strong physical fitness is a restriction for you, because you can defeat your opponent by relying on this kind of speed and strength, but it will make you unable to calm down and think about the fighting skills, or combat thinking. .So the goal I set for you can’t use spirit power. Remember that if you have used spirit power in the Arena of Souls, then your first stage mission will be cancelled, and I will arrange a relatively weaker one for you Let's get used to it in the second stage."

   While talking, the two people and Zhu Zhuqing drove separately from the mountain road and walked on different roads.

Both of them are soul masters, so naturally they move forward in the manner of soul masters. Without the drag of the students with low soul power, Qin Ming showed a terrifying speed at this moment, and his body flashed like a phantom. So fast, the air around the body can even blow the trees.

   Similarly, Uranium's speed did not lose to Qin Ming, and the normal situation that had been shown before was wiped out. The two of them ran down the mountain as if stepping on the wind.

   In the rush, suddenly, Qin Ming seemed to feel something. He looked back quickly, saw not far away, and quietly looked at the two figures.

   The next moment, Uranium and Qin Ming left the young man's sight.

   "Is this Teacher Qin? The 34-year-old soul emperor."

The figure Qin Ming saw was a young man who appeared to be about 27 or 28 years old. He was handsome, with a straight nose and a straight mouth. He was dressed in a clean green cloth robe, and his figure was refreshing without any excessive decoration. The slender black hair was tied with a cyan cloth tape and hung neatly behind his head.

   Although his clothes seem to be very ordinary, but his words and deeds have a natural temperament, his eyes are clear, shining like stars, and his face is indifferent and quite extraordinary.

   After the youth stood there for a while, three old-fashioned figures galloped down from the mountain, and between several ups and downs, they had already arrived in front of the youth.

   "Meng Lao, you are here." The youth respectfully bowed to the headed figure.

   Meng Shenji quickly helped the young man's behavior, and said with a laugh: "Qinghe, how many times have I told you, don't do this."

   Three figures, impressively veteran teachers of the Academic Affairs, Baibaoshan, Zhilin, and three Contras.

   The young man smiled slightly: "Well, you are an elder, and you are also taking care of the overall situation of the Royal Academy. If you let my father know that I am disrespectful to you, I am afraid I will be punished to think behind closed doors."

Zhilin and Bai Baoshan on the side were silent, but from their appreciative eyes, one could not help but conclude that it was this majesty who was upright and upright, with extraordinary manners, and the handling of people and matters rested with others. Above, the mind, talent, character and behavior are all the best choices, which deserves the support of the three of them.

   "Haha, your highness joked, come on, please go inside."

   The chief Mengshen Ji laughed, looking at the youth with a gentle and kind expression, with his arm raised, he pointed directly at the main campus area on the mountain.

   The young man smiled slightly and said: "Meng Lao, I just saw Teacher Qin and a 14-five-year-old boy go down the mountain. It must be the genius Soul Sect, right?"

Mengshenji was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and nodded, saying: "Yes, he is Uranium. He is 14 years old and has a 46-year-old agile attack type war soul. He has extraordinary talent, and in my opinion, his backing is not counted. weak."

The meaning of    is that Uranium is worth contacting, whether it is the forces behind it or his own talent.

   The young man heard it, and he immediately understood it, and then he exclaimed: "It's really young and promising. I don't know where he went, I still want to get to know him."

   "According to yesterday's discussion, today should be Uran's training in the Great Arena of Souls. Your Highness, it's better to meet everyone from the Royal Fighting Team first, and it won't be too late for him to come back." Mengshenji smiled lightly.

   "Alright." The young man who was called His Royal Highness slightly chinped his head, and then the four people walked toward the main campus area on the mountain without rush.


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