Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 123: Code: Oblivion

   can't stop it! !

   After such a thought flashed through Qingzhi's mind, he was crushed by countless direct blows. Pain came from all over his body, especially his chest and arms.

  At this moment, he only felt that he was light and light.

   is like flying, so comfortable.

Outside, a crowd of spectators watched with a stunned black robe figure appearing in front of the soul sect Yu Qingzhi, and then they couldn't see the shadow and punched, and then, Yu Qingzhi seemed to be hit hard. Generally, it flies backwards immediately, and falls on the ground with a bang.

Someone with sharp-eyed eyes saw that during the inverted flight, Yu Qingzhi's expression was rather hazy, until he touched the protective rope on the edge of the fighting platform and fell directly under the ring. The moment he touched the ground, his eyes widened and his face became wide. ferocious.


   There is a burst of skin pain everywhere in the body!

   This is still the case of full spirit abilities to reduce damage, if you don't have these spirit abilities, but use your body to resist...

   Yu Qingzhi was stunned in his mind, as if he had been beaten stupid, without knowing what kind of attack he had just encountered.

   The surrounding stands were depressed, as if the tranquility before the rainstorm.

   Everyone looked stupid. They thought that even if the black-robed people could win, it would be a common situation in a battle between dragons and tigers. How could it be like now that they defeated the soul sect with one punch?

   There was silence around the one-on-one soul fighting platform in the entire 27-point soul fighting arena, not to mention the audience, even the previous host had already opened his mouth wide, his face was unbelievable.

No one thought that such a battle of spirits would end so quickly, and the winning party was only able to resolve it within ten seconds. The whole process continued to be rapid, and from the beginning to the present, he/she even had a spirit of martial arts. Without opening, the hands and feet are neat, and the simple moves will easily defeat the defense system spirit masters that have opened all the first, third, and fourth spirit abilities.

  Even everyone can hear the dull, torrential and rainy beating, and the sound of collision from this can be heard. It is natural to understand that this cannot be a fake match.

  That is...really!


   Cheers suddenly sounded at this time, too strong!

   For a while, there was an uproar in the audience!

   "Annihilation!" Someone shouted hoarsely, shouting the code name of uranium.

   The next moment, a thunderous sound resounded through this partition.


   "Life is annihilated!"

   "The strongest soul sect!"

   Everyone's eyes were attracted by Uranium's battle, and the applause and shouts were endless, overwhelming the world, so that other districts and passers-by from the background to the front could not help but stop.

   And these passers-by, attracted by the cheers, asked the man shouting annihilation.

   "Hey, friend, what happened?"

"Did you not see? Alas! What a pity, just now, the new person called Oblivion killed the defensive spirit master who is also the soul sect in one move!" The middle-aged man was held by his arm. The man's expression was excited, his face was bloodshot from the excitement, showing a faint red light.

Then the middle-aged man found that someone was asking him, and he became even more excited. He clasped the passerby’s arm and did not pay attention to the painful look of the other person. His other hand pointed directly at the arrogant figure standing on the soul fighting platform, and his mouth spittled. His eyes widened and said loudly: "Look! It's the Soul Fighter Annihilation! Even the spirit ring is useless. One move is a defensive spirit master! Look! It's him!"

   The whole fighting spirit division is boiling.

  Everyone is witnessing the birth of the strong!

The host also reacted at this time, hurried to the stage of fighting the soul, and announced loudly: "The codenamed soul is annihilated, the soul of the war, you win, the record is one win and zero losses, and Yu Qingzhi's record is 18 wins and 12 losses. Uranium Battle Soul Venerable, please go to register after you step down."

  Uran looked at the host's nervous face and nodded to him. Then, step by step, under the cheers of the crowd, he walked to the stage and walked into the fighting spirit passage.

   A few spectators walked down from the stand area and walked in the direction where Uran just stepped off the stage. Looking at this posture, I’m afraid I want to take a closer look at the man in the black robe.

   Qin Ming looked at Uranium, who had solved the battle in less than ten seconds, with a faint smile on his face.

   This kid, I can’t see that when he fought Tian Heng before, he still had his hands left. If he had the combat power that he is now, I’m afraid he could push it flat with his eyes closed.

   "Good seedlings." Thinking of this, Qin Ming's smile on his face even worsened, and an inexplicable worry followed.

  With his Soul Emperor qualifications, is it enough to teach him?

   "I am afraid that within a few years, he will be able to catch up with me at the age of eighteen at the latest. It is a terrifying talent." A figure flashed in Qin Ming's mind while thinking.

It seemed that he thought he was thinking too much. The young teacher immediately shook his head helplessly, and said in secret: "He is already on his own way. What I have to do is to make him more familiar with combat and make his footsteps more familiar. Condensed."

"Oh, Uranium is such a strong guy. I am afraid that the team leader is no longer good. It is only a few years before Tianheng graduated. Uranium's individual soldier plan has to be raised by one Top level."

   Speaking of this, Teacher Qin Ming slowly raised his head, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

   Regardless of whose child this genius is, as long as he enters the Tiandou Imperial Academy, he will be labelled as the Tiandou Empire. The better he is trained, the heavier the academy's weight will be when you look back on it in the future.

   Originally in the cultivation plan, the cultivation of Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing was to select the meal of the centuries-old soul beast. Now, a hundred years is not enough, and it is raised to the millennium level! In addition, add medicated diet to fully cultivate these two geniuses!

Qin Ming has already understood that the Star Luo Empire is making a decision on the throne, and Zhu Zhuqing in front of him is the one who was abandoned. Although it is strange that the one with her is not the prince, but now the two are walking together, the relationship is bound to be good, anyway. Both must be cultivated, it is better to work together.

Even in the end, if Zhu Zhuqing defeated her sister and became the queen of the Star Luo Empire, then studying at the Tiandou Imperial College and graduating from her, from a political point of view, she is also a very solid bargaining chip, and it can even be related. Penetration of the Royal Family of the Star Luo Empire.

  From all angles, the benefits of nurturing the two far exceed the cost. After all, the Millennium Soul Beasts can afford them!

   When Qin Ming walked out of the Soul Master Passage, Uranium was there waiting for Teacher Qin Ming. After simply registering the points, the two left towards the outside world.

Today’s experience is over, and the gains far exceed Qin Ming’s expectations. It can be said that they are all important things that need to be reported to the Academic Affairs Office. Whether it is cultivation and upgrading or Uranium’s skills, after all, what was before was only his personal thoughts, as a teacher. , His power and opinion

   Although it can affect the three Contras to a large extent.

   But these three elders made the decision.


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