Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 127: Signs (on the shelves on week 5: twelve: zero)

   After drinking the tea, Xue Qinghe suggested, "Brother Uran, why not have lunch together? I know there is a place, I wonder if it is not convenient for you?"

  Uran nodded, but did not refuse.

   "It's so good, Brother Qin Ming, why don't you come together, let's gather together." Xue Qinghe put his gaze on Qin Ming and asked.

   "Hehe, thank your highness for your kindness, I don't have to, I still have to see how Tianheng and their training are." Qin Ming smiled and shook his head.

He could feel that Xue Qinghe’s goal was Uranium. He was just incidental, so don’t join in the fun. Anyway, your Royal Highness is a prince and won’t embarrass Uranium. On the contrary, the two might have unexpected co-productions. maybe.

   After a while, the two of them were accompanied and headed towards the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire.


   Xueqinghe walked towards the city with Uranium, and the handsome duo looked strange but conspicuous.

   Although Uran is only wearing a white-gray cloth that Longxingcheng bought everywhere, he is easily noticed by the combination of cold and arrogant temperament and handsome appearance.

   Handsome appearance, dazzling white skin, cold and silent temperament, and the sharp glow that inadvertently reveals on his body, will make people notice a little bit.

   Compared with the silver-haired and red-eyed Uranium, His Royal Highness Xue Qinghe, who was walking with him, looked much more indifferent. He was dressed in a clean blue-gray robe and looked impressive. Although he was not as good as the Uranium on the side, he was also a first-rate beautiful man.

What is even more peculiar is that although his clothes are very ordinary, he has a special temperament. Walking on the roadside, ordinary people have a kind of enjoyment like a spring breeze. When they see this person, they will immediately appear in their minds. word.


   The two people who are so noticeable naturally attracted the attention of most passers-by. The two of them simply stood in place, which was a beautiful landscape.

   Xueqinghe took the uranium into Tiandou City's most prosperous area, Emperor Street.

  Walking all the way to the most prosperous area in the center of Tiandou City, Xueqinghe stopped in front of a tall building.

  Uran subconsciously followed Xue Qinghe's gaze towards the building in front of him, which was a small building with four floors.

   Even in Tiandou City, this is not a tall building, but the first impression of this building is simple and elegant, and there is nothing worthy of Xueqinghe’s praise.

   The overall architectural style is a little simple, with only three simple characters on the plaque, listening to Yuxuan.

   There are very few pedestrians entering and leaving, but it can be seen that the people who enter and leave here are all dressed in luxurious clothes or with excellent temperament. Both men and women.

   "Brother Xue, what is this place?" Uran asked.

   "It's just a place to drink tea and eat, it doesn't matter, come with me." Xue Qinghe smiled lightly, and then walked towards Ting Yuxuan first.

As soon as the two of them walked to the door, a pure and lovely maid greeted her. Her long black hair fell to her chest, echoing the swelling snowy pink on the side, which made people move their index fingers. idea.

   walked into the first floor of Tingyuxuan, and there was a faint fragrance that rushed to his face.

  The shadow wall is carved with fine boxwood, exuding a light woody fragrance. In front of the shadow wall, there are plants of **** and geranium with a light fragrance. Although it was only one step into Tingyuxuan, it seemed to be able to isolate the troubles of the outside world.

   bypassing the screen wall, is a wide hall.

The ground is covered with light-colored square bricks. The surroundings are all furnishings made of various expensive woods. The left and right sides of the hall are separated by a series of decorative frames. The elegant shape is unknowingly, such a quiet and pleasant atmosphere. The footsteps could not help but soften.

   "Let's go." Xue Qinghe smiled, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Uranium's appearance, so he asked the maid to lead the way, and came to the top floor, in the exclusive box.

"This place is not bad? Ordinary aristocrats don't even have the qualifications to know it. The dishes are exquisite, and they are all soul beast meat with high dietary value, nourishing blood, and conditioning the body. Tiandou City is only qualified to do this. Vegetables." Xue Qinghe said with a smile, his tone indifferent, and he didn't feel anything wrong.

   "Big Brother Lao Xue is worried." Uran nodded and stopped speaking.

   He just wanted to reply that I don’t need to eat so well, just a roadside pub, but he suddenly remembered that it was two people eating, and he swallowed the brainless words he just wanted to say.

   I have stayed in the forest for a long time, and I don’t even know how to do it.

   "Hehe, Brother Uran, if you are interested in the future, you can always come. By the way, I don't know anything, I don't know if you can chat with Brother Uran." Xue Qinghe responded with a smile.

   "Big Brother Xue just say so." Many questions flashed in Uran's mind, such as his origin, such as why he obtained the black spirit ring. Indeed, there are many problems with him.

   "I want to know how you walked with that Zhu family, if I guess right, there should be a Dai family?" Xue Qinghe asked in confusion.

  Uran was silent for a while, and didn't mean to sell Guanzi, nodded, and said, "Because the Dai family disappointed her, so I came here, Xing Luo has no possibility of her living."

Xue Qinghe couldn't help but laughed, and said: "Since this is the case, I won't ask more. I am also the prince. I naturally have to care about the Zhu family's Dai family. Brother Uranium, if there is any inconvenience, please ask Haihan. "

  Uran shook his head, saying that there is nothing to hide.

   For a moment, after serving the dishes, the two of them talked and ate. Although Uranium was not good at talking, they couldn't hold back Xueqinghe, knowing that the breadth of knowledge is too vast, and there are things to do anywhere.

   As time went on, the topics became more and more talked. For a time, the two seemed to meet each other late. Even the uranium, which usually doesn't talk much, warmed up after drinking two sips of wine.

   Xue Qinghe asked Jiu Jin, "Brother Uranium, what's the matter with your ten thousand year spirit ring." As he said, he hiccuped twice in a row.

It can be seen that although it is only one day to get along, the feeling Uranium gives him is quite strange. It is not that there is any tacit understanding, but a special feeling. You know, in the past, he would not be so gaffe .

And Uranus also had this idea, but he felt that this kind of thing was too numb. When he thought of this feeling that the other party was very credible when they met, Qian Renxue deliberately disguised it. There is a feeling of cold back.

   This question finally came...

Uran's eyes blurred, put down his chopsticks, and said with a smile: "This? In my previous family, I would often eat some precious parts of the deep sea soul beast. Over time, there will be the current ten thousand year soul ring. It is a pity, the deep sea soul. The beast is very strong and produces very little."

"It turns out to be like this, it's really blessed, but being able to absorb Ten Thousand Years of Soul Ring also represents your talent, Brother Uranium. You must have a high innate soul power, right?" Xue Qinghe chatted casually indeed , Congenital full of soul power. Uran nodded earnestly.

   There is nothing to conceal anyway. I love to say nothing about it, hiding it like a treasure. Why is it necessary?

   And when it comes to hanging on the wall, what is in front of you is the twentieth level of innate spirit power, is this comparable?

   "What? It's actually full of soul power! Brother Uranium, you really surprised me." Xue Qinghe was surprised, not only the expression, but the surprise that flashed in his eyes was quite reasonable.

   After that, the two looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh, then touched the wine glasses and continued to drink.

   Night fell.

   "Big Brother Xue, it's almost night. Why don't you go back to college first. If you have anything to do with you, Brother Xue, just ask me."

  Uran glanced at the outside world, suddenly awakened from alcohol, stood up, said goodbye to Xueqinghe, and walked towards the outside world.

   "Brother Uranium, I'll send it to you." Xue Qinghe smiled and stood up, and after sending Uranium to the door, looking at Uranium's gradually moving away from her back, her expression became a little weird.

"Brother Uran has a problem. Since he left the college, his breath has been a bit unstable, his murderous aura has been leaked unconsciously, and his smile is sometimes sincere and sometimes reluctant. Even drinking alcohol shows signs of shaking hands. That's not the case inside." Xue Qinghe frowned, concentrating on it, and the original slightly drunk expression swept away, as if he had never been drunk.

What he didn't know was that Uranium turned and left, and when he stepped into the uninhabited suburbs of Tiandou City, he slammed a fist on the trunk beside him. The trunk burst instantly, and the bark splashed, revealing a large concave bowl. mark.

   The young man's head fell deeply, his body trembling slightly, and he leaned against the tree. His face was pale and his lips were bloodless.


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