Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 130: The beginning of the change

The battle of the rest of the Huangdou team began, some outside, some in the training ground, after all, the place is so big, it is impossible to satisfy everyone.

At the bottom left of the training ground, a man and a woman looked at each other, with the same indifferent expression, as if a mold was carved out.

"Uran, I want to know how big the gap is between me and you." Zhu Zhu said coldly. Although his tone did not seem to be emotional, Uran understood that she was such a normal person.

Uranium's strength is beyond doubt, and she can see all the battle with Dai Mubai, the final battle with the soul saint, and the battle with the Huangdou team. It is precisely because she understands the power of Uranium that she will make the move to follow Uranium. She really needs the power to become stronger, otherwise... she will definitely die in the hands of her sister.

And going with Uranium did not disappoint her. The faculty of Tiandou Royal Academy, the teaching level far exceeds that of all academies, and there are also mimicry area training facilities, soul beast meat supply, exquisite residence, all of this, All made her satisfied, and also raised her hope of defeating her sister.

But now the most important thing is, through this battle, to understand whether the gap between the two is unattainable or a distant back, as long as you work hard, you can catch up with him.

"Please." Uran smiled and made a polite gesture to Zhu Zhuqing.

Different from the previous races, at the beginning of this competition, both sides of the battle released their martial souls. Zhu Zhuqing's eyes changed color at the same time, his left eye was dark green, his right eye was blue, and a pair of cute cat ears were slightly erect. Up, flicking with ten fingers on both hands, sharp claws flicked out.

He was lying down, staring at Uranium coldly, just like looking at his own prey. Two yellow spirit rings appeared on the body at the same time, and the cold and sharp aura gave people a feeling of suffocation.

Uranium just smiled indifferently, and took out a mask of the same style as the final decisive battle belt from his waist and put it on his face.

As if because of the mask, the boy's face with the slightly raised corners of his mouth instantly retracted and became dull and stiff. Just now, he was still looking good with him. It is hard to imagine that he is in this state now.

Cold and unhuman, weird and rigid.

The mask is his other face.

I don't know when, Uranium has learned to control his expression and give the good side to others, while the other side is deeply hidden under the mask.

Seeing Uranium standing in place, the spirit ring on his body quietly rhythmic and motionless, Zhu Zhuqing knew that he could not wait any longer, he was giving himself the first move.

The body suddenly bounced up, even carrying a series of phantoms, and rushed towards Uranium from the front, but the toes moved slightly, obviously there was a back move.

In the eyes of others, it seemed as fast as lightning, but in Uran's eyes at this time, it appeared to be much slower, just like a normal person.

Although Zhuanyan has been mutated, it still has the original ability, such as high-speed dynamic vision.

It seemed that it was almost the case. Under Zhu Zhuqing's gaze, Uran's body moved.

Without the slightest warning, after only a few light jumps at full speed, he came 100 meters away, with a ghostly figure and an unreal phantom.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Zhuqing was a little lost for a while.

Is this the speed of the agile attack system?

The next moment, the girl bit her teeth, with a more intense fighting spirit, and suddenly rushed out in the direction of Uranium. The first spirit ring on Zhu Zhuqing's body lit up, and the Nether spur was launched. In midair, Zhu Zhuqing's claws suddenly stretched. His body quickly became disguised, his speed doubled in an instant, and he skipped diagonally in the direction of uranium.

Seeing her coming, Uran just made a simple movement, moving his body sideways, and at the same time the muscles of his whole body began to tighten, as if his body was a huge tensioned crossbow ready to go.

In a moment of inadequacy, the extremely strong physical fitness brought Uran's body out of Zhu Zhuqing's attack range, his claws broke through the air, almost slashing past Uran's body. The next moment, Zhu Zhuqing had no chance to activate the second spirit ring skill. , The already tense muscles drove the left leg, like a huge arrow shot by a ballista, with extremely strong deterrence, set off a burst of whistling sound, and suddenly kicked out at the moment when her cast was over.

Immediately afterwards, she stopped abruptly and stopped directly about half a foot from her shoulder. Although all the kinetic energy was contained, the violent wind hit the girl’s face, blowing all her hair up. , Revealing a pale pink neck.

The girl's expression was the same as before, not at all shocked, or frightened, still so cold, as if she had expected it.

"I lost." Abandoning the simple three words, Zhu Zhuqing left and walked quickly towards the teaching building, just as fast as when she came.

Uran took off the mask, her stiff face disintegrated, and she couldn't help but smile as she watched the girl's figure going away.

Then, the young man put the mask on his waist casually, nodded to Teacher Qin Ming, and then galloped towards the girl's back.

It didn't take long for Uranium to catch up with Zhu Zhuqing, and walked side by side with him.

Uran turned his head to look at Zhu Zhuqing, then looked ahead, smiled freely and said: "Do you think that the gap is too big? Doesn't it feel uncomfortable to even have no qualifications to fight?"

Zhu Zhuqing did not speak, but from her somewhat shaken look, Uranus could tell that she did have this kind of thought.

"How to put it... I am not an ordinary person, nor can I substitute with ordinary people's ideas. Since you believed me before and came to the Tiandou Royal Academy together, I should help you become stronger and give back to you, don't worry." Uran's expression was serious, and there was no wavering in his tone, as if this was what he should have been like.

"Oh, by the way, Zhu Zhuqing, you have to go to the Great Fighting Arena earlier to hone and hone. The opponents over there are diverse and they are not weak." Uran said.

In response to this, Zhu Zhuqing only nodded slightly, and said nothing.

The two moved forward in silence again.


Suddenly, Zhu Zhuqing spoke and called a young boy.


The boy's expression remained unchanged, and he hummed softly in response.


Zhu Zhuqing asked doubtfully.

She doesn’t understand The two are not relatives, they are just living together for a period of time. Although there is such a tacit understanding, it does not mean anything. After all, there is such a tacit understanding, that is only But it is possible that there is something like Martial Soul Fusion Skill between the two.

Just like between her and Dai Mubai, the martial spirit called Netherworld White Tiger merged with that move.

She wanted to become stronger, not simply because of the ability of Uranium to suppress the spirit ring, she simply felt that the two of them were teammates standing together, at least, he would not lie to her.

But this inexplicable feeling made her very puzzled. It was clear that life in the carriage could not explain much, but he...

"Hehe, I don't know, maybe it's fate."

Uran smiled softly and responded.

How would she know.

Apart from her parents, she is the only one who spends the longest time with her.

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