Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 39: Steel leg spider

   The next morning.

   Uchiha Yuyou woke up faintly, looking sleepily at the unfamiliar environment around him. For a while, his mind couldn't turn around.

   "Where am I?"

After looking around, he suddenly realized that he was asleep when he thought he was tired. He couldn't help but smile. He thought that this kind of reckless and happy state of mind would never come back after those crazy soul beast attacks. It.

   Unexpectedly, it still appeared after all. Although there were no traps to protect him, the radiation concentration emitted by the twenty-second level spirit power at this time was not comparable to that of the tenth level.

   He will only become safer and safer in the future. When his spirit power level gets higher and higher, there will be fewer and fewer soul beasts that can threaten him.

   "Oh, I feel comfortable, keep going!"

Stretched, the teenager ate some breakfast casually, poured some water on the spirit grass he caught yesterday, and set off lightly. I have to say that the convenience brought by the Space Soul Guidance Device is too easy and neither Knowing what age it was the lost technology, now the entire Douluo Continent, there are so few such soul guides.

  Is it possible that someone from the Sun Moon Continent sneaked over and died and left here, right?

   This possibility is not unavailable, but Uchiha Uranus does not need to delve into these things. For him, if he cares about the Sun Moon Continent, he might as well think about what to eat at noon.

   The surrounding area gradually stinks.

   When the blood is sucked clean, the decay rate of the corpse is greatly reduced, but the dried corpse will also ferment microorganisms. Soon, as time goes by, a strong smell of corpse wafts here.

   Uchiha Uranus did not stay, and he left this place soon. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and there is no need to stay.

   The forest is gloomy, and a vigorous figure is moving in the woods. This is Uchiha Uranus.

   Uchiha Uranus quickly left the battlefield like a meat grinder, and at this moment, he ran aimlessly in front of his eyes, extremely fast, and did not retain any soul power.

   This is his exercise.

   He made a plan for himself to exercise his flexibility, as well as how to attack, defend, or counterattack when moving at high speeds, and find opportunities, etc. to improve his perception.


   rushed up to the boulder in three or two steps, exerted a little force on his toes, and his body was vacated again, spanning a long distance, stepping on the side of the tree, and once again borrowing force, jumping in the air.

It seems that he has become a little more proficient, or because there is no pressure during the jumping process, Uchiha Uranus gradually started to increase his height and speed, enjoying the breezy wind rushing towards him, like a spirit of nature, enjoying wantonly Fast & Furious.


   Uchiha Uranus stopped.

   He is standing on the forked branches that are more than ten meters high. The thick branches have a waist thickness and can fully bear his weight. He just followed his vision and saw a cloud of something a little fuzzy.

  Because of the distance, it was outside the limit vision range of his radiating eyes, so he couldn't see what it was, but it was certain that it should be a large-sized soul beast.

   "Let's see what it is."

   After pondering for a moment, Uchiha Uranus decided to take a look.

As the so-called art master is bold, he already has the ability to move at high speeds, as well as jumping in the woods, and without being disturbed by complex terrain, he also swells up. After all, no soul beast can catch up with him, so there is nothing terrifying. .

   After making a decision, the young figure flashed, and the next moment, he appeared on the trunk of another tree. This kind of trunk jump he had seen in Naruto, now he finally has the ability to realize it.

   after a moment.

  He came to the nearby tree trunk, looked down at the shade of the tree condescendingly, holding a heavily wounded, immobile spider-like soul beast.

   "This is... a steel-legged spider? It's so big, it should be more than a thousand years old. Good deed, the body is almost the same as a car, and the spider's feet are completely open, I am afraid it can occupy a two-lane road."

The silver-gray spider in front of him was the one he had seen in the Soul Beast Encyclopedia. Generally speaking, it was a hundred-year-old soul beast. Few thousand-year-old soul beasts were born. The reason is that it needs to lay eggs and eat the male steel. Only after the leg spider can the soul beast of age be greatly improved.

Unlike humans, for this kind of spider spirit beasts, males basically exist as food, so there are few males that live more than five hundred years, let alone the stronger females, which require mates. Also higher.

It is recorded in the Soul Beast Encyclopedia that why steel-legged spiders have fewer millennium levels because females have to eat males if they want to upgrade for years, and as suitable males are eaten up, the next generation of males does not meet the needs of females for upgrade years. , The females don’t look down on the weak males, so they can only consume them.

   Or venture to other places to try his luck, and see if there are any powerful males that can make it a feast. If not, it can only stay in the position of a hundred years for a lifetime and can never go further.

   That's why he was a little surprised. There were steel-legged spiders that were thousands of years old, and they were still seriously injured. For a passing spirit master, it was simply a spirit ring sent to the door automatically.

But unfortunately, he has already obtained his second spirit ring. Otherwise, he might really have come to see this steel-legged spider. After all, it is too rare. It is rare enough to be at the same level as it. UU reading is even older. Under circumstances, he would still choose steel-legged spiders.

   Without him, the rare soul beast brought it, it must be a very valuable soul ability.

   "Let me see who made the move."

Uchiha has some interest in this steel-legged spider. According to the Soul Beast Encyclopedia, the feet of the steel-legged spider are very hard, light, and hollow bones. Due to the biological material, it is hard but not brittle, and the texture is fine. The cilia of the stabbing hand are also free of various toxins, and as long as they are processed, they are good weapon materials.

  Moreover, steel-legged spiders are all treasures. Spider silk is a kind of silk protein, which is tough and elastic, and its strength is more than five or six times that of ordinary steel. It is often used for soft body armor.

The small and young steel-legged spiders are usually caught in summer and autumn, and are still scalded to death in boiling water. They are boiled for an hour and then removed, dried for three days and put away. The whole body is ground into a powder. It can be used for oral administration. Treat infertility, stroke, facial paralysis, etc. External application can be used for hemorrhoids, expelling heat and cooling, detoxification and swelling, etc. It can be said that the medicinal value is very high.

Large-sized steel-legged spiders are even more good. In addition to the above, they also have some special effects. For example, by removing the head and feet, the whole torment, supplemented by the right amount of scorpion, snake slough, and musk, can be used for treatment. For brain diseases, it can be said that as long as the steel-legged spider is caught, its whole body can be treated as a baby.

   After reading the encyclopedia, Uchiha nodded in satisfaction, then put it away.

Suddenly he felt a little bit wrong about this encyclopedia, how he even wrote out how to use it for medicinal purposes, torture and other time methods, and it seemed a little weird. It didn't look like Soul Beast Encyclopedia, more like what he saw in his previous life What mountains and seas have passed.

   The sentence on the left is for improving eyesight, and the sentence on the right is fishy, ​​not eating more.

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