Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 135: Emperor Fighting God

Silves’ Arena of Souls, the center of which is the main fighting area.

Today is very lively here. Although the news came out just an hour ago, the emergence of a leapfrog challenge still attracted the curiosity of a large number of senior audiences, especially the target of this leapfrog challenge was the fierce battle team known for its brutality.

The place where the Great Fighting Soul Arena specializes in betting has already opened, and the spirit power levels of both sides are clear at a glance, and the opening odds are naturally very different.

Team Fierce God only pays one for one, but Team Huangdou pays one for fifteen.

of course. The Great Fighting Soul Arena will never suffer a loss. Needless to say, those who lose will naturally pay 10% of the handling fee in proportion to those who win. This is also an important reason why the Great Fighting Soul Arena often organizes some exciting soul fighting contests. The higher the rate, the greater the percentage they draw.

This has long been the main source of income for any Great Fighting Soul venue on the mainland, even higher than the tickets.

The betting is divided into two sides, the betting points of the evil spirit team are full of long lines, and the audience is afraid that they will not be able to bet before the start of the fight in time. And the betting point for the Wong Dou team is Men's Colosseum. No, there are a few people who look very vicious.

"Master Mengli said, put all the money on the Huangdou team, what's the situation? Isn't it suppressing your own evil spirit team?" a twenty-odd-level thin soul master whispered to his accomplices.

"How do I know? Boss Mengli gave me all his money, just do as he said, do you still want to ask the boss for yourself what is thinking?" The other fat soul master was not angry Replied.

After speaking, he walked to the sleepy staff and awakened him.

"I buy fifty thousand gold soul coins. Emperor Fighting Team."

"What did you say? How much do you buy?" The staff leaned forward and asked hurriedly.

The fat soul master frowned, "I said I buy fifty thousand gold soul coins, and the emperor battle team wins, can't it?"

The staff swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Although the Silves Great Arena is the only one in the Kingdom of Silves, the bet of up to fifty thousand soul coins was the first time I saw it.

Of course, these 50,000 gold coins were not his own. They also included the private money of all his teammates. After informing all his teammates and explaining the situation, they offered all the money, although they killed them. , But not a fool.

The premise of bloodthirsty is to be able to enjoy everything in the Great Arena of Souls, so they don’t mind crippling their opponents to death, but if it is just for this bloodthirsty, they will ruin their future life, even after the fight. You will lose your life, only a fool will do it.

That's why there is a scene where everyone entrusts their trusted brother to make bets and let the opponent win.

On the other side, the spectators who lined up to bet on Team Fierce God already made a lot of laughter, and they looked at the Fat Soul Master as if they were looking at an idiot.

Some spectators who paid more attention to the Ferocious Team suddenly changed their expressions, and then the thinking in their minds quickly moved. Just the two betting at the moment can think of many things.

In the next moment, they left the betting area of ​​Team Ferocious God and came to the betting area of ​​Team Emperor Dou, yelling: "I also want to bet..."

As time went by, the betting points outside the Silves Arena also stopped accepting bets. Today's most exciting group fighting spirit, also a leapfrog challenge, is about to begin.

Qin Ming sent the Emperor Fighting Nine to the entrance of the fighting spirit team on the side of the main fighting arena, and finally exhorted: "Remember. Your opponents are all ferocious people. You don't need to keep your hands. Use the strongest state to solve your opponents. Understand? If there is an unexpected change, immediately jump off the soul fighting platform, and would rather admit defeat than harm."

In the next moment, Qin Ming and Uran looked at each other, and the hidden meaning was self-evident.

Yu Tianheng nodded to Qin Ming and said, "Teacher, don't worry, we won't lose."

Under the leadership of the staff, a group of nine people took a big step towards the main fighting platform.

The center of the Silves Arena is the main Arena of Souls.

It's not as big as the civilians who can only watch the game in the sub-competition area. On the contrary, if they come here, they will think that this is another sub-area.

The area of ​​the main arena in the center is only slightly larger than the other sub-area. The most peculiar thing is that the main fighting arena in this center is extremely quiet.

Because there is no open-air bleacher around it, it is completely composed of closed boxes, and behind the crystal glass that can only see the scene from one side, there is a VIP audience with a deep background hidden.

Although the crystal glass window cannot see the inside from the outside, it shimmers under the dazzling golden lights of the main Arena of Souls in the center, and the Arena of Souls here is also extremely large. Because there is no open-air audience, the fighting The scope of the soul platform is as much as seventy meters in diameter.

There is no difference between the main Arena of the Great Arena of Souls and the Arena of the Great Arena of Souls in Silves, except that the scale is smaller, but the architectural styles of all surrounding areas are exactly the same. The field is a complete system.

Suddenly, the brightness of the golden light that was already very bright in the main Arena of Souls in the center increased again, and all the light was no longer scattered in all directions but concentrated towards the Arena of Souls, like a huge spotlight shining the gold. The beam of light fell from the sky, just shrouded in the entire soul fighting platform. Just from such a light-type Soul Guidance Device, you can see how rich the Arena of Souls is.

On both sides of the fighting platform, two doors opened silently at the same time, and the players from both sides entered the arena at the same time and walked towards the center of the fighting platform.

On the left is a line of long snakes, exuding a fierce spirit team.

On the right, it was Huangdou Team. Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Soul Master Yu Tianheng walked in the front of the team, and the lone geese habitually nestled beside him. Following the two are the Shi family brothers, then the black panther Oslo and the wind chime Yufeng, and the civet soul master Zhu Zhuqing. At the end. It was Ye Lingling, the soul master of Nine Hearts Begonia, and Uran, the soul master of Destruction Eye.

Perhaps it was because of the ferocity of their opponents, the handsome host had already flown into the air when they announced the entry of the two sides.

The nine members of the Huangdou team saw their opponents at a glance. Although the battle had not yet begun, the fierce aura of the opponents had already rushed toward them.

But among them, Uran narrowed his eyes, carefully observing the captain standing on the outermost side, sternly.

Although he was quite aura, Uran could feel that he did not have the fierce thoughts of tearing his opponent apart, and even his eyes were unexpectedly clear. Turning his head, it seemed that everyone was like this.

Uranium didn't know how many people there were in the Fierce Team and what they were thinking about now.

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