Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 140: Soto City

For the team members of Huangdou, this is a sleepless night.


   Early the next morning, before dawn, the group had quietly left Silves City, and continued towards their destination, Soto City.


   Huang Dou eight people's faces are still a little pale, especially Zhu Zhuqing and Ye Lingling, who are the most vomiting, one night is obviously not enough for them to fully recover.


  Although Qin Ming's enlightenment, killing a bad person is equivalent to saving countless good people. The bad people will not die, only more people will die. So, you are not killing people. But after the words of saving people, they can barely accept the facts.


After this kind of thought was injected, it really made the eight members of the Royal Fighting team easier to accept, and it was not so uncomfortable in my heart, but it is not easy to really adapt to this feeling of killing. It requires countless experiences. Sharpen.


In order to sympathize with the children, and Qin Ming was in a good mood because of Uran's affairs, he kept moving at a normal speed for the next few days. Huang Dou members gradually broke free from the fear of murder and were able to join the Huang Dou team. The original is a monster, as long as I figure it out, my heart will not be so uncomfortable.


   But relatively, everyone looked at Uranium with a weird look, including Zhu Zhuqing, who was the closest to Uranium in the past, as if with fear, as if he could not accept such cold-blooded and violent killings.


   In this regard, Uranium can only say that on the surface this incident has passed, but the actual situation is still unknown.


"Teacher, according to the map, we are going to Soto City, shall we go directly to the Great Fighting Soul Arena? Or find a hotel to rest first." Yu Tianheng asked Teacher Qin Ming while looking at the map. .


   Before Qin Ming could speak, Uran said to the side: "Mr. Qin, Zhu Zhuqing and I have acquaintances here. Can we stay for a few more days?"


   After finishing speaking, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes came over.


   Qin Ming looked at the two, and immediately understood.


   Zhu Zhuqing’s deceased, she came from the Star Luo Empire, what else can she have?


   But this kind of thing, if you see it through, don't tell it, there is no need to let the entire Emperor Dou know that it is just a private matter between them, and these children can solve it by themselves.


Thinking of this, Qin Ming smiled and nodded, and then said: "Yes, everyone has just experienced the battle in the Arena of Souls before, plus so many days on the road, it must be a bit tired. Everyone is in Soto City. Let's play for a few days."


Everyone in Huang Dou glanced at each other, and their faces were immediately beaming. God knows what kind of feeling the scenes come to mind every night, especially Ye Lingling, the blood splashed on her lips, but she didn't see this. Did she avoid Uranium for a few days?


   "Then three days, the time is limited to this time, we will start after the fight, no problem?" Qin Ming forgot the time, and asked Huang Dou a group of people.


   "No problem." Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing nodded.


   Yu Tianheng looked at other people, but didn't have any comments.


   After everyone stayed in place for a while, they set off again. The time was almost up, and it was time for Soto City today.


   The Kingdom of Barak, located in the south of the Tiandou Empire, borders the Kingdom of Silves in the north.


   is said to be a kingdom, but its area is already 5/4 the size of the Silves Kingdom. It belongs to the Tiandou Empire, one of the four kingdoms in the Tiandou Empire.


   To the south of the Barak Kingdom, it directly borders the Star Luo Empire. Therefore, among the four kingdoms of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Barak Kingdom has the most powerful military power, and it can also be said to be the gateway to the Heaven Dou Empire.


   There are two most important cities in the Barak Kingdom. One is Barak, the capital city where Barak King Kundera lives. This is the political and economic center of the entire Barak Kingdom, and it is the place where everyone from the Emperor Dou will go.


   The other city is located in the middle of the Lima Plain in the kingdom of Barak, known as Barak’s granary in the center of Soto City. This is the destination of Huangdou and his team.


   At this time, the night was approaching, and the setting sun, more than a dozen young people walked in from the north gate of Soto City, men and women, as if on an outing, without any luggage on them.


Yu Feng looked at the plaque on the city gate, and complained: "Finally, I have arrived in Soto City. There is no Tiandou City bustling here, and there is no interesting training. I don’t know where I can play. What is the teacher thinking."


   Yu Tianheng stood aside, calmly and solemnly, and glanced at Yufeng said: "If you don't want the teacher to arrange special treatment for you, otherwise you will be quiet."


   Yufeng was clever immediately, looking at Teacher Qin Ming who was walking in the forefront, a natural and upright expression appeared, not the slightest complaint just now.


   The group of people walked into Soto City and walked slowly toward the city. Although it was close to night, it was already full of prosperous scenes. The various soul lights were exposed, emitting bright light, dispelling the surrounding darkness.


   Huang Dou and his group looked at the surroundings. Although it was far from Tiandou City, this sight also fully demonstrated that Soto City is indeed a city of the main city level, with a wide variety of shops and a kind of downtown style.


"The hotel is right in front. You can move freely in these two days, wherever you want to go, but it must be clear that in the evening two days later, you must gather at the gate of the Soto Arena. Okay, disband!" Qin Ming After the teacher emphatically talked about some important points, he spoke to Huang Dou and others looked at each other and smiled helplessly.


   What else can be fun in this place? It's better to stay in a hotel together to practice.


   After all, everyone walked towards the hotel directly with Teacher Qin Ming.


At this moment, only Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing looked a little different. Zhu Zhuqing was because of Dai Mubai, while Uranium was because he was a little afraid of his existence and would have any butterfly effect. After all, because of his arrival. , Directly abducted Zhu Zhuqing to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. There was one less Shrek Seven Monsters. Is that still the Shrek Seven Monsters?


   So in this regard, he actually has some concerns.


   Checking in the hotel, checking in the room, everything seems so orderly.


   Everyone had no intention of going out to play, they went straight back to the room, sat cross-legged, and started practicing tonight.


The encounter with the Fierce God team deeply irritates these young men and girls under the age of twenty, facing such a powerful opponent, but Uranium is still standing up alone, although their ranks are different, but this This kind of fighting spirit is essentially for later tempering.


   Is it possible for future opponents to attack? Seeing that they are ordinary soul sects, will they send the same number of soul sects to kill them?


   "I still need to become stronger." Yu Tianheng didn't have the idea of ​​looking for Yanzi today. He was lying on the bed cross-legged, closed his eyes, and began to break through the fortieth level soul power.



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